Birthday Shout-Outs! (02/2011)

Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
February 2011

Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! (And if you have yet to submit your own birthday, PM or email me now! It is never too late and anyone can join in on the party!)

To make celebrating with our fellow Eden contributors more interesting and special, every month has its own characteristics and history so I’ll be sharing a little of that each time. It’s not going to be extensive information because that would take up entirely too much space and leave me with nothing to do next year. But it does add a little spice to every month of the year and, hey, you might learn a little something too!

Important Development! I announced this last month but I wanted to make sure everyone hears this wonderful news! Thanks to your involvement and the amazing generosity of the EdenFantasys Staff, every contributor who participates in the birthday club will receive a $25 gift card for their birthday! With a present like that, celebrating is easy!

So with 14 contributor birthdays, February is currently tied for the most babies so far in the two months of the club's lifespan!

Happy Birthday, February Contributors!!!

4th – That Guy & buzz

5th – Raggedy Andie

6th – Zenaida Macroura

8th – Alura Une

9th – Gary & PassionQT

10th – KupKakeKitty & LingaLoo

12th – Girl With Fire & sasweetheart8 & GroovyBanana

16th – Love Buzz & iCandy

18th – namelesschaos

20th – Screaming Violet

21st – ahammer

25th – Victoria & xxpollypocket

26th – lucidobsession

Birthstone – Amethyst
Zodiac Sign (Jan. 20th – Feb. 18th) – Aquarius

Under the ruling planet of Uranus (but traditionally under Saturn), this air sign is actually symbolized by a ‘water carrier’. Yeah, you got me there. I don’t know why. You’re friendly and honest but you’re also independent and somewhat detached. Your main colors are violet and blue. If you’re at the tail end of the month and don’t fall under this sign, no frets! We can’t do repeats for every month so your sign will be next month with March. But also keep in mind, for anyone who has even an inkling of interest in astrology, that the closer you are to another sign in birthdate, the more characteristics you share with them.

This month in history:

February 1, 1878 - Hattie Caraway, the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate, was born in Bakersville, Tennessee.

February 3, 1870 - The 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, guaranteeing the right of citizens to vote, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

February 4, 1985 - Twenty countries in the United Nations signed a document entitled "Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment."

February 7, 1870 - British novelist Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England.

Februrary 14 – Valentine’s Day: Historians trace this holiday back to ancient Rome where it’s said that people observed a holiday to honor Juno, the Queen of the Roman Deities and Goddess of Woman and Marriage. The following day, the 15th, marks the beginning of the fertility festival called “Feast of Lupercalia”.
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Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Happy Birthday to everyone born in February!
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Happy Birthday February babies!!!

(PS: EF GCs for birthdays? That is all kinds of awesome! Thanks EF!!)
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Jobthingy
Happy Birthday February babies!!!

(PS: EF GCs for birthdays? That is all kinds of awesome! Thanks EF!!)
It is awesome! And isn't it all kinds of funny/adorable that Gary and Victoria's birthdays are in the same month???
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Ooooh, Happy Birthday guys!
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Awesomeness! Happy birthday guys, Gary, Girl with Fire, Victoria and everyone else!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Happy birthday everybody!
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Darling Jen
It is awesome! And isn't it all kinds of funny/adorable that Gary and Victoria's birthdays are in the same month???
Awww, thanks! Yeah - this is our *very special month*, actually. Gary's birthday, Valentine's Day, our Wedding Anniversary, the anniversary of the day we met, and my birthday. Crazy, huh?! (and on top of all of the "us" stuff, my mom's birthday and Gary's brother's birthdays are this month too!)

Happy Birthday to all the February peeps out there!
Contributor: Alys Alys
Happy birthday(s)!!
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Victoria
Awww, thanks! Yeah - this is our *very special month*, actually. Gary's birthday, Valentine's Day, our Wedding Anniversary, the anniversary of the day we met, and my birthday. Crazy, huh?! (and on top of all of the "us" stuff, my ... more
Aww, congrats you two!
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Illusional
Aww, congrats you two!
Thanks it's been nearly 4 years since we met (2/24) and 2 years since we got married (2/21)
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE!!! I hope you all have fantastic celebrations in the manner you deserve with the people who love you the most!!

We need one of those party emoticons like on Yahoo, with the noisemaker and party hat. Have some cake instead!
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
Look at all those birthdays! Happy Birthday Everyone!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Look at all them Aquarei and lone Pisces!

Happy Birthdays!
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
Happy Birthday everyone!
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Thanks! And happy birthday to everybody on that list thats not me! Appropriately enough, I just purchased the Amethyst for myself *squee* I love you guys, and I hope you other February brats are enjoying this month as much as I already am

Ohoh, I am going to post some awesome Aquarius and Pices info for everybody ... that is if I can find my damn book....
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Darling Jen
February 2011Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! (And if you have yet to submit your own ... more
Happy Birthday all you February babies!
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
Happy Birthday everyone!!

J is a February baby too
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
Happy Birthday everyone!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Victoria
Awww, thanks! Yeah - this is our *very special month*, actually. Gary's birthday, Valentine's Day, our Wedding Anniversary, the anniversary of the day we met, and my birthday. Crazy, huh?! (and on top of all of the "us" stuff, my ... more
That is even MORE all kinds of adorable! How awesome to put it all in one month like that! Even if it was on accident.

And I definitely LOVE zodiac stuff. I'm considering putting more info in it, actually. I just don't want to alienate those who don't like/follow the zodiac. What's everyone's opinion on that? Would you love more info? Never too late to start getting bigger, right?
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Happy Birthday to all.

I hope this on is big enough to give everyone a piece or two.
Contributor: Alys Alys
Originally posted by Darling Jen
That is even MORE all kinds of adorable! How awesome to put it all in one month like that! Even if it was on accident.

And I definitely LOVE zodiac stuff. I'm considering putting more info in it, actually. I just don't want to ... more
I vote for more zodiac! It's fun, and sometimes very close to reality for some of us I like the history part too, but I'm a nerd
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Alys
I vote for more zodiac! It's fun, and sometimes very close to reality for some of us I like the history part too, but I'm a nerd
Yay! Ok! I will do that for the next month. But at least now people who didn't know what they were can look it up.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Dwtim strikes again with a beautiful cake....hehehehe!
Almost too pretty to cut into.

Hapy Birthday Februarians!!!
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
Happy Birthday everyone!
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Happy Birthday to all!!
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by Victoria
Awww, thanks! Yeah - this is our *very special month*, actually. Gary's birthday, Valentine's Day, our Wedding Anniversary, the anniversary of the day we met, and my birthday. Crazy, huh?! (and on top of all of the "us" stuff, my ... more
Holy smokes, lady! I don't know anyone with a February anniversary of any kind.
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
Happy Birthday everyone!!
Contributor: ahammer ahammer
guess I should john up mine is on the 21st of this month. taking a trip from sunny az to bosie to see my gf for my bday/valentines day
Contributor: iCandy iCandy
Originally posted by Darling Jen
February 2011Welcome to the Birthday Club’s second post of birthday shout-outs! Once a month will be a forum announcement to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Eden Staff, reviewers, and contributors! (And if you have yet to submit your own ... more
Happy Birthday everyone!!!! <3

How do you get on the birthday list? Mine is on the 16th....