For the longest time, I could only have an orgasm by using a vibrator. Boyfriend after boyfriend, guy after guy attempted to seduce that trembling explosion from my body; but to no avail. It was only me and a quivering accomplice that could make my nerves truly sing. With my refusal to fake an orgasm, they all eventually got frustrated and gave up.
Except one.
He was blindly determined. He wanted nothing more than my screaming pleasure, and I wanted nothing more than his success. The vibrators may have not been my own hand, but I desperately craved a foreign orgasm.
I wanted to know what it felt like to be given that blissful release.
I let him try all the normal avenues to get to my elusive climax. He rubbed his fingers in sensually methodic circles around my engorged clit. I moaned at the sweet sensations, yet the screams never came. He spelled out the words of pleasure around my clit with his tongue as his finger slid inside me. Still not enough. For some reason, mental or physical, I needed that mechanical vibration.

Thankfully, he was undaunted. If nothing else, he seemed more inspired. He invested in toys. His devotion to my pleasure made him even more enticing. I wanted him to be the first one to whom I would give my orgasm. He covered every base. He bought vibrating accessories for his finger, his tongue, his penis, and I turned myself over to him as his willing and anxious subject.
He slipped the vibrator onto his finger. That sweet hum of the motor alone got me wet. I felt my nerves arching up on edge in a conditioned reaction. My body instinctively knew what was coming and began to beg for the orgasm. My man being involved only added more excitement, a different kind all together.
His finger trembled delightfully against my most sensitive spot. His lips traced my skin. His body pressed against mine. And he manifested the phantom of my masturbatory fantasies. I groped and clutched his flesh as I screamed at last. His smile of success consumed his face as I melted beside him.
But he was not done. My cries and clenching body only encouraged him. He waited until my body stopped aching in the aftermath; then he placed the miniature bullet on his tongue and plunged between my legs.
An odd, wet vibrating sound poured out of his mouth as his tongue slid against me; it was warm and trembling. The small bullet hinted at my throbbing clit. He ate me deeply without reservation. The smoothness of his tongue combined with that quivering sensation brought screams thundering out of my chest. I gripped his head and fucked his face as my muscles seized again.
By the time he was sliding the vibrating cock ring down his penis, I thought I was going to die of pleasure. As much as I loved the vibration with his skillful hand and his sweet tongue, nothing was more tantalizing than him deep and quaking inside of me. My sizzling nerves ignited again. He enticed me into yet another overwhelming orgasm, only this time he joined me.