Over the years I have heard a lot of different pet names for both relationships some seem silly and endearing others offensive.So what are some of the names you have heard that sound weird to you heres a few that sound weird to me
Featured by EdenFantasys
Pet names in a D/s relationship vs pet names in a vanilla relationship
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Pet names
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Names you wish you never heard someone call someone
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What are some your called what do they mean and why and or why not do you like them
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My SO and I call each other Donkey. I have absolutely no idea why nor do I even remember how this started. We've been together a really long time. But we both love the name and we even shorten it to Donk sometimes. People look at us like we're nuts, but it's just our name. Sloppy Donkey on here was one of the first people I followed because he has the word Donkey in his name! Instantly drawn to it! hahahaha.
Mr. Dribbly. He hates it and it is very humiliating for him! No better way to get him humiliated.
I always call him Daddy.
My out of bedroom pet names: pudding, sweetheart, doll, kitten
My in bedroom pet names: daughter, slut, and girl mostly, with some combination of the adjectives pretty, little, dirty, and good in front of it. Sometimes one of the adjective-girl combos comes out of the bedroom.
My out of bedroom pet names: pudding, sweetheart, doll, kitten
My in bedroom pet names: daughter, slut, and girl mostly, with some combination of the adjectives pretty, little, dirty, and good in front of it. Sometimes one of the adjective-girl combos comes out of the bedroom.
i recently started referring to myself as 'mommy' in bed. no idea where it came from but i totally dig it. he doesnt mind it either.
(he's 3 years my junior @ 22 years old and i think it's pretty hott, the idea of robbing the cradle)
(he's 3 years my junior @ 22 years old and i think it's pretty hott, the idea of robbing the cradle)
We call each other our given names most of the time. He calls me "dear" and "love" as pet names. I call him "sweetie" and "love."
Originally posted by
What are some your called what do they mean and why and or why not do you like them
In bed he calls me a colourful variety of things that are unfit to print They include "little whore," "slut," "bitch" and "little girl."
In bed I call him "Sir."
I get called many things. Daddy, Sir, Master, M'lord, King, Prince Charming, etc.
I like them all. Except for when I've been called "baby" on those rare occasions. Those types of names make me sick to my stomach.
I like them all. Except for when I've been called "baby" on those rare occasions. Those types of names make me sick to my stomach.
I am Babe, Baby, My Lady, Lover and Bitch from Sigel
I am Love and other various polish terms for bitch or slut from Arch
Sigel is Babe or Hun...and any other epithet that comes to mind including jerk...His bed petname is Huggy Bear
Arch is Love or Baby...and jackass. His bed petname is Puppy...
I am Love and other various polish terms for bitch or slut from Arch
Sigel is Babe or Hun...and any other epithet that comes to mind including jerk...His bed petname is Huggy Bear
Arch is Love or Baby...and jackass. His bed petname is Puppy...
We've got several. Sometimes I'm Danae (just my middle name) or Mrs. B, Doll face, Little Kitten, And sometimes just sexy lady. Lol. I call him hon, honey, Luffin which means Love Muffin. Lol. & a lot of times I call him Lovie, that's just something I call the kids and our pets too though. Lol. But sometimes he'll call me Horny Slut. Lol
Casually, or if I am trying to get his attention around other people, I call him B (for Brandon). So he calls me J. We exchange babes. In notes, I write Baloo. And since he's the Hobbes to my Calvin, Hobbes.
But in bed, neither of us are really big into using names.
But in bed, neither of us are really big into using names.
Outside of bed I call my mate Grammar Fox, something I've called him since before we got together lol.
In bed it's just random things like babe and such =)
In bed it's just random things like babe and such =)
In regular conversation we tend to call each other things like "babe" or "sweetheart" . Occasionally I'll call him "my bitch".
In bed he's my "small penis, cum eating bitch" or "baby penis" and I don't think he usually calls me any name in particular... :s
the names are all pretty self explanatory. lol
In bed he's my "small penis, cum eating bitch" or "baby penis" and I don't think he usually calls me any name in particular... :s
the names are all pretty self explanatory. lol
He doesn't have a name for me. When I'm talking to him I usually just call him by his name and add "man" or "pie" to the end of his name.
His name is Chuck, I normally call him Charlie when we are in bed. I am always "My bitch" in bed to him.
We don't have any pet names outside of the bedroom.
But he calls me his slut in the bedroom. <3
But he calls me his slut in the bedroom. <3
... I've loved a sub for a long time. During out weird week long trysts he had had different titles, pity, pathetique, and lithium.
He's had say in all of them. I find them sensual and expressive, he just said they felt right at the time.
He's had say in all of them. I find them sensual and expressive, he just said they felt right at the time.
I call my lover many things: "Pet" "Bitch" "Beautiful Bastard" "Magnificent Bastard" "Sexy" "Beloved" "Whore" "Dirty Slut" and sometimes "Master"
He calls me: "Little Slut" "Bad Girl" "Beloved" and frequently enough "My Master". (There are probably a few I can't remember.)
He calls me: "Little Slut" "Bad Girl" "Beloved" and frequently enough "My Master". (There are probably a few I can't remember.)
My sub usually calls me 'Mistress' or 'Ma'am'. When we're not doing D/s play, he's called me 'baby' a few times, but I don't really like it.
Outside of play, I sometimes call him 'hon' or 'kiddo'. During, he's whore, slut, bitch, cock/cum-sucker, with filthy, dirty, and nasty being thrown in from time to time.
When this moves offline, we've talked about me dressing up in garb for him, at which point he may address me as 'Your Highness/Grace/ect' or 'Milady'.
Outside of play, I sometimes call him 'hon' or 'kiddo'. During, he's whore, slut, bitch, cock/cum-sucker, with filthy, dirty, and nasty being thrown in from time to time.
When this moves offline, we've talked about me dressing up in garb for him, at which point he may address me as 'Your Highness/Grace/ect' or 'Milady'.
I don't have a bed pet name. My guy is just lovey, or love. I'm his darling, love, or goddess ( not recently, though).
We got the normal ol' generic 'baby' 'babe' 'love' etc. for both of us.
but then I also call her Master or Fang. (Yes, even females can be called Master! in my girlfriend's specific case, Mistress sounded weird to her.)
I'm Kitten or Vanille.
but then I also call her Master or Fang. (Yes, even females can be called Master! in my girlfriend's specific case, Mistress sounded weird to her.)
I'm Kitten or Vanille.
I call my boyfriend Daddy when we are alone, and try to use his given name when together (although to my embarrassment I often slip and call him Daddy in public as well)
My main pet name is little one, although he does call me baby on occasion and slut or slave in play sometimes.
My main pet name is little one, although he does call me baby on occasion and slut or slave in play sometimes.
Whether it's "babe" or "bitch" "Woman" or "wench" (one of his favorites) they are all intended to be affectionate. More intense pet names are used during sex, because he knows they really get me going.
He doesn't use words that others feel are "offensive" in public, people don't... get D/s relationships a lot of the time and I wouldn't want anyone to think he wasn't a loving man and husband, and neither does he want that.
Sometimes people get a bit surprised at our dynamic. I'm a pretty opinionated woman and am strong and appear strong, but I'm still a sub in our relationship and we don't talk about it a lot, so it freaks people out sometimes.
A week or so ago, I was hanging out with My Man and his buddy next door. My Man simply said, "Hey, Woman, go get J. a beer, OK?" J started to laugh, and looked at my man as if he had committed a serious Faux Pau. (Because it would have been if J had even nicely asked his wife to get him a beer.) I was already on my way to our house to get him the beer. J was effusively thankful for the beer and saw a part of our relationship that so many people don't "get." He seemed a bit surprised, but even a little impressed.
He doesn't use words that others feel are "offensive" in public, people don't... get D/s relationships a lot of the time and I wouldn't want anyone to think he wasn't a loving man and husband, and neither does he want that.
Sometimes people get a bit surprised at our dynamic. I'm a pretty opinionated woman and am strong and appear strong, but I'm still a sub in our relationship and we don't talk about it a lot, so it freaks people out sometimes.
A week or so ago, I was hanging out with My Man and his buddy next door. My Man simply said, "Hey, Woman, go get J. a beer, OK?" J started to laugh, and looked at my man as if he had committed a serious Faux Pau. (Because it would have been if J had even nicely asked his wife to get him a beer.) I was already on my way to our house to get him the beer. J was effusively thankful for the beer and saw a part of our relationship that so many people don't "get." He seemed a bit surprised, but even a little impressed.
"Hey you" LOL
I sometimes teasing call my girlfriend woman, but mostly I use pet in private and dear in public
Dear, hun, babe, sweetie, and lover are all common for us. Master/Mistress and slave are also used, depending on who's talking, and the situation.
Pet, slut, baby fox, and little one are all ones used in the bedroom and sometimes in public but not very loudly. Though outside of it love, babygirl, babydoll and gorgeous are all used.
Love all these suggestions! Gives me some really naughty ideas
Just "love" and "sweety", we aren't too keen on the idea of other names. We mostly just call each other by our names.
We have used bitch as a term of endearment for each other for years. sometimes he's the kitchen bitch or galley wentch
I like calling my sweetie - "master", "daddy" or "sir" even in public
My hubby calls me Kitty, for more reasons then one XD.
My friend calls her boyfriend Scootaloo, which he suffers through quite gracefully
I've had quite a few long term boyfriends call me Sunshine. I never told them another person called me that, mostly because I think it suits me.
Originally posted by
What are some your called what do they mean and why and or why not do you like them
My partner and I don't have a D/S relationship, but we do have "pet names" for each other.
We call each other:
Babe, baby, my baby, mine, sexy, cutie, gorgeous, sweetheart, hun, and
beautiful (yes, I call my man beautiful...he is!! )
I also call him "handsome" and "sexy beast" sometimes, and once he called me "buttercup" xD
yep...we're sickeningly cute
We call each other:
Babe, baby, my baby, mine, sexy, cutie, gorgeous, sweetheart, hun, and
beautiful (yes, I call my man beautiful...he is!! )
I also call him "handsome" and "sexy beast" sometimes, and once he called me "buttercup" xD
yep...we're sickeningly cute
don't use nicknames
I've been called all your average crap, but i had a lover a few years ago that always refereed to me as "baby bones" or "tiny bones" He called me it because well my bone structure is pretty small and i'm short. Hes the only person to ever call me that and i dont know why but it just gave me this damn warm fuzzy feeling. I'm pretty sure if anyone else ever called me it, it would feel alittle weird.
I've never been called anything in bed aside from regular pet names. Even during bdsm when we're being really rough on each other, we still sometimes will throw out a lifeline to the other so to speak, like I'll grab his hand or he'll say "I love you sweetheart" so I remember that it's not real, not that I need reminding. It's very sweet!
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There are names i just get so annoyed hearing ppl call others in relationships
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Snookums and something with -poo added to the end (like sugar-poo) bother me, or using pet names that are very provocative in public places. There are others that I don't like, too, but I think snookums and something-poos are the only ones that I'd tell my significant other to not use. Otherwise I'd just rather not hear the kinds of pet names I don't like, but whatever floats your boat.
"Pookie." It makes my skin crawl.
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There are names i just get so annoyed hearing ppl call others in relationships
Flufflemuffins! Sounds like a name for a damn cat >.<
Anything exceptionally cutesy, "Big Daddy", "My Old Man", "Hubby", "Hubsy", "Muffin", etc...
From my terrible ex: "kittentits", completely seriously, I swear to god...
Same here I find it creepy
Originally posted by
Vanessa Weiss
"Pookie." It makes my skin crawl.
I don't think it's creepy, but it just doesn't sound "right."
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Same here I find it creepy
OMG - Baby is arhhhh....so irritating!
pookie, snookums...all those regular ones.
But one that is so annoying to me is cutie pie. I want to scream when I hear it. An old roommate used to do it all the time.
But one that is so annoying to me is cutie pie. I want to scream when I hear it. An old roommate used to do it all the time.
honey boo boo!!
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I am curious as to what names ppl like being called. I am curious what people like and what ppl fidn different in both relation ships personally i Love when my better half refers to me as his slut or slave but only with his in front of it.
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I like babe, but not baby. Sugar and sweety I'm kind of meh about, but they could be sweet outside the bedroom. Sweetheart I like more than sweety. I think too many doms have hit on me by saying "hello slave" and other such greetings, the word just became annoying to me. I also personally think of bitch as something bad, so I don't really like it (maybe in a rape play scene or something, that could be hot).
ehh I'm not no fond of sugar and bitch
I'm right there with MaryExy. I hate baby, but I like babe. I despise being called slave because I'm not one. It's horribly presumptuous and rude to call someone that. The rest of them are all right.
Bitch would not go well. And "slut" is not a word I like, in general. I would not call someone a slut affectionately.
I'm just not a fan of being called sweetie from a partner.
My fiancee and I call each other babe and baby quite often.
Pretty tame, mostly sweetie and babe lol
Edit- Oops wrong place.
I sort of hate "baby."
Outside the bedroom: We don't really have pet names. I sometimes slip and call her baby which she isn't really a fan of.
In bed, usually I'm 'sir" and she's "slut" or "whore".
In bed, usually I'm 'sir" and she's "slut" or "whore".
I wouldn't mind "Babe" too much, I don't mind "Sugar", I love "Bitch" and "Slut", I wouldn't mind being called "love" or "kitten", and I like "Pet".
Babe, baby, sugar and sweetheart could all sound sort of condescending to me... in a completely non-sexy way. Stuff like bitch, slut and whore doesn't fall under "pet name" so much, to me.
I don't like baby or babe at all
I dont like baby, babe, sweetie
I really like sweetie, slut, and baby. I'm also fond of variations of mine.
I have to say that I really hate the sweet names.. >_< I am a really sucker for things like "bitch" "cunt" "whore" and things like that.. But "darling" "honey" and "sweetie" do nothing for me..
Well, they get me being bratty =P Because I respond with something similar, instead of Princess like I am meant to.
Well, they get me being bratty =P Because I respond with something similar, instead of Princess like I am meant to.
I voted for baby, but I actually prefer babe, come to think of it. My favorite nickname I've ever been given to by an old boyfriend was "kiddo," but it's never the same coming out of anyone else's mouth but his. Still calls me it and for some reason, I love it.
Never been into the dirty talk, though!
Never been into the dirty talk, though!
i like being called baby and babe He calls me theif sometimes too because i "stole his heart"
Oops, misread the poll. I voted for the ones I use.
not baby for me...my mom's boyfriend always calls her that so it creeps me out lol. sweetheart for me
I like it when my man calls me his slut cause it doesnt happend very often
All of those except for baby I am fine with. Baby I just cannot deal with for some reason. Unless its something like babydoll or babygirl, not sure why those two are okay and baby isn't.
I hate being called "baby." Just no.
I HATE pet names, haha. I don't mind more "insulting" names during sex or dirty talk, though~
I don't have an issue with any of these though not all of them are ones I picture a partner calling me
I'm not really a fan of "baby". I like "sweetheart", though.
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