Birthday Shout-Outs! (10/2011)

Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
October 2011

Welcome to the Birthday Club’s tenth post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin!

Thanks to the amazing generosity of EdenFantasys, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!

And if you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions because it allows me to store them and not worry about missing one of you. Also, if you don’t get your birthday to me before the shout-out gets posted for your month, you will not be mentioned in the post and are ineligible for the GC that month. But don’t worry! You’ll still be in my records when your birthday comes around again!

To make celebrating with our fellow Eden contributors more interesting and special, every month has its own characteristics and history so I’ll be sharing a little of that each time. It’s not going to be extensive information because that would take up entirely too much space and leave me with nothing to do next year. But it does add a little spice to every month of the year and, hey, you might learn a little something too!

If you LOVE Eden for giving you $25 gift card birthday presents and if you LOVE celebrating birthdays together as a community then Support the Birthday Club! I'm looking for a little community participation as I begin to plan and design the birthday format for 2012 (it’s closer than you think). Whoever provides the best/ most useful/ most inspiring Birthday Club idea for next year will be given 500 Edenpoints from me directly. That's an extra $5 for you to use on your next order - whether it's your birthday or not! The theme is – What would make you love the Birthday Club more? What would get you more involved? What else would you want to learn in the posts?

There will be one winner, they will be decided by me, their idea will be incorporated in the Birthday Club format for 2012 with creative licensing, and entries will need to be submitted to me by PM or email ONLY. If you choose to collaborate with other forum members, you will have to decide amongst yourselves how to split the GC because there will be only one.


“October is nature's funeral month. Nature glories in death more than in life. The month of departure is more beautiful than the month of coming - October than May. Every green thin loves to
die in bright colors.”
~ Henry Ward Beecher

Let’s wish these 24 contributors a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, all October babies!!!

1st – tim1724 & Lithaewyn

4th – Angelica

5th – LadyDarknezz

6th – ShadowKitten

7th – MontereyJak

12th – heathergaskins & Noira & daveysgirl & BeautifulDarkness

14th – padmeamidala

16th – Waterfall & meganthomas & AtlDom85

17th – awhirlwindlife & salaciousrex & meitman

20th – Armsjlove

21st – dawnkye

23rd – Fun Lover & unfulfilled

26th – Persephone Nightmare

28th – Toying Couple & Miss Debauchery


Birthstone – Opal
Zodiac Sign (September 23rd – October 22nd) – Libra


Under the ruling planet of Venus, this is the cardinal air sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the scales, which is also the only inanimate object of the zodiac. It represents in many cultures, over many centuries of time, weighing harvest of a season (the very sustainment of life) as well as the soul and actions of those who had passed. It’s this weighing back and forth that give Libras their best (and worst) feature. Yes, you can be somewhat indecisive. But you can also be quite the mediator and compromiser. You are often a diplomat, seeing things from multiple angles and not solely focused on your own. Just make sure to remember to make a decision and to execute it, ok?

You are also quite the romantic heart with special charm. You love love, don’t you? In fact, you may bring out a bit of the jealous streak in your partner because you can occasionally be too flirty or self-indulgent. But if you pair right and your partner knows you well, then you both know that you make too strong of a bond with your partner to be that flighty.

Your main colors are pink, blue, and lavendar. The physical body parts that correspond to your sign (yes, the zodiac has body parts too) are the lower back and kidneys. These may be areas of importance to you or areas you experience chronic issues with. Your flowers are rose, pansy, foxglove, daisy, and hydrangea. Some famous Libras include Barbara Walters, Jesse Jackson, Christopher Reeves, William Faulkner, Luciano Pavarotti, Carrie Fisher, Dwight Eisenhower, Margaret Thacher, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

If you’re at the tail end of the month and don’t fall under this sign, no frets! We can’t do repeats for every month so your sign will be next month with November. But also keep in mind, for anyone who has even an inkling of interest in astrology, that the closer you are to another sign in birthday, the more characteristics you share with them.

This Month in History:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Founded in 1985, the first step of the partnership between the American Cancer Society and Imperial Chemical Industries (the pharmaceutical division of which manufactured multiple breast cancer treatment drugs) was to promote the mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer.

October 2 – International Day of Non-Violence – This day was chosen to mark an international celebration of non-violence because it is Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. According to General Assembly resolution of June 15th 2007 this day is an occasion to "disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness".

October 31 – Halloween (also known as All Hallows’ Eve) is said to have originated as an ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. They celebrated their new year on November 1 and marked the festival with dances and costumes to ward off ghosts and evil spirits. It was later (609 A.D.) adopted by the Catholic church as a Christian holiday to come before the November 1st created holiday called All Saints Day and October 31 became All Martyrs Day. It gets really complicated but basically a lot of cultures and religions had its hand on this holiday which is, ultimately, a securely holiday was costumes, candy, and friendly scares.

October 1, 1908 – The Model T by Henry Ford went on sale.

October 1, 1949 – The People’s Republic of China was founded with Mao Zedong as Chairman.

October 3, 1863 – President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation designating the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.

October 3, 1929 – Yugoslavia became the official name of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

October 3, 1990 – After 45 years of Cold War division, East and West Germany were reunited as the Federal Republic of Germany.

October 4, 1830 – Belgium gained its independence, after having been a part of the Netherlands since 1815.
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Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Phew! I actually had to CUT DOWN on my post!
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Contributor: Lily Night Lily Night
Happy Birthday to everyone!! I hope you have a great one!
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Aww, thanks so much everyone! I love this community so much and just can't seem to get enough of EF! You guys rule and thanks for wishing us Libras a happy birthday! PARTY TIME!
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Happy Birthday to all!
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
Happy Birthday all!
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
Happy birthday to all!
My significant other was born in October as well, so I sort of feel special sympathy for all the "October babies" here! ^___^
Contributor: mandiegk mandiegk
Happy Birthday Everyone! I can't believe it is October already.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Happy Happy Lilyday, Happy Happy Lilyday...oh wait wrong thread.

Contributor: Beck Beck
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Happy Burt Day to all the Halloween Babies.

Here's a Halloween Grave Yard Cake for y'all.

Here's an other Autumn cake

I made them.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
Happy Birthday to everyone born in October!

Darling Jen- I'll try to think of some ideas
Contributor: Elaira Elaira

It's funny that a huge number of my friends were born in October (and March).
Contributor: Angelica Angelica
Originally posted by P'Gell
Happy Burt Day to all the Halloween Babies.

Here's a Halloween Grave Yard Cake for y'all.

Here's an other Autumn cake

I made them. ... more
that graveyard cake is so cute!! I might have to usurp that idea for my birthday cake.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Darling Jen
October 2011

Welcome to the Birthday Club’s tenth post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and ... more
I turn 39 in 2 weeks! Yikes! Starting to push 40. I love having an October birthday. Happy birthday to all the other October babies out there.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by P'Gell
Happy Burt Day to all the Halloween Babies.

Here's a Halloween Grave Yard Cake for y'all.

Here's an other Autumn cake

I made them. ... more
Very cool! I love it.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Ansley
Happy Happy Lilyday, Happy Happy Lilyday...oh wait wrong thread.

Ahahahahahahahahaha, oh Marshmellow!!

Um, I mean...

Happy birthday October babies!!!
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Ansley
Happy Happy Lilyday, Happy Happy Lilyday...oh wait wrong thread.

OOPS! I barely noticed that there are, indeed, some Scorpios on this month list too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN, ya'll!

Also, DarlingJen, I'll try and rack my brain a bit to see what I can think of for this club.
Contributor: The Giveaway Diva The Giveaway Diva
Happy birthday goes out to all the amazing october babies!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Happy birthday to my fellow October birthdays! I'm going to hit the big 30, and I can't wait. I've had an amazing life thus far and I believce it can only get better. Happy Birthday Everyone!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Oh, and thanks for posting the astrology info. I consider myself a libra/scorpio since mines the 23rd. I have characteristics of both.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Happy Brithday October babies .
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Awww thank you everyone who volunteered to brainstorm for me. I'm so glad so many people are still enjoying reading my posts. I actually had to cut out some dates from the post to fit everything in too!

Everyone have an awesome October!!!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Happy October Birthday!
Contributor: Beck Beck
I just emailed you some of my ideas!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Beck
I just emailed you some of my ideas!
AWESOME! Go you!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
So who celebrates their birthday in a Halloween theme (whether it's at the end of the month or not)? Or who will this year?
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
My B-day is the 16th, so it's a little early for the Halloween thing.