Originally posted by
Miss Cinnamon
The "whether she asks for it or not" part of this questions bugs me. It's definitely not uncommon for women who are control freaks to prefer to be submissive in the bedroom (I don't talk to enough guys about their sexual preferences
The "whether she asks for it or not" part of this questions bugs me. It's definitely not uncommon for women who are control freaks to prefer to be submissive in the bedroom (I don't talk to enough guys about their sexual preferences in real life to be able to draw any conclusions). However, assuming that any woman who's a control freak will want to be dominated in the bedroom can get you in hot water. I would never consider (hardcore) dominating anyone in the bedroom unless we'd talked it over beforehand. And that has nothing to do with the fact that my personality makes it hard for me to dominate anyone
Miss Cinnamon, I was JUST going to say exactly what you did. "whether she asks for it or not" could lead to trouble for a lot of people, I think.
Knowing your partner is one thing, knowing what he or she wants is understood, but even in a D/S relationship, sometimes one DOESN'T want a D/S scene, and assuming "she wants it even if she doesn't ask for it" could lead to trouble or even trauma.
Thank you for pointing this out, you put it quite succinctly as it was bugging me, too.