Does your wild woman need taming? Is she catty and sly and in need of a firm hand and a strong will? If so, then this is the package for you!
Tell her to change into her oh, so soft cheetah outfit and meet you in the bedroom for a night of wild fun. Have her close her eyes while you slide the mask over her eyes and ease the ankle and wrist restraints onto her body. Be sure to give her lots of reassurance in the form of kisses and caresses throughout the process... draw it out and make it last. This will be a night to remember for both of you!
Guide her gently to the bed and then tie her down or bind her restraints together so she has no escape. Start with her on her belly, ideally stretch out across a couple of sturdy pillows. Tease her with your hands and mouth as you stroke her all over... the best thing about the bra and panties is that they will still give you unlimited access to her most private parts.
Rub her shoulders and stroke her back as you work your way down her body. Lay the paddle on her bottom cheeks but ignore her ass for now. Move your hands down to rub up and down her thighs as the paddle stays perched on her delightful white orbs. Never fear, they will be red and rosy and match the shade of her outfit soon enough!

Work your way back slowly to her bottom and lift the paddle as you caress her ass with your hands, massaging and kneading her flesh deeply and sensuously. Make sure she is bound snugly but that she is as comfortable as she can be in her position of forced submission.
Bend down and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, making sure she is comfie, kissing her neck, biting a bit roughly at her skin. Tell her that before the night is over, she will learn who is boss and she will thank you for all the attention she is about to receive. In fact, this is just the beginning for both of you!
Tell her to pick a safe-word... a word to use in the event that she is truly hurt or frightened or needs for the activities to stop. Then ask her if she trusts you completely... of course she does! Move away from her body and tell her that it is about to begin... leave her guessing where you are as you walk around her on the bed. Feel her tension and remind her quietly to relax and trust you. Tell her to just let herself FEEL everything... the pain, the pleasure, the loss of control... all of it.
Start slowly by dragging the paddle across her bottom, making sure that her panties are in perfect position so you have unencumbered access to the fleshiest part of her ass. Tell her that you are indeed going to warm her up slowly but that before the night is over, her ass will be the color of her beautiful outfit. And she will never again question your authority or doubt your adoration for her.
Paddle her slowly at first, giving her sweet, gentle, loving strokes on the fleshiest part of her bottom. Work your way down her upper thighs and back up to her bottom again, being sure to warm every inch of her thoroughly. Her skin will change from white to the palest pink before you are finished with her warm-up. She will be begging for more and straining against her bindings by this time.
Dip your hand down to touch her pussy and feel the wetness that is most certainly there. She may arch her back to try to pull you into her and if she does, reward her with a sharp smack of the paddle, Remind her that for tonight, she is not in control and she has no say as to what will be done to her or when or how it will be done.
If she is tense, smack her hard and tell her to relax... the real spanking is about to begin. If you want to add to her experience, you can sit beside her on the bed, one hand beneath her body, fingers playing with her pussy, as you paddle her with increasing intensity. Increase the speed, persistence and velocity of your strokes until she is crying out loudly... let her scream. This is the wild woman inside being tamed.
Reassure her that it is not only OK but perfectly normal for her to release her passion and frustration. But remind her to allow the pain transform into pleasure... to relax into it rather than fighting it. Paddle her to tears and just beyond. If she begs you to stop, but doesn't safe-word, be sure that she remembers the safe-word (have her repeat it). Then spank her beyond the tears, beyond the fight, until there is nothing left but you and her and only the thinnest of fabrics lies between the two of you physically. Nothing lies now between your souls.
You've reached her deepest place, her most sacred core... when she is spent and crimson and burning with lust and fire and desire, toss the paddle aside and quickly undo her binds and release her mask as you sweep her into your arms. Cuddle her firmly into your strength and as she floats on her endorphin rush, make love to her sweetly and softly... making her yours in every respect.