August 2011
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s eighth post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin!
Thanks to the amazing generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
And if you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions because it allows me to store them and not worry about missing one of you. Also, if you don’t get your birthday to me before the shout-out gets posted for your month, you will not be mentioned in the post and are ineligible for the GC that month. But don’t worry! You’ll still be in my records when your birthday comes around again!
To make celebrating with our fellow Eden contributors more interesting and special, every month has its own characteristics and history so I’ll be sharing a little of that each time. It’s not going to be extensive information because that would take up entirely too much space and leave me with nothing to do next year. But it does add a little spice to every month of the year and, hey, you might learn a little something too!
And a new note now that there’s only a few months left of 2011 (*gasp*)! Next year, the format is going to be a little bit different than this year. I just have to keep things interesting and keep it from getting boring! And NOW is your chance to PM me with any of your ideas or inspirations for what to change for next year. Not that it’s a contest or anything… yet…
"Press close, bare-bosomed Night!
Press close, magnetic, nourishing Night!
Night of south winds! Night of the large, few stars!
Still, nodding Night! Mad, naked, Summer Night!”
~Walt Whitman
So while we enjoy the last of summer (Northern Hemisphere) and get ready for school, let’s wish these 38 contributors a happy birthday, the most populated month so far!
Happy Birthday, all August babies!!!
1st – Miss T
2nd – Brandi Rouxxx & vampire sexy moma
3rd – Rckt56 & mandiegk & Seth912
4th – Lilitu
5th – Red
6th – NuMe
7th – ~LaUr3n~ & Goth & darthkitt3n & Lady Godiva
8th – dlw
9th – Middy
11th – potstickers
12th – Valyn & BrianBoy
13th – sloppy donkey
14th – G.L. Morrison & Silvi
15th – moonlightlove
16th – Pussy Galore & Karakaten & Ansley
18th – YoungSpunkyLove
21st – Mojoe821
22nd – Alyjazz & Stephaniexxx
23rd – Vaccineum
25th – Shumway & krisvida & angelkisses
27th – jentyree
29th – KittKatt & Ivy Wilde & hotlez
31st – DeliciousSurprise
Birthstone – Ruby
Zodiac Sign (July 23rd – August 22nd) – Leo
Under the ruling planet of the sun (yeah, this one isn’t really a planet either), this is a fixed fire sign, symbolized by the lion. And you Leos have certainly earned your sun symbol because you sure can roar. You are a show-stopper, a creative outlet, and enthusiastic to boot! What else? You’re the most dominant extrovert of the zodiac!
And as the lion is said to be, you have the demeanor of the king of the jungle. You are magnanimous in heart, spontaneous in spirit, and grand in style. Not that you need any boost to your ego, Leo, but you really are quite ambitious, brave, confident, and a natural born leader that thrives in the spotlight. You don’t get to have too complicated a personality and prefer to be upfront and real rather than mysterious and conflicting. You thrive on adversity and can be incredibly generous to those you love.
But as grandiose as your virtues are, so are your faults. So you must check yourself, Leo, whenever you feel the pull to start using your royalty-like facets of personality for harm rather than good. You are prone to arrogance, pride, and a volatile temper. And that kingly/queenly attitude I spoke of earlier? Yup, you can also get quite pompous and bossy when you get downright fed up and your ability to compromise goes down the drain. So just remember your “Robin Hood” be and a King Richard and not a Prince John!
Your main colors are golden yellow and orange. The physical body parts that correspond to your sign (yes, the zodiac has body parts too) are the spine, back, and heart. These may be areas of importance to you or areas you experience chronic issues with. Your flowers are the sunflower, chamomile, marigold, and celandine. Some famous Leos include Karl Jung, Napoleon, Sally Struthers, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Queen Elizabeth, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Clinton, Roman Polanski, and Robert De Niro.
If you’re at the tail end of the month and don’t fall under this sign, no frets! We can’t do repeats for every month so your sign will be next month with September. But also keep in mind, for anyone who has even an inkling of interest in astrology, that the closer you are to another sign in birthday, the more characteristics you share with them.
This Month in History:
August 7th – World Friendship Day (United States) – Declared in 1935 by U.S. Congress, the first Sunday of August is celebrated as Friendship Day and has adopted by many other countries around the world. It’s marked by cards, special greetings, get-togethers, and exchanges and love and gratefulness to not only your friends but to bridge the gap between long-lost ones.
August 1, 1779 – Francis Scott Key, the author of the poem Star Bangled Banner (the United States’ national anthem), was born in Frederick County, Maryland.
August 1, 1838 – Slavery was abolished in Jamaica, which was originally introduced by Spanish settlers in 1509.
August 3, 1492 – Christopher Columbus set out from Palos, Spain with three ships seeking a westernly route to the countries of the Far East. Instead, he landed in the Bahamas.
August 4, 1912 – Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was born in Stockholm. During the Holocaust, he is credited with having saved an estimated 33,000 Jews through his issuing thousands of protective documents, securing the release of many from deportation trains, death march convoys, labor service brigades, and establishing the International Ghetto. He was later detained by Soviet agents in 1945 and is believed to have died in custody in 1947.
August 4, 1962 – Nelson Mandela, a prominent apartheid opponent, was arrested in South Africa. He was tried and sentenced to five years in prison but was subsequently sentenced in 1964 for life for high treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government. He wasn’t freed until 1990, at the age of 71, after 27 years in prison after almost a decade of worldwide protests on his behalf. And in 1994 he was voted in by first-time freed black citizens as the president of South Africa.
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s eighth post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin!
Thanks to the amazing generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
And if you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions because it allows me to store them and not worry about missing one of you. Also, if you don’t get your birthday to me before the shout-out gets posted for your month, you will not be mentioned in the post and are ineligible for the GC that month. But don’t worry! You’ll still be in my records when your birthday comes around again!
To make celebrating with our fellow Eden contributors more interesting and special, every month has its own characteristics and history so I’ll be sharing a little of that each time. It’s not going to be extensive information because that would take up entirely too much space and leave me with nothing to do next year. But it does add a little spice to every month of the year and, hey, you might learn a little something too!
And a new note now that there’s only a few months left of 2011 (*gasp*)! Next year, the format is going to be a little bit different than this year. I just have to keep things interesting and keep it from getting boring! And NOW is your chance to PM me with any of your ideas or inspirations for what to change for next year. Not that it’s a contest or anything… yet…
"Press close, bare-bosomed Night!
Press close, magnetic, nourishing Night!
Night of south winds! Night of the large, few stars!
Still, nodding Night! Mad, naked, Summer Night!”
~Walt Whitman
So while we enjoy the last of summer (Northern Hemisphere) and get ready for school, let’s wish these 38 contributors a happy birthday, the most populated month so far!
Happy Birthday, all August babies!!!
1st – Miss T
2nd – Brandi Rouxxx & vampire sexy moma
3rd – Rckt56 & mandiegk & Seth912
4th – Lilitu
5th – Red
6th – NuMe
7th – ~LaUr3n~ & Goth & darthkitt3n & Lady Godiva
8th – dlw
9th – Middy
11th – potstickers
12th – Valyn & BrianBoy
13th – sloppy donkey
14th – G.L. Morrison & Silvi
15th – moonlightlove
16th – Pussy Galore & Karakaten & Ansley
18th – YoungSpunkyLove
21st – Mojoe821
22nd – Alyjazz & Stephaniexxx
23rd – Vaccineum
25th – Shumway & krisvida & angelkisses
27th – jentyree
29th – KittKatt & Ivy Wilde & hotlez
31st – DeliciousSurprise
Birthstone – Ruby
Zodiac Sign (July 23rd – August 22nd) – Leo

Under the ruling planet of the sun (yeah, this one isn’t really a planet either), this is a fixed fire sign, symbolized by the lion. And you Leos have certainly earned your sun symbol because you sure can roar. You are a show-stopper, a creative outlet, and enthusiastic to boot! What else? You’re the most dominant extrovert of the zodiac!
And as the lion is said to be, you have the demeanor of the king of the jungle. You are magnanimous in heart, spontaneous in spirit, and grand in style. Not that you need any boost to your ego, Leo, but you really are quite ambitious, brave, confident, and a natural born leader that thrives in the spotlight. You don’t get to have too complicated a personality and prefer to be upfront and real rather than mysterious and conflicting. You thrive on adversity and can be incredibly generous to those you love.
But as grandiose as your virtues are, so are your faults. So you must check yourself, Leo, whenever you feel the pull to start using your royalty-like facets of personality for harm rather than good. You are prone to arrogance, pride, and a volatile temper. And that kingly/queenly attitude I spoke of earlier? Yup, you can also get quite pompous and bossy when you get downright fed up and your ability to compromise goes down the drain. So just remember your “Robin Hood” be and a King Richard and not a Prince John!
Your main colors are golden yellow and orange. The physical body parts that correspond to your sign (yes, the zodiac has body parts too) are the spine, back, and heart. These may be areas of importance to you or areas you experience chronic issues with. Your flowers are the sunflower, chamomile, marigold, and celandine. Some famous Leos include Karl Jung, Napoleon, Sally Struthers, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Queen Elizabeth, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Clinton, Roman Polanski, and Robert De Niro.
If you’re at the tail end of the month and don’t fall under this sign, no frets! We can’t do repeats for every month so your sign will be next month with September. But also keep in mind, for anyone who has even an inkling of interest in astrology, that the closer you are to another sign in birthday, the more characteristics you share with them.
This Month in History:
August 7th – World Friendship Day (United States) – Declared in 1935 by U.S. Congress, the first Sunday of August is celebrated as Friendship Day and has adopted by many other countries around the world. It’s marked by cards, special greetings, get-togethers, and exchanges and love and gratefulness to not only your friends but to bridge the gap between long-lost ones.
August 1, 1779 – Francis Scott Key, the author of the poem Star Bangled Banner (the United States’ national anthem), was born in Frederick County, Maryland.
August 1, 1838 – Slavery was abolished in Jamaica, which was originally introduced by Spanish settlers in 1509.
August 3, 1492 – Christopher Columbus set out from Palos, Spain with three ships seeking a westernly route to the countries of the Far East. Instead, he landed in the Bahamas.
August 4, 1912 – Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was born in Stockholm. During the Holocaust, he is credited with having saved an estimated 33,000 Jews through his issuing thousands of protective documents, securing the release of many from deportation trains, death march convoys, labor service brigades, and establishing the International Ghetto. He was later detained by Soviet agents in 1945 and is believed to have died in custody in 1947.
August 4, 1962 – Nelson Mandela, a prominent apartheid opponent, was arrested in South Africa. He was tried and sentenced to five years in prison but was subsequently sentenced in 1964 for life for high treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government. He wasn’t freed until 1990, at the age of 71, after 27 years in prison after almost a decade of worldwide protests on his behalf. And in 1994 he was voted in by first-time freed black citizens as the president of South Africa.