Can boobs be TOO big?

Contributor: Tripod95 Tripod95
I basically have two..."guidelines" with boobs. It only has to be able to be fully palmed by my hand (makes massaging easier) and if its gonna get in the way then, yeah, its too big.
Contributor: GS500 GS500
Back problems are probably too big, fake boobs have to fit the girl's body.

I'm all for the bigger the better up to those points
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
I like boobs on the smaller end...
Contributor: Cherry21 Cherry21
Originally posted by The Awesome Penguin
Okay, here's a question for anyone! While watching porn, there's a good amount of variety in chest size... do you think there's a limit? Do you think there is such thing as having boobs be TOO big?
When I was a tennager I had bib boobs, now I have small ones. Kinda sad. I'd like my big ones back, so big is good
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Big is nice, but def. quality over quantity!!!
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Big is nice, but they have to look nice and be in nice shape for me to find them attractive. I like to look at petty large breasts!
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Originally posted by Redboxbaby
Here here! I have an issue with my 38Ds too. They are SAGGING! Boo!
Ah! I too have 38Ds!
I hope I don't get problems down the line!
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
I love boobies. But yes, I think they can be too big. I prefer a-natural, medium sized boobs.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
I think I am more attracted to the look and feel of the breasts, size is secondary consideration.
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
I wish I was still a C. I am at 44d, its hard to find good bras without paying out too much.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
Big is good, but there is an upper limit.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I think can be too big. Mine were C's by the time I was 9. I am now 29 and mine are DD.
Contributor: her angelness her angelness
i wish my boobs were bigger, but i definitely wouldn't want them so big that they become distracting at work.
Contributor: Horny & Holy Horny & Holy
I could not imagine having larger boobs. They would hurt my back and just get in the way.
Contributor: Blooddragon Blooddragon
Originally posted by The Awesome Penguin
Okay, here's a question for anyone! While watching porn, there's a good amount of variety in chest size... do you think there's a limit? Do you think there is such thing as having boobs be TOO big?
I love large breasts but definately quality over size!
Contributor: LoveDrunk LoveDrunk
I prefer to see natural breasts that are average to small sized.
Contributor: Teaser Teaser
The bigger they are, the further they fall. Sorry, but a nice set of A's or B's will look better longer. And besides, with all the push-up bras out there, A's can look like C's or D's. But that's putting up a false front, right?
Contributor: Jammin14580 Jammin14580
Originally posted by The Awesome Penguin
Okay, here's a question for anyone! While watching porn, there's a good amount of variety in chest size... do you think there's a limit? Do you think there is such thing as having boobs be TOO big?
Actually a lot of times I prefer smaller boobs. Too big is beyond a D cup.
Contributor: STM STM
I am a natural DD and there are some days that I wish my boobs weren't so big but there are other days that I love them. They do make working out pretty difficult though. I think that as long as boobs are proportionate to your body then they are perfect, AA on up to whatever. As long as they are natural and not overly done, boobs are perfect no matter what size.
Contributor: markwashere markwashere
I like small boobs on a girl
Contributor: klyte klyte
I think mine are at the too big mark! I like just a handful.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I'm a DD and boobs that are TOO big aren't attractive to me. They're almost absolutely fake (unless they're on a bigger girl) and they're just not really my thing. I like mine big but not too big. But all boobs are great. <3
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
They can definitely be too big! I'm actually grossed out but those really large, fake ones. Honestly, really large REAL ones are OK... but huge FAKE ones are horrendous. And really large boobs on a skinny girl is just as horrible because you KNOW they're not real.
Contributor: underHim underHim
there is a point where they look ridiculous
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Its all about the ratios
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Definitely prefer smaller breasts...I've never found huge tits terribly attractive.
Contributor: TheHardOne TheHardOne
Double D's are too big for my taste.
Contributor: freda freda
Originally posted by The Awesome Penguin
Okay, here's a question for anyone! While watching porn, there's a good amount of variety in chest size... do you think there's a limit? Do you think there is such thing as having boobs be TOO big?
Contributor: dbm6907 dbm6907
I am average (36 B) but I have some friends who have triple D's...they are just HUGE! There is really no way to even partially conceal them, and I think this makes them a problem.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by The Awesome Penguin
Okay, here's a question for anyone! While watching porn, there's a good amount of variety in chest size... do you think there's a limit? Do you think there is such thing as having boobs be TOO big?
Big natural boobday are great but massive implants look unhealthy to me...