November 2011
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s eleventh post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff and contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions. Also, if you don’t get your birthday to me before the shout-out gets posted for your month, you will not be mentioned in the post and are ineligible for the GC that month. But don’t worry! You’ll still be in my records when your birthday comes around again!
To make celebrating with our fellow Eden contributors more interesting and special, every month has its own characteristics and history so I’ll be sharing a little of that each time. It’s not going to be extensive information because that would take up entirely too much space and leave me with nothing to do next year. But it does add a little spice to every month of the year and, hey, you might learn a little something too!
If you LOVE Eden for giving you $25 gift card birthday presents and if you LOVE celebrating birthdays together as a community then Support the Birthday Club! I'm looking for a little community participation as I begin to plan and design the birthday format for 2012 (it’s closer than you think). Whoever provides the best/ most useful/ most inspiring Birthday Club idea for next year will be given 500 Edenpoints from me directly. That's an extra $5 for you to use on your next order - whether it's your birthday or not! What would make you love the Birthday Club more? What would get you more involved? What else would you want to learn in the posts?
There will be only one winner, they will be decided by me, their idea will be incorporated in the Birthday Club format for 2012 with creative licensing, and entries will need to be submitted to me by PM or email ONLY.
”Over the river and through the woods,
Trot fast my dapple gray.
Spring over the ground,
Like a hunting hound,
On this Thanksgiving Day, hey!
Over the river and through the woods,
Now Grandmother’s face I spy.
Hurrah for the fun,
Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!”
~ English folksong
Let’s wish these 18 contributors a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, all November babies!!!
3rd – DeliciousDrip
4th – Eliza
6th – Menarae
8th – AngeldeSanguine
9th – Peggi
10th – Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
11th – TitsMcScandal & chaingangoflove
14th – VictoriaRose & goodeatz
16th – ladyonyx2u
18th – Miss Madeline
19th – Shellz31
20th – HouseWench & sarki & indiglo
24th – *Ashley*
30th – MegaMeggs
Birthstone – Topaz
Zodiac Sign (October 23rd – November 21st) – Scorpio
Under the ruling planet of Pluto, this is a water sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scorpio. Confused why the Scorpio is a water sign? I agree. But know what Scorpios? You are so intense and exciting that I don’t even care! You are the most profound, powerful, and forceful character of the zodiac! Even when you’re sitting still, appearing calm and collected, you’re a raging whirlwind of activity, thought, and emotion underneath. And only the perception will be able to pick up on your harnessed, reigned-in aggression and passion. Though you can be emotional, jealous, and secretive you can also be determined, intuitive, and downright magnetic. You know yourself well and are driven by what you feel is your calling. You are moved by your feelings and have strong convictions. But you’re also quick to detect insult or injury and are easily offended. But catch yourself, quick, before you set out to make a lifelong enemy of someone who need not be! If you can harness that potential energy for constructive uses, you can certainly succeed at whatever you set out to.
Your main colors are russet, red, and maroon. The physical body parts that correspond to your sign (yes, the zodiac has body parts too) are the genitals and bladder. These may be areas of importance to you or areas you experience chronic issues with. Your flowers are heather, thistle, geranium, and chrysanthemum. Some famous Scorpios include Theodore Roosevelt, Emily Post, Pablo Picasso, Hilary Clinton, John Cleese, Bill Gates, Marie Antoinette, Grace Kelly, and Indira Gandhi.
If you’re at the tail end of the month and don’t fall under this sign, no frets! We can’t do repeats for every month so your sign will be next month with December. But also keep in mind, for anyone who has even an inkling of interest in astrology, that the closer you are to another sign in birthday, the more characteristics you share with them.
This Month in History:
Thanksgiving – Celebrated mostly in the U.S. and Canada, it’s on the second Monday of October in Canada and the fourth Thursday of November in the U.S. In both, it’s based on a mix of European and Native traditions of festival gatherings to celebrate the harvest with a community. Canada’s first official Thanksgiving was April 15, 1872. In the U.S., the first Thanksgiving celebrated on the same date by all states by presidential proclamation was in 1863.
November 1, 1700 – Charles II of Spain died and was succeeded by Philip V, resulting in the War of Spanish Succession.
November 1, 1776 – Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded in California. Each year, the swallows leave their nests around St. John’s Day (Oct. 23) and return the following year near St. Joseph’s Day (March 19th).
November 1, 1848 – The first medical school for women opened up in Boston, Massachusetts. It was founded with just twelve students.
November 3, 1839 – The first Opium War between China and Britain began after British frigates blew up several Chinese junks.
November 3, 1957 – Soviet Russia launched the world’s first inhabited space capsule, Sputnik II, carrying a dog name Laika.
November 4, 1922 – King Tut’s tomb was discovered in Luxor, Egypt by British archaeologist Howard Carter after years of searching.
Welcome to the Birthday Club’s eleventh post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff and contributors! So wish everyone a happy birthday and let the celebration begin! Thanks to the generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday month! These are distributed weekly by the staff and are only given to those who send in their birthdays on time to be included in the monthly posts!
If you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! These are the only accepted forms of birthday submissions. Also, if you don’t get your birthday to me before the shout-out gets posted for your month, you will not be mentioned in the post and are ineligible for the GC that month. But don’t worry! You’ll still be in my records when your birthday comes around again!
To make celebrating with our fellow Eden contributors more interesting and special, every month has its own characteristics and history so I’ll be sharing a little of that each time. It’s not going to be extensive information because that would take up entirely too much space and leave me with nothing to do next year. But it does add a little spice to every month of the year and, hey, you might learn a little something too!
If you LOVE Eden for giving you $25 gift card birthday presents and if you LOVE celebrating birthdays together as a community then Support the Birthday Club! I'm looking for a little community participation as I begin to plan and design the birthday format for 2012 (it’s closer than you think). Whoever provides the best/ most useful/ most inspiring Birthday Club idea for next year will be given 500 Edenpoints from me directly. That's an extra $5 for you to use on your next order - whether it's your birthday or not! What would make you love the Birthday Club more? What would get you more involved? What else would you want to learn in the posts?
There will be only one winner, they will be decided by me, their idea will be incorporated in the Birthday Club format for 2012 with creative licensing, and entries will need to be submitted to me by PM or email ONLY.
”Over the river and through the woods,
Trot fast my dapple gray.
Spring over the ground,
Like a hunting hound,
On this Thanksgiving Day, hey!
Over the river and through the woods,
Now Grandmother’s face I spy.
Hurrah for the fun,
Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!”
~ English folksong
Let’s wish these 18 contributors a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, all November babies!!!
3rd – DeliciousDrip
4th – Eliza
6th – Menarae
8th – AngeldeSanguine
9th – Peggi
10th – Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
11th – TitsMcScandal & chaingangoflove
14th – VictoriaRose & goodeatz
16th – ladyonyx2u
18th – Miss Madeline
19th – Shellz31
20th – HouseWench & sarki & indiglo
24th – *Ashley*
30th – MegaMeggs
Birthstone – Topaz
Zodiac Sign (October 23rd – November 21st) – Scorpio

Under the ruling planet of Pluto, this is a water sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scorpio. Confused why the Scorpio is a water sign? I agree. But know what Scorpios? You are so intense and exciting that I don’t even care! You are the most profound, powerful, and forceful character of the zodiac! Even when you’re sitting still, appearing calm and collected, you’re a raging whirlwind of activity, thought, and emotion underneath. And only the perception will be able to pick up on your harnessed, reigned-in aggression and passion. Though you can be emotional, jealous, and secretive you can also be determined, intuitive, and downright magnetic. You know yourself well and are driven by what you feel is your calling. You are moved by your feelings and have strong convictions. But you’re also quick to detect insult or injury and are easily offended. But catch yourself, quick, before you set out to make a lifelong enemy of someone who need not be! If you can harness that potential energy for constructive uses, you can certainly succeed at whatever you set out to.
Your main colors are russet, red, and maroon. The physical body parts that correspond to your sign (yes, the zodiac has body parts too) are the genitals and bladder. These may be areas of importance to you or areas you experience chronic issues with. Your flowers are heather, thistle, geranium, and chrysanthemum. Some famous Scorpios include Theodore Roosevelt, Emily Post, Pablo Picasso, Hilary Clinton, John Cleese, Bill Gates, Marie Antoinette, Grace Kelly, and Indira Gandhi.
If you’re at the tail end of the month and don’t fall under this sign, no frets! We can’t do repeats for every month so your sign will be next month with December. But also keep in mind, for anyone who has even an inkling of interest in astrology, that the closer you are to another sign in birthday, the more characteristics you share with them.
This Month in History:
Thanksgiving – Celebrated mostly in the U.S. and Canada, it’s on the second Monday of October in Canada and the fourth Thursday of November in the U.S. In both, it’s based on a mix of European and Native traditions of festival gatherings to celebrate the harvest with a community. Canada’s first official Thanksgiving was April 15, 1872. In the U.S., the first Thanksgiving celebrated on the same date by all states by presidential proclamation was in 1863.
November 1, 1700 – Charles II of Spain died and was succeeded by Philip V, resulting in the War of Spanish Succession.
November 1, 1776 – Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded in California. Each year, the swallows leave their nests around St. John’s Day (Oct. 23) and return the following year near St. Joseph’s Day (March 19th).
November 1, 1848 – The first medical school for women opened up in Boston, Massachusetts. It was founded with just twelve students.
November 3, 1839 – The first Opium War between China and Britain began after British frigates blew up several Chinese junks.
November 3, 1957 – Soviet Russia launched the world’s first inhabited space capsule, Sputnik II, carrying a dog name Laika.
November 4, 1922 – King Tut’s tomb was discovered in Luxor, Egypt by British archaeologist Howard Carter after years of searching.