You have seen realistic dildos before. You have let your fingers trace the creepily authentic-feeling flesh as the toys were passed around home sex parties; you have examined them curiously on the internet or in porn stores. Something about such a precise mimicry makes you hesitant. You worry that it is either too real and will leave you wanting or it is not real enough and will still leave you wanting. The idea of such an acute imitation of a penis simultaneously teases the edges of your sexuality and tempts the threshold of your solitary play.
Curiosity and experimentation win of course, and the realistic dildo and its accessories arrive at your door. You extract the faux penis from the packaging and turn it before your eyes. You allow the heightened nerves in your hand and fingers to explore the feeling of the skin as your eyes caress the shockingly familiar shape.
The skin is soft and sticky; it responds and reacts to your touch. It shakes and jiggles accurately with your motions. It looks and feels remarkably like a penis, but how real could it really be? How much like an actual penis could it be inside you? Your mind refuses to be convinced on this slight examination.

When the lubricated dildo plunges inside you, you find out. The touch of the realistic dildo feels so familiar, so vividly similar to sex. Your body responds instinctually, nearly deceived by the imitation. Your pussy tightens and quivers as it does when another body presses into you. Sensory memories flood over you. The phantom caresses of your lovers spread from your memory across your nerves to accompany the sensation of a penis deep inside you. All the erotic associations buried below your consciousness are stirred into an overwhelming hum on your skin.
Your solitary sex throbs through you in enticing sensations. You straddle your dildo and the echoes of shared sex spawned from feeling so penetrated, from your nerves reacting as if a real penis filled you. The sensations of real sex roll over your body, leaving you breathless and begging, but there is no one attached to that penis, no one to take care of but yourself. You chase only your pleasure and your orgasm.
You relax, take your time, wallowing completely in the swell and swirl of your sensations. That deceptively real impression of being fucked by a penis pulsates through you. Your sexual collective is unlocked by the feelings. Flashes of past encounters rage over you. Forgotten hands chase your own across your hot and trembling flesh. Your mind and memory engorge to amplify your self-pleasure.
You no longer have to wait for a partner to combine the penetration with a vibrating cock ring. You can have a penis inside you while a plastic tongue trembles against your swollen clit. You can selfishly have all the sensation to yourself. You control the thrusts of that convincing penis; you manipulate the angles of the sweet vibrator. You writhe and clench as the bodiless member ravages you as only you know how to do.
This is just for you. This touch that reminds you of so many others who have been inside you before is your personal release. You reap the chemical rewards of sex without sharing your pleasure. You capture a sensual glimpse into past sex sessions and forgotten caresses while sweetly beckoning your orgasm. You now keep your own penis near your bed.