Have you or would you ever try fisting?

Contributor: J5ive J5ive
I have tried it before but could not fit it in
Contributor: IvyFayette IvyFayette
Tried unsuccessfully a few times. It hurts too much after the second knuckle. Plus the feeling of my pelvic bone pressing against my man's hand freaks him out.
Contributor: brevado brevado
Not at all interested
Contributor: xxSuzakuxx xxSuzakuxx
I would not let it be done to me but i would do it to others if they wanted
Contributor: tunacan75 tunacan75
Its just not possible for us haha, I imagine its not for a majority of couples
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
Meh, not really interested.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I said yes because I may be willing to if my partner expressed interest. Otherwise, I'm okay without it.
Contributor: MK434 MK434
No, It's not something I'm intrested in trying.
Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful Sweet-n-Playful
Originally posted by kaykay0427
I've tried it but it didn't work out for me. The hand was too big and I was afraid that if we did get it in we wouldn't be able to get it out. Is that a valid worry? I'm just curious. Have you ever tried it?
I wouldn't. I have nothing against the concept of it, I just could not physically accommodate it.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Not something I'm interested in.
Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful Sweet-n-Playful
Originally posted by Bleu
Never have. Never will. I don't get the fascination of sticking anything in one's butt
Fisting isn't necessarily an anal thing. It can be vaginal too. Just saying...
Contributor: sillylilkitten sillylilkitten
I've been working on trying anal fisting, but I know I could never do vaginal fisting, I'm way too small.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I haven't tried and don't have any interest in trying it either.
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
No, I am not interested in that.
Contributor: Cinnyree Cinnyree
im happy with one finger...2 for change up. it's my view on medicine too...if one works why try 3?
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
It doesn't appeal to me that much. The guy would need to have tiny hands.
Contributor: misterazor misterazor
Originally posted by kaykay0427
I've tried it but it didn't work out for me. The hand was too big and I was afraid that if we did get it in we wouldn't be able to get it out. Is that a valid worry? I'm just curious. Have you ever tried it?
never tried. don't know if i dare to try. i think my wife would be mad at me for stretching things out. if she asked me, or encouraged me to, i would try...and fail. she's pretty tight. it would take lots of practice.
Contributor: ImaGodiva ImaGodiva
Not interested.
Contributor: Nyx (Under the Covers) Nyx (Under the Covers)
I'd try as a top, not as a recipient.
Contributor: lainebug lainebug
Originally posted by kaykay0427
I've tried it but it didn't work out for me. The hand was too big and I was afraid that if we did get it in we wouldn't be able to get it out. Is that a valid worry? I'm just curious. Have you ever tried it?
Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
I haven't tried, and I wouldn't-- it seems useless and not very pleasant to me.
Contributor: Mr. E Mr. E
No, not interested in fisting.
Contributor: Sima-pusya Sima-pusya
Tried but wasn't successful
Contributor: Mitzuki Mitzuki
Definitely not for me, either.
Contributor: fizzygato fizzygato
Probably wouldn't try it.

I'm small in general, and would definitely have to work my way up to it, in terms of courage and probable physical capability at all.

I like trying everything for the experience, but fisting seems a little scary
Contributor: A Good Girl A Good Girl
Originally posted by kaykay0427
I've tried it but it didn't work out for me. The hand was too big and I was afraid that if we did get it in we wouldn't be able to get it out. Is that a valid worry? I'm just curious. Have you ever tried it?
Wow! I'm kind of surprised at all of the "no ways" in this thread. I love a slow, gentle, vaginal fisting. I can't accommodate the size at the moment, it's something that DH and I are working me up to again. Time, care and love are the key, but it's lovely.
Contributor: xcapricax xcapricax
I recently did it to a girl whos big time into it. But tried on me we couldnt get pst 3 fingers.
Contributor: chicagobearsfan chicagobearsfan
Tried, and failed. I think I'd enjoy it if we could get it to work....but I also think my boyfriend would need to have smaller hands then.
Contributor: Sassy Pam Sassy Pam
Originally posted by kaykay0427
I've tried it but it didn't work out for me. The hand was too big and I was afraid that if we did get it in we wouldn't be able to get it out. Is that a valid worry? I'm just curious. Have you ever tried it?
Never tried it and don't think I ever want to.
Contributor: Miss L Miss L
Originally posted by kaykay0427
I've tried it but it didn't work out for me. The hand was too big and I was afraid that if we did get it in we wouldn't be able to get it out. Is that a valid worry? I'm just curious. Have you ever tried it?
On someone else's vagina

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