This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
As a person interested in BDSM, have you ever experienced any form of unwanted abuse from a friend/family member/partner?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
I've never had this happen to me, but I know abusive people are out there. It's always a good idea to look out for your own safety and well being
I've experienced all of the above.
Do you think it has influenced your interest in BDSM at all?

nope, I haven't
Yes, I have.
I actually support a few groups that deal with abuse and have tried to raise awareness in my local BDSM community not only of abuse but specifically abuse in the BDSM context, as it can and does happen.
I don't think my own experiences with abuse influence my decision to get into BDSM but it has effected relationships in the community and set up some of my hard limits - i.e. I won't do rape play though I understand and respect that there are many who enjoy it.
I actually support a few groups that deal with abuse and have tried to raise awareness in my local BDSM community not only of abuse but specifically abuse in the BDSM context, as it can and does happen.
I don't think my own experiences with abuse influence my decision to get into BDSM but it has effected relationships in the community and set up some of my hard limits - i.e. I won't do rape play though I understand and respect that there are many who enjoy it.
Thankfully I have not had this happen.
Yes, all.
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
I have never experienced any form of abuse, but I am completely UN-interested in whipping, D/s, Hard spanking, etc.
I only like ageplay, pet play, and very light playful spanking and being tied up- so NOT most of the BDSM things, just fringes of the community
I only like ageplay, pet play, and very light playful spanking and being tied up- so NOT most of the BDSM things, just fringes of the community
Yes, but gladly I was able to get away from that.
I am very into BDSM but have never been abused in any sense
not i
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
I don't know how this would have anything to do with BDSM really, especially if people are having such different answers.
my psychology teacher always said: "correlation is not causation" which means that just because two things appear similar, does not mean that one causes the other.
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
i believe that my desire to dominate comes from my past with a family of chauvanist males and close minded parents who frequently told me that i couldnt do things because i was a girl. i had issues for years where i wanted desperately to be a boy so people would stop telling me those things.
now i want to humiliate and dominate men.
i grew up really well great parents and family higher middle class and have never really experienced any abuse and i am personally drawn to bdsm taking a liking to the idea of being dominated
I grew up with dismissive, distant parents that were mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive. My older brothers were the same way to me. Later on I would experience sexual abuse from my first partner.
I have to say yes to all. I had a father who if you didn't do or act as he said you where beat, we learned frear and love at the hand of a leather belt, "Yes,Sir" "NO,Sir" where the first things we learned. I watched the older kids in my family get beat and learned to be see and not heard, to get what he wanted done before he asked.
I was raped for 3months by my church youth teacher, some would say he was my first Dom, I did as he said even if I didn't want to because what he would do was worse that my father.
I do have to say that this lifestyle gives me more freedom that the past abuser did I can say Red for stop and they will.
I was raped for 3months by my church youth teacher, some would say he was my first Dom, I did as he said even if I didn't want to because what he would do was worse that my father.
I do have to say that this lifestyle gives me more freedom that the past abuser did I can say Red for stop and they will.
I'm pretty sure my child abuse triggered my bdsm fetish.
Nope, got lucky and avoided both
Emotional abuse
BDSM has helped me to deal with, and get over, the emotional abuse of my childhood but it isn't the reason I like it.
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
None, but I have only had one partner and we dated for a while before I brought up the idea of kinky sex.
i hope not
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
never ever
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
I dont think it is a direct link... at least not in my case... yes i am interested in some BDSM but i dont think thats from anything in the past... i think its just my kink side coming out more and more
Originally posted by
This may be a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe interest in BDSM is a direct result of abuse, but I'm curious if there is any sort of trend. This poll is private.
No abuse here. I've had a pretty darn good childhood and would like to think that I'm quite well adjusted
I've never experienced any abuse, myself.
All of the above
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