Birthday Shout-Outs! (04/2012)

Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
April 2012

Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, fourth post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!

If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions.

Zodiac Sign – Aries

Last year we went over some zodiac basics (April 2011) so this year we’ll touch on of all our favorite topics – love and sex!

Aries, you are lovers that excel the best when it comes to spontaneous, unrestricted sex. You can make your lovers melt when they give themselves to you openly, innocently, purely. You may have a habit of looking for trouble in love and you’re addicted to the conquest, the chase, but you know how to love fully when the time is right. Your heads are one of your favorite erogenous zones; you love it when a lover messes with your hair or grabs your face during love-making. You may be a little more aggressive and fast-paced but you are at least enthusiastic and sincere in your sexual expression. Just try not to be so selfish in bed and learn to slow down! If you can do that then, baby, you got it!

Sexually, there are quite a few signs with the highest level of compatibility with Aries. But that alone doesn’t necessarily lead to the best relationships. If you’re looking for signs that can deliver it all for Aries lovers (relationship, sex, and communication), they’d be Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius.


”April, dear April, I beg you come soon –
And bring your sweet primroses too.
Let them join in with the daffodils’ play,
As skies offer sunshine anew.”
~Mark Slaughter

Let’s wish these 58 contributors a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, all April babies!!!

1st – lexical

4th – Annemarie & athenaa & LavenderSkies

5th – Officer Oddy & Littlerandomone

6th – Rayne Millaray & calliope

7th – leatherlover & Anastasia Beaverhousen & MommysLiLDevils143

8th – scarletta & deltalima

9th – Drifter86 & Lock & Prime & Kilgorescowboy

10th – beautifulpierced & Caus

11th – Glamour Nana

13th – DJBounder & xGOLDx & HugsAndBites & Jon S & coconut1

14th – SGCris & oldman

15th – Wide Awake Daydream

16th – Undead & ghalik

17th – Carolinagirl08

18th – MissMasochist & Miss Zombie & MissMandii & Miss Zombie & jlingerie

19th – stewtanner

20th – mllebeauty & monalittle1 & ExquisiteSensations & Angel Baby

21st – Terri & biancajames & biancajames

22nd – lacybutton & DynamicKitty & AshieLizz

23rd – Eva Schwaltz

24th – Eden C.

25th – PiratePrincess

26th – lizz84 & tA & Stinkytofu10

28th – Sbear89 & Badass

29th – SeductivelyCute

30th – voenne & Curiouscat


April’s Topic: Another new area is our monthly show & tell, or discussion, topic! This month, let’s go back to some birthday basics! What is the most memorable, important, or touching birthday present you have ever given or received? Why was it? Share!
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Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Happy Birthday April babies!
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Happy Birthday April lovelies~!
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Happy Birthday April babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
I think the most memorable present I have ever received was the first ring that I got from my daughters..It was a small gold ring with 2 hearts entwined.
Contributor: blacklodge blacklodge
Yay, April babies! I think my most memorable birthday present was a ring my mother bought me for my 16th. She was so proud of herself for finding it because she thought I would love it. She even showed all of my best friends the ring weeks before my birthday, she was that excited. 2 years later, I was at my boyfriends house in the pool/hot tub. I took my ring off and put it on the railing, but it fell off and went under the porch. I cried for days. I wish I could've found it. I searched for hours. It still makes me tear up when I think about it. It's not about the ring, it's about how proud and excited my mom was about it. Bums me out, man.

Anyways! Happy Birthday to all of us!
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
Contributor: lexical lexical
It's my birthday today! Woohoo! Thanks for the birthday wishes and happy birthday to all of the rest of you April babies!
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
TO ALL YOU APRIL EDENITES: May all your special days be full of fun and joy.
Contributor: romstomp romstomp
Happy Birthday Everyone, best wishes to you all.
Contributor: Littlerandomone Littlerandomone
Originally posted by Darling Jen
April 2012Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, fourth post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the ... more
Aw, I missed it by an hour or so. Just learned about the birthday club yesterday. My birthday is on Thursday! Happy April birthday to everyone else!
Hopefully I'll get it next year!
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by Darling Jen
April 2012Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, fourth post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the ... more
Aw yay! I'm actually Taurus, just barely...3 weeks overdue! It's hard to pick just one favorite birthday experience, will need to think!
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Happy birthday everyone!
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
Happy Birthday fellow April babies! Mine is the 27th.
Contributor: asphyxia asphyxia
Happy birthday to everyone!

Right now, the only thing I can think of is that I was my mom's birthday present. She got to suffer through labor and childbirth for her birthday. I was born on her birthday (in November).
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by blacklodge
Yay, April babies! I think my most memorable birthday present was a ring my mother bought me for my 16th. She was so proud of herself for finding it because she thought I would love it. She even showed all of my best friends the ring weeks before my ... more
Awwwww!!! It makes me wish I could help you look for it, even though it sounds like it was many years ago!

My most memorable birthday gift:

Anyone who has been following my threads for a while knows my birthday is the 11th of September. And it sucked for the world in general but my day was particularly crappy. My dad's in the military and he went into "lock-down" for security reasons and I didn't get to see him for what felt like forever (it was really just a few days). And then I had this sinking feeling in my stomach that he'd be deploying to war. And dealing with the thought of my father possibly not coming home... and doubled with this weird survivor's guilt I had from celebrating my birthday just prior to finding out that hundreds of people died made it hard to wake up in the morning.

But the following year, 2002, on September 11th, I was having dinner with my family to celebrate my birthday. My father was not there. He was fighting a war in some undisclosed location. My present from my parents was my first cell phone. I opened up the box to find that it already had a charge, was already activated, and even had a voicemail waiting for me.

It was from my dad, wishing me a happy birthday and telling me he loves me. I sobbed right there in the restaurant.

Most definitely my most memorable birthday present.
Contributor: Beck Beck

I see some names up there who will be getting gifts from me
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Happy Birthday, April babies! *throws confetti all around*

My boyfriend and I just moved into our new apartment yesterday, so it's like a birthday for our relationship kinda! XD
Contributor: Lock Lock
Heeey, happy birthday everyone! Look at all of us April babies. Go springtime!
Contributor: Curiouscat Curiouscat
Yay my b-day month! I'm actually a Taurus though, not an Aries.

Happy birthday everyone! Have a mice day, best fishes!
Contributor: Badass Badass
Happy Birthday to all the April Babies!!
Contributor: Caus Caus
Contributor: SeductivelyCute SeductivelyCute
Happy Bithday Fellow April babies!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Happy birthday April babies!
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!!!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Happy Birthday everyone!!!
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
I think the most important birthday present I've ever received is... well, tbh I'm not big on presents but I do spend time with my family each year and we eat pie and nerd out over things. It's really fun.

This year, though, I'm gifting myself a few months with my boo. :3 It's nice.

Also, happy birthday y'all!
Contributor: Miss Zombie Miss Zombie
I am amused at how many people with "Miss" in their name share the 18th with me!

I am so awesome I am on there twice!

Happy Birthday April babies! <3
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by Darling Jen
April 2012Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, fourth post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the ... more
Happy birthday guys!

I think the most important was a card from someone I hadn't seen in a long time.

Contributor: calliope calliope
Yay it's my birthday.