Slut: Whats your perception?

Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Just curious to know how Edenites feel about being called a slut in the bedroom! After a discussion with a friend, I have really been intrigued by this! Private voting.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I love being called this word!
37  (44%)
I'm indifferent, this word does nothing for me
17  (20%)
He/she is in the doghouse if they call me this name!
15  (18%)
15  (18%)
Total votes: 84
Poll is closed
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Contributor: SimpleHedonist SimpleHedonist
I have no problem with it at all, and have often been know to use that word to describe myself when talking hot and dirty.
Contributor: ScarletFox ScarletFox
This is one of the words I am certainly alright with.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
Just curious to know how Edenites feel about being called a slut in the bedroom! After a discussion with a friend, I have really been intrigued by this! Private voting.
Lol. Good discussion topic. I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks on this one too!

I personally don't even mind the word. I haven't been called "slut" in a very serious way though since my teen years I don't think. Lol. However, it never has bothered me. My lovie sometimes laughs and jokingly says "your my little slut." And I just laugh. It's never been a word that offends me. It's just a thing people say. I don't think I'd even get angry if someone said "you are the biggest slut I know." I guess that could be because I have no reason to feel offended. I don't sleep around or have a lot of sex-partners (only one) so I suppose that is one reason why it means nothing to me. I usually laugh.

I personally don't like using the word in reference to another female. I don't do that often and if I ever did, it'd have to be serious. I'd have to have a real reason to say it and I cannot think of a time where I would have any reason to.

I wouldn't say it turns me on exactly, but I certainly don't mind it. I guess it's the equivelant of him calling me "his little" anything else. Lol. He would never say it in a degrading, serious manner though. If he did, I'd feel weird having him talk hatefully to me because it's not something we do.
Contributor: Scrawberry78 Scrawberry78
Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
Love it! Massive turn on.
Contributor: brevado brevado
In the right context... love it!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I prefer whore over slut. Slut just eighth grade to me.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
I call myself a monogamous slut. It depends on how you use the word and what it means to you.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I love being called a slut in the bedroom. If someone other than my husband calls me a slut I usually just laugh. Don't be mad that I have better sex than you.
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
Originally posted by SimpleHedonist
I have no problem with it at all, and have often been know to use that word to describe myself when talking hot and dirty.
So have I. I found that it is a good way to get my man off.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I get called a slut all the time and have for a really long time. Even before I could possibly be a slut. I don't mind it. Words are only powerful if you let them be. I don't see slut as a degrading word. Slut is a word that is often used for a women who know their sexuality and embrace it. That is sexy to me!
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
In the bedroom, in the right situation, it can be fun/playful/exciting. Go for it!

Using slut as a derisive term, not cool.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I only like being called this by my partner during sexytimes.
Contributor: Boyqueen Boyqueen
I feel iffy about the word. In the right mode it can almost seem endearing, but otherwise I feel uncomfortable about it.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I love it in the bedroom, in the heat of the a serious thing to call me, no.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
Totally depends on the person and context.
Contributor: MissMori MissMori
Originally posted by novanilla
Totally depends on the person and context.
Same for me - as a word, I'm fairly indifferent to it. Certain people using it in certain ways makes me think they're assholes. On the other hand, Sir LOVES this term, so from Him I like it since it's meant affectionately and makes Him happy.
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
It depends on the moment. When it's in the bedroom, and it's sexually driven in the heat of the moment, I don't mind it. But if you're calling me a slut outside of the bedroom, let alone if you don't even know anything about me, yeah it would piss me off.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
Just curious to know how Edenites feel about being called a slut in the bedroom! After a discussion with a friend, I have really been intrigued by this! Private voting.
I love hearing this in the bedroom and when my guy is flirting with me. I find it to be a turn on and it has taken the teeth out of being called a slut in a negative way for me. "slut," "bitch," "whore"...none of it phases me anymore, and there's something very empowering about not letting a derogatory word, that is usually intended to degrade and hurt someone, get to you. I'm with a man who knows how I want to be treated inside and outside of the bedroom, and I find our private bedroom banter a lot of fun, even loving.

Plus, it makes me feel like a sexy bitch.

I love, and this article has always made me think, "hmm...well, that's food for thought." Slutiness,'s all a matter of perspective...and cultural perception. link
Contributor: smlove smlove
my preference is 'dirty girl', but if other people wanna be called slut, that's fine with me.
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
I think it is a fine word. I have had my girlfriend refer to herself as a slut when we are alone. It can add to a fun and sexy atmosphere. I just think the word means a woman who enjoys and embraces her sexuality so I have no problem calling her a slut either.
Contributor: ellieprobable ellieprobable
In the context of a power exchange, it can really do it for me.
Contributor: raven pixie raven pixie
In the right context I love the word
Contributor: submissive.sweetheart submissive.sweetheart
When I first started playing, I was completly offended by this term and would never let anyone call me it. Then my ex used it one days saying "my slut" and something about that my before totally changed the definition for me. I really he wasn't saying I was a slut as a trait, rather for him, because of my trust in him, I could be his slut. Now when I hear "my slut" it is much more exciting, and it has even allowed me to not cringe at the word slut in general. As others here have said, I think it is about the context of the situation. Would never be ok with a stranger shouting it at me, but in play it can be fun
Contributor: playsalot playsalot
I have never got in to name calling, some dirty talk is fun though.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Originally posted by submissive.sweetheart
When I first started playing, I was completly offended by this term and would never let anyone call me it. Then my ex used it one days saying "my slut" and something about that my before totally changed the definition for me. I really he ... more
"My slut" is the best, huh? I love the way he says it, too.
Contributor: Big&Bald Big&Bald
I've never called my girl that.
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
Just curious to know how Edenites feel about being called a slut in the bedroom! After a discussion with a friend, I have really been intrigued by this! Private voting.
Totally fine. Actually prefer if I'm having a romp with a random or a good three way that I be called a naughty dirty girl, slutty bitch and cum guzzling fuck doll. All of which are arousing if I am being just that. Yes. I am a slut. So what. I get laid a lot and like it. And cocks are like skittles. They come in a bunch of cool colors and flavors and you can't stop at just one sometimes... Or 30 plus ish
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I don't mind it as a joke, but in the bedroom it's an immediate turn-off.

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