March 2012
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, third post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions. I will need your username and the month and day, please!
Zodiac Sign – Pisces

Last year we went over some zodiac basics (March 2011) so this year we’ll touch on of all our favorite topics – love and sex!
You Pisces are careful, subtle, deliberate lovers. You are open to all avenues of sexual exploration while still having the care to take things slowly, gently, calmly. You are forgiving, willing to compromise and care quite a bit about the details of pleasure, both receiving AND giving. And though you do have the inclination towards being a romantic gushy one, you are also quite a bit of a chameleon and all of you don’t necessarily share the same style. You are unique and change with your mood or stars. But considering your favorite form of love is the nonverbal kind, you excel at action when it comes to showing your partner how you feel. Don’t let yourself get too shy or submissive though because you know how maddening that can be to a lover that just wants to gobble you up!
Sexually, there are quite a few signs with the highest compatibility with Pisces. But that alone doesn’t necessarily lead to the best relationships. If you’re looking for signs that can deliver it all for Pisces lovers (relationship, sex, and communication), they’d be Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens
Let’s wish these 39 contributors a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, all March babies!!!
1st – Laurel & Piña Colada
2nd – duff & Sponchy
3rd – MelSC & Ajvil & leelee & grrrl
6th – sweetlush
7th – VioletMoonstone
9th – ToyTimeTim & Lummox & wrmbreze & mpfm & PeppermintFuntimes
10th – Kate
11th – JustYourAverageGuy & IdyllWyld & Cd24 & Ryuson
13th – Lily Night & oopsy & damnbul12
14th – thebedroomblogger & Splendwhore
17th – Elias McLovin
18th – OhDarlin
21st – enchantedkitty
22nd – Lucidity
23rd – Kaltir & AHubbyof2SexualMidns & Dominekoyasha
24th – Natural Woman & Mwar
25th – GS500
27th – Kim!
28th – aliceinthehole
29th – LivingandLoving
30th – Twisted Finger
March’s Topic: Another new area is our monthly show & tell, or discussion, topic! We all come to party and celebrate birthdays, but how shall we break the ice?
This month, I thought we’d talk about spring! Why? Because it’s almost here! What do you think of when you think of spring? Is it your favorite season? Is it your least favorite? Do you love school ending, winter coming to a close? Do you hate the bugs starting to breed like crazy, the pollen that covers your car? Do you think people really have more sex in spring? Share!
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, third post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions. I will need your username and the month and day, please!
Zodiac Sign – Pisces

Last year we went over some zodiac basics (March 2011) so this year we’ll touch on of all our favorite topics – love and sex!
You Pisces are careful, subtle, deliberate lovers. You are open to all avenues of sexual exploration while still having the care to take things slowly, gently, calmly. You are forgiving, willing to compromise and care quite a bit about the details of pleasure, both receiving AND giving. And though you do have the inclination towards being a romantic gushy one, you are also quite a bit of a chameleon and all of you don’t necessarily share the same style. You are unique and change with your mood or stars. But considering your favorite form of love is the nonverbal kind, you excel at action when it comes to showing your partner how you feel. Don’t let yourself get too shy or submissive though because you know how maddening that can be to a lover that just wants to gobble you up!
Sexually, there are quite a few signs with the highest compatibility with Pisces. But that alone doesn’t necessarily lead to the best relationships. If you’re looking for signs that can deliver it all for Pisces lovers (relationship, sex, and communication), they’d be Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens
Let’s wish these 39 contributors a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, all March babies!!!
1st – Laurel & Piña Colada
2nd – duff & Sponchy
3rd – MelSC & Ajvil & leelee & grrrl
6th – sweetlush
7th – VioletMoonstone
9th – ToyTimeTim & Lummox & wrmbreze & mpfm & PeppermintFuntimes
10th – Kate
11th – JustYourAverageGuy & IdyllWyld & Cd24 & Ryuson
13th – Lily Night & oopsy & damnbul12
14th – thebedroomblogger & Splendwhore
17th – Elias McLovin
18th – OhDarlin
21st – enchantedkitty
22nd – Lucidity
23rd – Kaltir & AHubbyof2SexualMidns & Dominekoyasha
24th – Natural Woman & Mwar
25th – GS500
27th – Kim!
28th – aliceinthehole
29th – LivingandLoving
30th – Twisted Finger
March’s Topic: Another new area is our monthly show & tell, or discussion, topic! We all come to party and celebrate birthdays, but how shall we break the ice?
This month, I thought we’d talk about spring! Why? Because it’s almost here! What do you think of when you think of spring? Is it your favorite season? Is it your least favorite? Do you love school ending, winter coming to a close? Do you hate the bugs starting to breed like crazy, the pollen that covers your car? Do you think people really have more sex in spring? Share!