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Topco Sales

Redefining Passion
At Topco Sales, state-of-the-art manufacturing, innovative product design, cutting-edge materials and technological research are what have made us the industry leader for over thirty-five years.

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  • Topco Tops Off for Breast Cancer Uploaded by EricaH
  • Joanna Angel - Joanna & Joanna Uploaded by EricaH
  • How to Enter with Joanna Angel Uploaded by EricaH
  • Prizes with Joanna Angel Uploaded by EricaH
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News and announcements

  • Topco offers Plan-o-Gram kits for brick and mortar retailers

    The new Hardware, Cake and Asylum Plan-o-Grams each give stores the opportunity to make a big impression with a full line presentation.

    The Hardware Plan-o-Gram kit consists of two of each item in the line and a heavy-duty, glossy 25” x 50.6” decorative poster mimicking a hardware store wall display. The Cake Plan-o-Gram kit also comes with two of each line item and a similarly constructed, boutique-friendly, 20” x 35.5” decorative poster, adding an all-important feminine touch. Posters fit easily on an end cap or on any slat wall.

    A similar Plan-o-Gram kit for the Asylum line is coming soon. Though not yet available for shipment, distributors can place pre-orders.

    UPC codes and images indicate where the products set on each of the three Plan-o-Gram posters for easy restocking. This also makes it easy for store employees to order directly from the signs. The posters are easy to install; adhesive and peg hooks hold the poster to the wall with no guess work.
  • Women of Topco Sales Go Topless for Breast Cancer Awareness

    Several female Topco employees went topless in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

    The group of participants was comprised of Topco staff from various company departments and can be seen in the Photo Gallery.

    “The idea came from similar breast cancer awareness campaigns. Several of us women became inspired to join together and do something in the same vein for such an important cause,” explained Desiree Duffie, director of marketing and public relations for Topco Sales.

    “When Desiree told me about what she and the other women wanted to do I gave them my full respect and support. It is a noble gesture and I hope people will be motivated by the Tops Off participants... ” said Scott Tucker, president and CEO of Topco Sales. Tucker is funding a small grant to the Los Angeles affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation on behalf of the participants.

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Gentlemen - What's your favorite type of sex toy!!!! 18
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Contact information

  • Topco Sales
  • P.O. Box 2488
  • Chatsworth
  • CA91313

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