January 2012
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, first post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions.
I know I’m late with this month’s post but I had been working two jobs at work, been assigned to go on a business trip, went on vacation, etc. Basically – insanity. So to make up for it, I even added the people who were late getting their January birthdays to me to this post. So happy birthday and New Year!
Zodiac Sign – Capricorn
Last year we went over some zodiac basics (January 2011) so this year we’ll touch on of all our favorite topics – love and sex!
Capricorns aren’t the most passionate of lovers and they aren’t the most likely to feel deeply and helplessly in love either. They are emotionally controlled and attracted specifically to partners that they feel contribute in some way to their wellbeing, the home, or society. In fact, some would be lead to believe that Capricorns choose spouses simply for money. But it’s less about wealth and more about security. As partners, they are loyal and reliable but have high expectations of their significant other(s) as well. Capricorns like sex that is straight forward and experienced. Sloppy and shy isn’t going to do it for them. They are likely to be attracted to older, strong-willed partners and seek discretion in the details of what goes on behind closed doors.
Sexually, there are quite a few signs with the highest compatibility with Capricorns. But that doesn’t necessarily lead to the best relationships. If you’re looking for signs that can do it all for Capricorns, they’d be are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, and other Capricorns.
"January is here, with eyes that keenly glow,
A frost-mailed warrior,
striding a shadowy steed of snow."
~Edgar Fawcett
Let’s wish these 26 contributors a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, all January babies!!!
2nd – Dusk & Spaceman
3rd – SiNn
4th – Pandahb
5th – SweetSurprise
6th – Liz6
8th – Joycec
9th – StarbucksAddict
14th – Mell & Rarity
15th – Sam (aka Jul!a)
16th – Bishop
17th – Subbi
18th – SexyySarah & Morganna
19th – tripod
21st – catgirl19
22nd – Claire de Cerises & Teacookie
23rd – JessCee
25th – teachmetouchme
26th – Leviathan & rom323
27th – P’Gell
29th – Kayla (aka Mistress Kay) & Airekah
30th – Eeyore
January’s Topic: Another new area is our monthly show & tell, or discussion, topic! We all come to party and celebrate birthdays but how shall we break the ice?
This month, I’d love to hear about everyone’s New Year’s resolutions or perhaps something they’re doing different this year than the last. What does 2012 mean to you? What will YOU make of it? If you’re not one to really observe New Years, then how about what your birthday wish was? SHARE!
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second year, first post! Once a month is a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions.
I know I’m late with this month’s post but I had been working two jobs at work, been assigned to go on a business trip, went on vacation, etc. Basically – insanity. So to make up for it, I even added the people who were late getting their January birthdays to me to this post. So happy birthday and New Year!
Zodiac Sign – Capricorn

Last year we went over some zodiac basics (January 2011) so this year we’ll touch on of all our favorite topics – love and sex!
Capricorns aren’t the most passionate of lovers and they aren’t the most likely to feel deeply and helplessly in love either. They are emotionally controlled and attracted specifically to partners that they feel contribute in some way to their wellbeing, the home, or society. In fact, some would be lead to believe that Capricorns choose spouses simply for money. But it’s less about wealth and more about security. As partners, they are loyal and reliable but have high expectations of their significant other(s) as well. Capricorns like sex that is straight forward and experienced. Sloppy and shy isn’t going to do it for them. They are likely to be attracted to older, strong-willed partners and seek discretion in the details of what goes on behind closed doors.
Sexually, there are quite a few signs with the highest compatibility with Capricorns. But that doesn’t necessarily lead to the best relationships. If you’re looking for signs that can do it all for Capricorns, they’d be are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, and other Capricorns.
"January is here, with eyes that keenly glow,
A frost-mailed warrior,
striding a shadowy steed of snow."
~Edgar Fawcett
Let’s wish these 26 contributors a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, all January babies!!!
2nd – Dusk & Spaceman
3rd – SiNn
4th – Pandahb
5th – SweetSurprise
6th – Liz6
8th – Joycec
9th – StarbucksAddict
14th – Mell & Rarity
15th – Sam (aka Jul!a)
16th – Bishop
17th – Subbi
18th – SexyySarah & Morganna
19th – tripod
21st – catgirl19
22nd – Claire de Cerises & Teacookie
23rd – JessCee
25th – teachmetouchme
26th – Leviathan & rom323
27th – P’Gell
29th – Kayla (aka Mistress Kay) & Airekah
30th – Eeyore
January’s Topic: Another new area is our monthly show & tell, or discussion, topic! We all come to party and celebrate birthdays but how shall we break the ice?
This month, I’d love to hear about everyone’s New Year’s resolutions or perhaps something they’re doing different this year than the last. What does 2012 mean to you? What will YOU make of it? If you’re not one to really observe New Years, then how about what your birthday wish was? SHARE!