
Contributor: shcoo shcoo
I love biting but my partner doesn't, so I've never tried hard enough to draw blood from him even though I would like to.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
I don't bite hard enough to draw blood.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I bite, but I don't draw blood.
Contributor: 31 Flavors 31 Flavors
Never enough to draw blood.
Contributor: SkinFlute SkinFlute
I've bit very hard before and I've never drawn blood o.O
Contributor: KinkyKatiya KinkyKatiya
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
I feel like you might have a blood fetish, and you expressing that arousal through the connection that it will form between you and your partner, which is common when it come to all fetishes. but it wouldn't hurt to talk to him about it. communication is always key... i don't think he would appreciated you one day turning him into dinner unannounced =D
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I bite a little bit, but I'm always too afraid of hurting my husband.
He enjoys biting me though. He's never drawn blood and neither of us want him to.
Contributor: Rey Rey
i love to bite, unfortunately my partner is not so well receiving!
Contributor: cryinglightning86 cryinglightning86
I tend to nibble. Would bite harder, but the boyfriend isn't very into it.

I don't know about "weird" with drawing blood or anything like that, I just don't know how likely it would be to happen. You'd have to bite down pretty damn hard. I know I've never done it.
Contributor: Heatherbipoly Heatherbipoly
i love to bite and to be bitten
Contributor: clockwork451 clockwork451
I wouldn't want to bite hard enough to draw blood.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
i love biting & getting bit.. but ive never drawn blood.. & noones drawn blood on me.. i did have someone bite me so hard all over my inner thighs that i was severely bruised & had welts all over. hurt so bad
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
Not really our thing.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
it might build to a medical fetish
Contributor: fizzygato fizzygato
I bite if it's asked of me, but otherwise sometimes I worry I'll hurt them.

Sometimes I bite if I feel like they'll respond to it. Idk, I never think about drawing blood when I bite though because I know most people I play with's hard limit is blood.

I never try to draw blood or bruise when I bite. Whatever happens, happens, but I usually am afraid of hurting them
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Nips or small teasing bites are one thing but full on biting is an absolute no no. Coming from working in the ER for 13 years, the mouth is dirty and the worst infected sores come from human bite marks and can land you with long term IV antibiotics!
Contributor: joiedejouets joiedejouets
I love to bite, but am not vampiric.
Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters TrenchcoatHunters
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
Bite a little but never draw blood
Contributor: roskat roskat
Biting is okay with me but not to the level of blood.
Contributor: HisLittleFiend HisLittleFiend
I bite without realizing it. Always have. Sometimes it draws blood- which is sexy to me- but I don't do it consciously.
Contributor: lunabug lunabug
I like biting and being bitten (not a switch). When I bite, I'm always unsure how hard to bite but I would never draw blood as it's not my thing. When I am bitten, I don't want blood drawn but I do like being bitten hard.
Contributor: Aubrey M Aubrey M
Biting is one thing, but blood is another. I would be nervous about the spread of blood-borne pathogens.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Biting is awesomeness, but I've never bitten hard enough to draw blood.
Be sure to be careful if you ever do- breaking the skin and drawing blood isn't safe, unless you really know what you're doing!
my girlfriend loves to be bit so i bite her. before her, i was never a biter.
Contributor: Dear Ruby Dear Ruby
One time in college I tried to bite my partner hard enough to draw blood. She was very much into it, and I *thought* I would be... I couldn't bite hard enough! I'm not sure why, but I didn't like the thought of causing that much damage to a person.
Contributor: dawnkye dawnkye
I'd prefer being bitten over biting, but I'm squeamish about blood in either case.
Contributor: brandi2009 brandi2009
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
I've never bit hard enough to taste blood, or wanted to, but I love biting! I love being bit and giving it as well!
Contributor: gwenevieve gwenevieve
Originally posted by purple579
So I am not really like into hurting my boyfriend and being really violent but i wanna know if it's weird that I want bite him and taste blood not because I'm into blood or anything but because I've had all of his other bodily fluids ... more
the harder the better ;D
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
Okay, here's where I'm weird. I love biting, but I have a fear of... biting. I do! So sometimes when I want to bite, which is more often than not, I freak myself out before I can actually just do it. It comes from a dream I had when I was younger, where I bit a chunk out of my moms leg. Now I'm just scared I'm going to actually do that to someone without meaning too, lol.
Contributor: harvest harvest
I've heard it's actually a bit unhygienic to bite someone until they bleed. I personally don't draw blood when I bite. If you're into blood though, there are other ways of course that are safer.