Classic Erotica

Simply Sensual!
Classic Erotica manufactures romance products, designed to be women and couples friendly. Our distinctive packaging lends a refreshing profile to romantic essentials. Innovative flavors and fragrances promise to entice even the timid plus enhance any “first time experience”.

Every item is carefully researched and developed to warrant your confidence and trust. We always strive to manufacture with only the finest ingredients to assure the utmost in product pleasure and satisfaction. Our sensual lotions, oils, crèmes and lubricants are proudly Made in the USA with NO ANIMAL TESTING.

At Classic Erotica we remain focused on the idea that sensuality loves to be expressed and explored…and will continue to provide the sensual means to support you in that expression!

News and announcements

  • Classic Erotica has Intriguing NEW Simply Sensual Soy Massage Candle Frangrances for 2010

    3 More Reasons To Be… simply sensual!Soy Massage Candles with Pheromones in Intriguing NEW Fragrances for 2010.

    Moroccan Night Jasmine - Earthy woods infused with a hint of night blooming jasmine.
    Vanilla Violet - Sweet azure violet tickled with vanilla bean.
    Patchouli Ylang-Ylang - Asian spirited patchouli adorned by warm floral tones.

    -Simple Presentation…Sensual Intentions!
    -Soft, Romantic Packaging
    -Unlimited Customer Appeal
    -Ambient Candle… Liquefies into Moisturizing Oil for Warm Body Massage
    -Made from Natural Soy… Plus 5 Moisturizing Oils & Vitamin E
    -Enhanced with Hemp Seed Oil & Pheromones
    -4 oz. net wt. tins

    Also Available in…
    White Lavender - Wild French lavender sun-kissed with light citrus.
    Green Tea Aloe - Herbal blend balanced with gentle aloe vera.
    Pomegranate Ginger - Mulled pomegranate with a twist of spice.

    White Lavender, Green Tea Aloe & Pomegranate Ginger Fragrances
    Also Available in .5 oz. Mini Travel Tin Size
  • Hello Eden Fantasies!!

    At Classic Erotica we remain focused on the idea that sensuality loves to be expressed and explored…and will continue to provide the sensual means to support you in that expression!

    We are so excited to start discussing products, ideas and anything else that gets you fired up. Since we are new to the site, please stop by and say hi!!

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Classic Erotica forum

Discussion Related to Posts Last Update
Coochy cream scents Coochy shave creme rash free 16
Hair Maintainance! 80
To Pheromone or not to Pheromone...that is the question! 37
Coochie cream? 11
Which Coochy shave cream scent is the best? 5

Our team

  • Tera
    Sales & Marketing
    “Classic Erotica”


Fans (1624)

Contact information

  • Classic Erotica
  • 20950 Lassen Street
  • Chatsworth
  • CA91311

Phone:  800-497-7749

Fax:  818-727-1819

E-mail us