How do you come up with a safeword that you know you won't accidentally say/say very often.
Coming up with a safeword
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You can make up a strange word that wouldn't be said in normal course of sex "tomato" "banana" "Flying Saucer" etc or you can go with a basic safeword method- Red, meaning stop. Yellow, meaning slow down. Green, meaning go. My partner and I couldn't be serious enough about the words we chose, so we just use the basic R/Y/G
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How do you come up with a safeword that you know you won't accidentally say/say very often.
That's all very dependent on the vocabulary you use day to day. It would be silly for me to use something like "pencil" when I'm a student. I use R/Y/G, but I know people who use things like "dalmatian" or "kumquat" because they never find use for those words in day to day language. Besides, there's no other reason you'd be yelling those in bed, which is sort of the point. It's distinct.
We aren't too creative, we use "stop".
As long as it works! Creativity isn't necessary.
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We aren't too creative, we use "stop".

I second Love Bites on the use of the Red/Yellow/Green system.
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Love Bites
You can make up a strange word that wouldn't be said in normal course of sex "tomato" "banana" "Flying Saucer" etc or you can go with a basic safeword method- Red, meaning stop. Yellow, meaning slow down. Green,
You can make up a strange word that wouldn't be said in normal course of sex "tomato" "banana" "Flying Saucer" etc or you can go with a basic safeword method- Red, meaning stop. Yellow, meaning slow down. Green, meaning go. My partner and I couldn't be serious enough about the words we chose, so we just use the basic R/Y/G
It's nice to have a warning and cease notification. As with all things BDSM and safety discuss it with your partner so that y'all are on the same page.
Yellow can be back/slow down, just don't escalate any further, or a pause is needed.
Red usually is a complete cessation of all activities and for some partners they immediately initiate aftercare and are done with the scene.
Either something that's random (like window) or something that would get their attention (like lawsuit).
My partner and I also use red/yellow/green. First of all I like that it's easy to remember the sequence, stop/slow down/go. If we were to assign random words to those meanings, I feel like it would be easier to get them mixed up ("waitaminute, does piranha mean slow down, or stop?!"). But furthermore, I was previously in a bad relationship where I felt uncomfortable speaking up during sex and felt somewhat taken advantage of. So if I were to ever be in a situation where feelings and memories of those experiences were triggered, R/Y/G are words that are more comfortable to say, making it easier for me to speak up (especially because that's when it would be most important to use them!).
Red/yellow/green is always pretty easy.
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How do you come up with a safeword that you know you won't accidentally say/say very often.
We chose jalapeño.
Still looking for our perfect safeword. In the mean time we use the RYG system.
My partners and I always use "safe word" now because it's pretty impossible to forget, and it really would never come up unless you were thinking you needed to use it. Other than that, words that you're certain would never be in the context of your scene would be good (ex: taxidermy).
"Universal" safe words in many dungeons tend to be Red for stop and Yellow for slow down.
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How do you come up with a safeword that you know you won't accidentally say/say very often.
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