This is the night you've been waiting for. You finally took the step and asked your partner to try something new and they agreed. They had questions and they were worried about safety but you agreed to learn together. The hardest part is over. Take a deep breath and enjoy this new experience with your lover.
Before any activity begins, spend a quiet weekend reading the book that came with your package. Inside you will find invaluable information on safety, comfort, and techniques. Reading the book together will ensure that you both have all the information you need to proceed comfortably.
Take the extra time to discuss any concerns or fantasies either of you may have.
By now you will have set the stage. A nice dinner out, perhaps a glass of wine but nothing more. A clear head is necessary to remain focused and in the moment. For tonight you will have control. Your lover has given their person over to you. No doubt you can feel the intensity of their emotions, their breathless anticipation of what is to come. Bring your partner home and help them to relax.

Once you've both settled in, ask if it's ok to proceed. With your partners consent bring out the rest of the package and lay it within their sight. For first time encounters it's best to allow your partner to see each item and ask questions before you put it on them.
As you pick up the collar be sure to show your partner how it fastens. In the event that they're uncomfortable with it, they need to know how to undo it. Sometimes just knowing is enough to calm them considerably. Once they know how it works, place it around their neck. Whisper into your partners ear how sexy it looks on them, how well it suits them.
Next, show them the cuffs. More comfortable than traditional handcuffs, these make the perfect starter cuffs. As with the collar, show them how the fastening mechanisms work. Place them on your partners wrists. Make sure they're comfortable. Offer a smile and a few encouraging words.
Before you blindfold your partner show them the paddle. Explain how you're going to use it, just as you discussed when you read the book together. Stick to the plan. Trust is paramount to a positive experience and deviating from the plan is a surefire way to negate any progress you've made up to this point.
Ask your lover if they're ready to be blindfolded. Stroke their hair and kiss them gently. Once they consent to be blindfolded do so with care. Adjust it if it's not positioned comfortable for them. Take a moment to whisper into their ear how turned on you are seeing them like this. Tell them how much you love them and how much their trust means to you.
Making sure to talk to them through each step, turn them over. Lay them across your knee, the edge of the bed, or the sofa. Swat their bottom gently with the paddle. Pay close attention to their response. Remind them of the safety guidelines and continue. If they're enjoying it and they ask, proceed with a more firm spanking.
How the evening ends is up to the two of you. Some people like aspanking by itself. Others prefer to be spanked then made love to. Decide ahead of time, but leave room to change your minds. The most important thing to be gained from the evening isn't an orgasm. It's the trust and the knowledge that this may or may not be something you both wish to delve deeper into.