Nick Orlandino’s career is like a modern day fairytale – from the docks to the boardroom. How did Nick rise from being a warehouse worker to the CEO? What makes him tick? How does a man with no college degree have the business savvy to run one of the largest adult novelty manufacturers in the world? After so many years, has the novelty worn off? What fuels his continued inspiration for creativity?

At 15 years old, Nick got his start in the adult industry unloading trucks for Forum Novelties in New York and worked his way up to General Manager. These days, Nick Orlandino is the Chief Executive Officer of Pipedream Products, one of the largest manufacturers of adult novelties, gag gifts and pleasure products in the world. In 1992, he relocated to Los Angeles and joined Pipedream Products as Vice President of Sales/Marketing. In 1994, he became a partner in the corporation and currently runs all of the day-to-day operations at Pipedream.
Along the way, Nick created the Adult Novelty Manufacturers Expo in 1996, where he ran the industry's largest business-to-business tradeshow for the next 10 years. In 1999, he was named to the Board of Directors for the Free Speech Coalition, where he served as Treasurer for four years, and currently serves on the Creditors Committee for Castle Megastores. Nick is also the founder of the Frank N. Orlandino Scholarship Foundation, which provides tuition assistance for students with financial difficulties. In recognition of an outstanding career as CEO of Pipedream Products, Nick is included in the 2008/2009 Princeton Premier Registry, where he is listed among the most accomplished business leaders and professionals.
Throughout the years, Nick has received numerous industry awards and achievements, including being named to the Los Angeles Business Journal's list of fastest-growing companies five years and running. Pipedream was also the recipient of back-to-back Storerotica Manufacturer of the Year Awards, which Nick recently accepted in September 2009. Nick says he always has his head buried in the future; he is deeply committed to making Pipedream even better than it is today. The success of being named Manufacturer of the Year five times in the last three years is motivation to work even harder for the customers. Let’s all welcome Nick Orlandino to the Community Interview, and get to know more about this unconventional leader!
You started out working for an adult company as a young teen - how did your family react to you working (even on the outskirts) of the adult industry at that age? And how do they react now that you're on the top end of the spectrum in the same industry?
It was more of an adult gag and Halloween goods company. It wasn't hardcore adult products or anything for mom to be embarrassed about. We sold hand buzzers and whoopie cushions. My entire family is VERY proud of who and where I am at today.Kayla (host): "That's amazing how far Pipedream Products has come now. :)"
If you could go back and go to college, would you? How do you think it would have changed your career path, if at all?
My street smarts, creativity and marketing savvy have made me the man I am today. I have no idea what might have happened if I went back and went to college. -
I think it's great that you started a foundation that provides financial assistance for students. My wife is a teacher so supporting education has always been a huge priority for us. I wonder, with all of the possible charities and causes available today, what influenced you to focus your foundation on education?
The Long Island Board of Realtors approached me after receiving donations on my father's behalf. I promised to match any donations they received and did so and that is how the foundation came to be. After 9/11 we decided to put the money into education to help children whose parents died in the tragedy. In addition to the foundation, I donate to several other charities. -
You've obviously had exposure to countless lines of adult toys and novelties over the years... what's your favorite toy personally?
MOIST Lubricant. I created and developed it for my own personal use and still use it as well as sell it to this day.Kayla (host): "I've used Moist a couple times too. It's good stuff. I've noticed it's branched off into lots of different types of Moist lubricant including warming."
Who would you say has inspired you or has been a mentor to you during your career?
A few people have helped and guided me along the way. Martin Tucker of Topco Sales, Jerry West of Hollywood Creations, and Ron McGallister of Doc Johnson. These guys were very creative innovators of their time, and now I feel I have taken it to the next level in my time. Soon there will be kids coming up behind me to carry the torch. -
How would you describe your management style? Do you think it's unique to the industry?
Thanks for coming on the Community interview!We have a very lighthearted atmosphere here with a lot of joking and laughing. Pipedream has always been known as the fun company. We have a laid back environment that is a little different than some of the more corporate ones in our industry. That is what makes my management style and Pipedream as a whole unique.Kayla (host): "It sounds like an amazing place to work. If only I worked at such a laid-back company. Now I'm jealous."
Is there any one key decision or business move that you can look back on and say, "That was was the best/worst move I could have made."?
That is a very hard question to answer as I have made thousands of decisions in the last twenty-five years. Some could be called the worst, some the best, and many fall in between. As you can see, Pipedream is one of the strongest companies in the industry today and I think that speaks for itself. -
Where do you see the adult toy industry heading in the future? Anything new or different that you foresee as being a market to explore such as using 3d technology, etc.? Or do you think the industry is more about re-inventing the wheel in new and creative ways?
I don't see the application for 3D technology in sex toys right now, but you never know. We at Pipedream are reinventing as well as creating new products everyday. There is always a crop of new buyers out there! -
You've received some incredible recognitions--manufacturer of the year, fastest growing company, etc.--but what is the accomplishment/achievement that you take the most pride in?
I am very passionate about my business and career. Every acknowledgement I receive is as important as the last one and more motivation to keep looking for ways to improve myself and Pipedream as a whole. -
How incredible!
If you could do it all over, right from the start, would you change anything?No, because if I did things differently, I wouldn't be who I am today. It's been a crazy ride. Some days I wake up and realize, 'oh my God, I can't believe where I am at today.'Kayla (host): "I hope when I get older I can feel that exact same feeling. It's amazing that you do."
When you started working at 15, did you have any idea what types of products you were unloading at the time?
Did you make a conscious effort to advance in the company ranks? Or was it something that seemed to happen by chance?At the time, we were doing gag gifts and Halloween products. The advancement just happened naturally because I was passionate and hustling everyday. By the time I turned 18, I was number 3 at that company. -
Have you personally experienced any biases in the business world because of the fact that you don't have a college degree? And how much fun is it when people find out you're successful and the CEO of an adult toy company!
When I was younger I used to get a little grief over it, but nothing intimidates me and it just made me work even harder. It is what got me to where I am today. People from the past are always intrigued when they find out what I'm up to these days, that's for sure! -
What are a few of the biggest lessons you've learned in working your way up? Your own personal work ethics and words-to-live-by?
A lot of hard work and dedication will pay off if you are persistent enough. It is also important to have goals so you know what you are working toward. -
Do you have any advice for those wanting to get started in the business world (but in something taboo) perhaps how to persue it?
Follow your dreams. A lot of hard work and dedication will pay off if you are persistent enough. It is also important to have goals so you know what you are working toward.Kayla (host): "I think that's good advice for a lot of things."
When you were growing up before 15, what did you think you'd be doing in life?
I wanted to be a rock star or linebacker for the Raiders. -
I love your SuperStar love dolls, anymore celebs in the making soon?
New dolls are on their way. We just released Britney and will be shooting Fergie shortly. You never know what or who will be coming down the pike.Kayla (host): "I love all of your different dolls. I know the celebrities themselves don't like them quite as much. :P"
Starting at such a young age, I can't help but wonder how you were received in such a job field. Were you taken seriously at all? What were some of the most difficult challenges you faced in this field as you continued on through the years?
A lot of people didn't take me seriously in my younger years. Its kind of ironic, the ones who didn't, I am now looking down at and the ones who did I am looking eye to eye with. The challenges are like any other business, employees, overhead, payables, receivables, product development and keeping up with demand. -
Being as young as you were when you first started working, were you allowed to take any of the products for yourself?
Yes and the first product I took home was called Emotion Lotion made by Product Promotions. It was the first warming massage lotion. -
Working in your industry seems like so much fun, but I'm sure it has it's own stresses, so do tell: What keeps you up at night?
Our industry is like any other industry. We have employees, overhead, payables, receivables, product development and just about anything else you can think of that a CEO would have to worry about. For as much fun as it is, there are definitely days when stress is high enough to keep me up some nights.Kayla (host): "Ack. That doesn't sound so fun. At least the good days (I'd think) are more amusing than the average CEO's days."
What inspired you to create ANME in the first place?
Frankly, I couldn't stand the giant public tradeshows like CES/AVN, which were open to the public and so crowded that we couldn't conduct business. So I felt the next step was to create a show specific to the adult novelty industry. The first show had 5 exhibitors. We now have over 150!Kayla (host): "That's insane! I keep wanting to make it out to ANME, but like all fun things, it's nowhere near Iowa."
As a student who hopes to study how sexual repression effects society, I'm very curious. What do you think a greater acceptance of the adult industry would bring to society?
It would be a much better place to live. -
If there was one technology you could magically create to improve sex toys (like say a toy that could sense the location of the g-spot, or a material that would automatically conform to the user's anatomy) what would it be and why?
Tough question to answer. I've created and developed thousands of products over the past 25 years. I'm constantly dreaming up new stuff, and when I do we'll unveil it at an ANME Founders show. I don't think I'd leak it online. -
Where do you want to see your company in 10 years? What do you hope to accomplish in 10 years? Are there things you feel should have been accomplished thus far that have not been?
I've always wanted Pipedream to be number one in the industry and we are closing in on it now. I hope to get there soon. -
What role does customer feedback play in your product development?
We listen to ALL of it. I personally get all customer feedback in my email that is submitted through our website, be it questions, suggestions or complaints. It then gets forwarded to the appropriate department including product development. -
Sunday afternoon: porn or football?
BOTH!Kayla (host): "Both...together? That would make for an interesting explanation. I think I'd have to go with porn though. Difficult choice."
I noticed that there are many of your products that EF doesn't carry - one of these is [ Beatin' Barack | ]. Has anyone from your company sent this to the president? If so, was there any response?
We haven't sent any of the presidential themed products to the White House. But I am happy to say that we have just struck a new deal with Eden Fantasys and they will be picking up more and more of our product line over the coming months. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship.Kayla (host): "That makes me wonder if the President knows about that toy. I mean, it's not like a huge controversy like some of your dolls, so I'm not sure. I'm sure he'd laugh though."
What is one of your most memorable moments from when you started working at age 15 to now? Why?
Wow I feel so special. Sorry for the typo in the first one.
(Just ignor the first one.)
I've had so many memorable moments, it is difficult to narrow it down to one. I mean, we're talking 25 years ago! -
What do you think your best and worst decision was in you career?
Best - moving to Los Angeles in 1992.
Worst - I never look back or reflect on the negative, I only look forward. -
Is Pipedream doing anything green or environmental?
We are constantly researching new and better ways to make our products in a more environmentally conscious way. -
do you ever have trouble with more conservative family and friends judging you for what you do for a living?
I come from a Roman Catholic background in New York, which is pretty conservative to say the least. I have had a few family members who weren't totally happy with what I do, but in the end, my success has won over any prejudice they may have originally had.Kayla (host): "I'm glad to hear it. I'm always worried about what my family will think when they find out I have anything to do with the sex industry."
Has the Kim doll the only SuperStar love doll that has had controversy?
The Super Star Series has had its fair share of controversy over the years and several have been removed from the market. -
Do you have any regrets while in this industry regarding any part of your life and/or business?
I have of course made mistakes over the years as anyone has, but I wouldn't change a thing. It is what made me who I am today.Kayla (host): "You seem like a very positive guy. I wish I could be so positive about my mistakes."
Where you excited when NBC's new show Out Sourced contacted you about having some of your products on their show?
Thrilled and we are in discussions with them for more product placement opportunities along with a couple other outlets. -
Did anyone ever want out of your life knowing you worked with adult products? Any overly religious/prude people?
I come from a Roman Catholic background in New York, which is pretty conservative to say the least. I have had a few family members not totally happy with what I do, but in the end my success has won over any prejudice that they may have originally had. -
Do you think you'd ever tire of your career?
I absolutely love what I do unequivocally and cannot see myself tiring of it. -
I've noticed something with Pipedream Products, and I'm wondering if it's just me or just happenstance. When I go to Spencers (an adult joke store that happens to sell adult products), I notice that most of the Pipedream products are packaged in different packaging than when I purchase them at EF. Is this an attempt for a different market? I think I like the black/pink packaging more.
Spencer Gifts is a very good customer for Pipedream. We have had a long relationship and do private label for them using the style guide they provide in addition to them purchasing some of our products as they are normally seen in our catalog. The packaging you are talking about is created using Spencer's style guide.Kayla (host): "Awesome. I'm glad to know. To be completely honest, I really like that style they have. The pink and black looks very fetish-y. Makes me want to re-buy things I already own."
What prompted you create ANME? Were you surprised at its success?
I couldn't stand the giant trade shows that were open to the general public like CES and AVN. They get so crowded it makes it impossible for a company like us to conduct business. So I felt the next step was to create a show specific to the adult novelty industry. The first show had five exhibitors and we now have over 150.
The success comes as no surprise. Once companies started seeing that there was an outlet to really get some business done, more and more came on board.Kayla (host): "I'm glad ANME has done so well. I always hear a lot about it. Since I want a place where I could actually check out some of the toys and talk to companies, it seems like the best show to attend."
Along the way, have you had any issues with people who doubted your abilities due to your lack of a degree? I know from personal experience that it is extremely difficult to get ahead without a degree today. Also, does Pipedream Products give career opportunities to those without college degrees?
It was very difficult breaking into this industry as a kid. I was very young and not taken seriously. I had to fight my whole way through to get to where I am today. Degrees don't mean anything to me when it comes to hiring people. I am more concerned with a person's ability to do their job and get along with me. Those are my criteria for hiring. -
Working your way up in the adult industry must have been a very interesting experience. What is your most memorable experience from your career and which experience do you think was the funnest?
Looking back over the last 25 years, these just so many. Its hard to pin point, but one that just popped to mind was when I was 23.
I was going from Burbank to Vegas with what I called my 'booth in a bag'. It had about 20 samples in it, which were all the products we had at the time. I got stopped at the X-ray machine in the airport and when the lady opened my bad she found furry handcuffs. She asked what they were for and I replied: "Would you like to see my gun?"
All the blue lights went off and in the end they saw it was just a penis shaped water gun. It's funny now, but wasn't so funny back then.Kayla (host): "That made me laugh. I don't think that would have been funny in the slightest with all of the airport measures anymore. It's a shame - I would have bust out laughing if I was behind you in line. I cant imagine any serious criminal has fluffy handcuffs."
How does/has your job affected your personal life? Is it a huge turn on for partners or does it seem to make them standoffish ?
My personal life has always been colorful to say the least. Throughout the years, I've been known as somewhat of a playboy. I've also been married and divorced and now I'm back to having fun at 41. I've been lucky to find partners who enjoy my colorful life most of the time. -
As I was looking at your products on EF, I noticed that you manufacture items molded after porn star's anatomy (e.g., Monica Mayhem’s snatch, etc.). How does your company approach someone and ask if you can make a mold of their pussy?
What is their reaction?
Most porn stars love the opportunity. We immortalize them and pay them handsomely.Kayla (host): "I wonder if they keep the toys around like some sort of trophy. After all, you have to be a good porn star for someone to want a toy of you."
I have a B.S. in Engineering and I've been wondering for a while how to go about getting into sex toy research and development. I've looked around on company sites, but have had no luck. What do you think the best approach would be?
If you have an idea we would love to see it. You can email it to, which will come directly to my email inbox. -
I would also like to know, what drove you in the direction of getting into the adult industry, specifically sex toys? Your first job? Or was there some other inspiration or motive?
I have always been a sexually inspired person, with a very off color sense of humor. When I started my first job, I just fit in and the rest is history. -
Why did you name your company Pipedream? Was that name your first choice?
My partner named the company Pipedream because when he started the company in 1973, they were selling paraphernalia and pipes.Kayla (host): "Wow. I can't believe Pipedream has come that far."
What is your favorite part about ANME? Are you surprised at its growth, almost 15 years later?
Providing a place where others in the industry can get down to business and succeed. The growth does not surprise me. As I stated a couple times in other similar questions, its a place for adult novelty companies to really get business done without the distractions of a show that is open to the general public. -
This is such a random question, but in your picture, are those contacts, or do you really have such pretty blue eyes? They're amazing.
Those are my real eyes, in a professionally lit photo studio environment. I get my eyes from my grandmother on my mother's side of the family. Thank you for the sweet compliment. -
Where did the inspiration for the new Icicles glass dildos come from? I've seen some of them (especially the rose one), and they're really unlike most glass dildos out there. (I've heard they've been flying from the shelves too.)
Much like we did with the Fetish Fantasy Series, where we took existing item scattered throughout our catalog and branded them as a product line that would make a presence in stores, we took the existing Icicles in our inventory and reinvented them into a substantial brand. We also added some new flavor into the line with new shapes and designs as a way of offering something new to fans of glass products. We recently had to secure backup production from 4 factories who are contracted to work for Pipedream exclusively for the next 18 months to keep up with demand.Kayla (host): "I'm very amazed by how successful the Icicles line is. I think it must be all the gorgeous new designs."
Is there a product in the history of your company that you really liked, but that sold poorly. If so what was it, and why?
Too many to remember actually. Even with an educated opinion like my own, it is impossible to know what will be a hit 100% of the time. We have released products I was leery of that ended up being a home run and vise versa.Kayla (host): "I can imagine it's really difficult to predict other people's purchasing reactions. After all, it depends on the media, word of mouth, and tons of other things."
Paper or plastic? Do you fee the same pressures as other industries to find environmentally safe solutions to products and packaging?
Of course. We are constantly researching new and better ways to make our products in a more environmentally conscious way. We also recycle at the office and have signs up reminding employees to turn the lights out when they leave common areas like the kitchen, restrooms and company showroom. We all need to do our part. -
I'm currently a student graduating in May with dual degrees in Business Administration and Management. What words of wisdom would you give for finding the right organization to work for? Also, what do you, as a CEO, look for in potential employees as well as ones who are already employed?
As I stated in an answer to someone else, degrees don't mean anything to me when it comes to hiring people. I'm more concerned with 'can you do the job?' and 'can you get along with me?'
Those are my criteria for hiring.Kayla (host): "Sounds like good criteria. If only some other companies followed that. Sometimes I feel like degrees have a very important part in our workplace for very little reason."
What has been your biggest obstacle to overcome to get where you are today, and how did you get past it?
There isn't one big obstacle I can think of, there were tons of them along the way. I was very young when I came into this business and wasn't taken seriously. I had to fight my whole way through to get to where I am today. The irony is that those who didn't take me seriously, I am now looking down on today. Those who did take me seriously, I am looking eye to eye with. -
Starting work at a young age loading trucks for an adult novelty company must have made you curious as to what it was you were loading into the trucks.
What made you want to start the ANME and why? Did you have great success in the early years of ANME? Also, have you yourself designed any of the adult toys that are out there on the market today?We were loading adult gag gifts and Halloween merchandise.
I started ANME because I could not stand the giant shows like CES and AVN, which were open to the public and would get so crowded that we couldn't conduct business. I felt the next logical step was to create a show specific to the adult novelty industry. -
Will the next SuperStar Doll be Katy the Girl Kisser ?
We just released our new Britney Bitch love doll and will be shooting 'Fergie' very soon!Kayla (host): "Fergie! I'm interested in that one."
What was your pipedream growing up, and what is it now?
I wanted to be a rock star or linebacker for the Raiders. Looking forward, I have always wanted Pipedream to be the number one company in our industry and we are on our way. I hope to achieve this soon. -
You mentioned there are others SuperStar dolls in the works what ...... how do you choose .... ok what made you guys go "yes she needs to be on of our SuperStar dolls" ? I mean I see, Britney and Jessica but no Christina. No Nicole, Hillary.
I try to find models from various agencies who happen to look like a star and we take it from there. -
Oops just saw the Christina one along with a hole lot of others I hadn't seen before. Lol love the Desperate Housewife who plays when her man is away. Which doll has been your best seller so far?
Lady Gag Gag.Kayla (host): "She's definitely really popular in the media right now, so I can understand why. I wonder if any dolls will beat her in popularity."
If they decide to shoot at your company will you or Kevin be able to be in the background? Kind of a where's Waldo for some of us. But I know since the premise of the show is that they are in India it will hard for you guys to be in the background.
Would love it, but that would be up to the producers of the show. -
Do you think that there's a stigma affecting men who use sex toys or adult novelties? If so, is there a way to combat that kind of stereotype that pervades concept of male use of adult products, that you/Pipedream have worked on?
It is becoming more and more common place for men to use sex toys. We don't really do any marketing or promotional advertising for our prostate stimulators, they just sell well on their own. There is a demand for it.Kayla (host): "Its good to know. Males seem to talk about sex more openly, so it's odd that some males feel like sex toys make them less masculine or something."
What's your favorite pipedreams product and why?
MOIST Personal Lubricant. I developed it for my own personal use and still use it to this day. -
That is great that your products will soon be in film. What product have you envisioned being in a film? There must be a product that you thought "I can just see this being played out in a scene"
We have had 100's of products in both TV and in movies. I always let the producers decide what they want to use and am equally excited to see new items placed no matter what they are. -
Have you thought of opening up an Office in NY?
I would love to! It's where I am from. It's home, but no, I like having a self contained facility with everything under one roof here in Los Angeles.Kayla (host): "Los Angeles? Why does everything awesome have to be in bigger cities."
Do you miss living in NY? Is there any toy companies or adult movies in NY kind like there is for the mainstream film industry?
There are a few smaller companies in New York and I do miss it. A large part of my family still lives there. -
Do you hope to one day pass this business along to your children (if you're planning on having any, that is)?
Perhaps, if it is something my son would want to do. -
Wow, I didn't know that Pipedream started off selling pipes and paraphernalia! How did it make the transition from paraphernalia to adult toys and novelty items?
The transition came when I arrived in the early 90's and pushed the company into distributing adult novelties and then eventually into manufacturing.Kayla (host): "That's such a change. Looks like it was a great direction for the company though."
You mentioned that running Pipedream is just like any other business. Are there unique challenges to being the CEO other than the obvious fact that it produces adult novelties? I bet you have some interesting team building exercises
We probably have more fun than most regular businesses, but it's work like any other job. -
Is it part of your duties as CEO to test out your products? Do you consider it a chore or do you look forward to it?
I am involved in the creating and developing of the products, but don't do the actual testing myself.Kayla (host): "Darn. Gotta pass on that "dirty" work to someone else. :)"
Have you come across a person extra special to you that you created a toy for them? Any stories you care to share?
Yes, I've developed a few toys over the years that have made fun of people in the industry who upset me, but cannot comment further than that. -
Being the CEO, do you ever give bonuses in the form of products? Would you ever consider becoming a "Sexy Santa" for your employees around the holidays?
LOL, no... all I give is cash.Kayla (host): "I think you should consider that Sexy Santa option. Really."
What was the moment/accomplishment that gave you the most pride while serving with the Free Speech Coalition?
When I created the Cory Ipson Gold Tournament, which generated a lot of money for FSC over the years. -
After being named Manufacturer of the Year five times in the last three years, it's pretty clear your company is a creative force to be reckoned with, and always tries to keep up with current trends. That being said, what toy materials do you see being phased out in the coming years, and what new materials might replace them? Are you seeing a general market trend towards "green" or safer materials?
We are constantly working on finding new materials and have several now we are working with, but cannot discuss them at this time. It remains proprietary information to Pipedream. I see a definite trend in using 'greener' and 'safer' materials and we are working hard to move in that direction as well.Kayla (host): "Darn. No fun secrets for us. I'm excited to see what materials you will be coming out with though."
What was your worst day on the job like (at any time in your career)? And what was the best day?
There are so many ups and downs over the last 25 years, its too hard to pin point one example. -
Do family members ask you for toys easily or are they too embarrass to?
Not often, but when they have I forward those requests to my assistant, I wont even deal with it.Kayla (host): "That's probably for the best. I'm not sure what I'd think if I knew exactly what my parents wanted."
out of your 25 yrs in the industry, can u pick one product, or moment that u hold closest to your heart?
Walking into the Berlin show two years ago and seeing my company banners all over the show in almost every booth was a very prideful moment for me. I almost had a tear in my eye.Kayla (host): "That sounds amazing. I think I'd be proud too."
What is your personal favorite product for men?
MOIST Personal Lubricant. I developed it myself for my own personal use and still use it to this day. -
Where did the name PipeDream come from?
My partners who started the company in 1973 came up with the name. At the time they were distributing paraphernalia and pipes. -
Why did you decide to create the Adult Novelty Manufacturers Expo?
Frankly, I couldn't stand the giant public tradeshows like CES/AVN, which were open to the public and so crowded that we couldn't conduct business. So I felt the next step was to create a show specific to the adult novelty industry. The first show had 5 exhibitors. We now have over 150! -
Do you have any kids? If so, do they have any interest in following in your footsteps?
I have a son, he's too young still to express an interest in our industry.Kayla (host): "I wonder if he'll be interested when he gets older."
That is quite the resume! Did you ever get offers to go do the same types of duties for other types of companies?
When I was younger I had many offers, but Pipedream was the best fit for me. -
If pipedreams would create an adult product or line of products in your honor, what would you like it to be?
Something funny that would make people laugh. -
As a CEO, do you ever have colleagues with college degrees try to assert themselves as "superior" simply because you don't have one? If so, how do you handle a situation like that?
Personally, I think your level of success (especially at your age) should be more than enough to prove your superiority, but with the latest craze being college business degrees, I'm curious.I was very young when I came into this business and wasn't taken seriously. I had to fight my whole way through to get to where I am today. The irony is that those who didn't take me seriously, I am now looking down on today. Those who did take me seriously, I am looking eye to eye with. I don't have any colleagues who try to make me feel inferior.Kayla (host): "It's good to know that Pipedreams is a good place to work. Sounds like a great working environment."
You have so many different kinds of toys, lotions and potions to dolls to anal toys to lubes... Did you and Pipedream start off just making one kind of product and then branch out seeing a need, or did you begin knowing you wanted to be this hugely diverse company?
The company started in 1973 selling pipes and paraphernalia. It was a diverse range of items. We went in the same direction when we shifted into the adult novelty market. -
Many of us write reviews on sex toys and discuss sex and sexuality openly, however we do so behind a veil of anonymity over concerns of how it might be perceived. Has there ever been a situation where you felt awkward or embarrassed when someone found out what you do for a living?
Over the years there have been some odd situations at my son's school or at the country club where people just don't get it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished and I don't let anyone's prejudice get to me.Kayla (host): "I'm glad you don't let people get you down. I'd imagine that some people probably don't understand the business at all."
I know you commented that your favorite product was MOIST lubricant, but is there a novelty/gag item that you think is the most fun one you've ever seen?
I'm a big fan of our Super Star Series love dolls and gag gifts. There are too many winners to pick just one. -
I know that loading a truck is not easy or fun...or at least from what I have heard. What on earth attracted you to the industry so much at such a low level that kept you wanted to grunt it out and climb the ladders?
I was 15 years old and needed a job and knew it was a stepping stone for me to get somewhere better.Kayla (host): "I remember having bad jobs when I was younger. None of my jobs led me to being a CEO though."
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been/have given?
A lot of hard work and dedication will pay off if you are persistent enough. It is also important to have goals so you know what you are working toward. -
You're definitely self-motivated and a self-starter. Do you think the recession/recovery period has been genuinely good for entrepreneurs, or are most entrepreneurs starting companies under that economic climate doing so because there is literally no other work? And how has the recession/recovery period affected your company/industry?
I can't speak for other companies, but Pipedream has done very well for the last couple of years in spite of a tough economic climate. This is because of a lot of hard work, belt tightening and overall retooling of the company. I don't stop to look at the recession and its effects, I just continue to push harder and harder to be out best. -
Checking out your SuperStar Series, there's only one male doll... Any plans to make dolls of some hot male celebrities? Johnny Depp, maybe? Brad Pitt? Orlando Bloom?
Look a like males are harder to find. If we found the right model, we would be open to it.Kayla (host): "I can imagine there aren't so many look-a-like males. Females tend to follow fashion and everything more than won't males would."
Above you said that you read all of the feedback and comments your company receives, do you get a lot of un-solicited product ideas that non-industry people are trying to pitch? If so, have you ever used any of those ideas?
We do and to be honest, I have never used one idea in 25 years.Kayla (host): "That's unfortunate. We can always hope that you get some amazing ideas soon. :)"
Have you ever thought of producing either adult film or mainstream?
I have done some producing of adult films over the years under the pseudonym Nick E. Luv. -
Lady Gag Gag, love it! Oh I totally forgot about Fergie, is there any starlet that is off limits?
No one is off limits.Kayla (host): "That's good to know. I keep trying to figure out who's going to be the next one. I'm looking forward to seeing the new dolls."
This is just a curiosity question, and may be too forward, but after 25+ years in the business, how often would you say you use your own products, and if you wouldn't mind telling, which ones are your favorite?
MOIST Lubricant. I created and developed it for my own personal use and still use it as well as sell it to this day. -
Going forward, is there any branch of the adult industry that you've not yet ventured into that you think would be fun? (Adult videos, for example? Or an expansion of the male doll line?)
We are branching out into some kinkier markets and will be unveiling these new items in Berlin later this month. Details about the new products will be released in the next couple of weeks.
I have done some producing of adult films int he past under the pseudonym Nick E Luv and we would be happy to expand the Super Star Series with male dolls if we find the right models.Kayla (host): "I'm looking forward to seeing the kinkier toys. I love new ideas for toys, and kinky ones are always fun."
If you were chosen to be the graduation speaker at the high school you graduated from, what would be your message to the kids? What would you tell them about going to college and pursuing a degree?
I'm not really the right guy to answer this, or speak at a school. Degrees are nice, but I believe that hard work and dedication are better.Kayla (host): "I feel that exact same way. I think it'd be nice to hear a motivational speaker who isn't so focused on the degree."
Adult toys have come a long way, even since my introduction to them about eight years ago. Where do you see the industry going? What about materials? Do you see one substance taking over?
In a few places adult toys are somewhat in the mainstream, do you sense a surge of acceptance overall?
Do you sense customers are more demanding now, when they choose toys?Customers are more educated than ever before, so there is a always a need for better materials. Pipedream constantly works hard to find new and better materials to use. But there will always be a place for the lower end vibrators and toys. Not everyone has a budget to drive a luxury car, nor do they want to. The same goes for sex toys. In the last few years the acceptance level of our industry has crossed over into the mainstream and will continue to do so. -
Do people ever ask to see tours of your factories/offices? I feel like you guys must have a bit of a different working environment due to the types of products you produce.
Yes, we give tours of our facility to customers and suppliers all the time. -
Someone else asked a question about the Recession/Depression. I have a different one. Do you think, due to people staying home and making love more now, that Adult Products have a bigger window of opportunity to sell than before?
Yes, some people save their money and instead of going away on an expensive vacation will spend a few hundred at their favorite adult store and have a vacation at home.Kayla (host): "I believe that too. I think the sex industry is one of the industries were a recession doesn't hit quite as hard - especially for widely available products like Pipedream."
Who tests your new products and ideas for new products? Do you have a research and development department?
We do all of our own R&D [research and development] in house and rely on the input of our valued sex toy reviewers. -
Have you ever received any direct feedback from celebrities about your dolls aside from the lawsuits?
No, we only hear from the legal team of the celebrity. There has never been any direct contact.Kayla (host): "That's unfortunate. I feel like it'd be amusing if a celebrity really had something to say about the doll."
Where did the idea of having Midge Man come to life and have his own blog come from?
I created the Midget Man love doll and our Marketing Manager Kevin started a Facebook fan page, which was deleted, so he created the blog instead.Kayla (host): "Yeah. Facebook isn't real adult friendly unfortunately. But it's only specific pages. Only ones they notice. Silly Facebook. It's neat that the Midget Man has a blog though. Go Kevin! :)"
So there was no hard feelings with E!? Read how you will have product placement in a new show of theirs and being that Kim is there #1 star ( I think ) I was happy to hear that they are not uptight
I guess not. The new show we will have products placed on is from a separate production company that will happen to air on the E! Network in November. It has nothing to do with the Kardashian's TV show. -
Besides the good (or great) money in the adult novelty business, what drives you to continue running the company?
My passion for this industry. I probably wont be leaving this company until I'm in a pine box.Kayla (host): "You sound amazingly dedicated."
Have you ever hired an employee who seemed up to the job, but was a bit surprised by what you guys do? (I assume you explain it in advance, but maybe he/she didn't realize it is as open as it is.)
We let everybody know about the type of environment they are coming into before they get here. -
I seem to remember Pipedream stuff from a headshop a worked in.......oh many years ago. Anyway, I wanted to ask, what product do you think is Pipedream's biggest success and which one simply didn't work out the way you wanted it to?
We've had a lot of great successes and a lot of failures over the years. Fortunately we have had more successes than failures over the years to bring us to where we are at today. There are just too many on both ends of the spectrum to narrow it down to a single product. -
How exposed should you think the adult industry should be? With the older generation fadeing out do you think there will be a surge in sexual living, like the surge in tattoos, peircings, and lifestyles in the recent years, or do you think the trend will be a steady increase/decrease?
I expect in the next 10 years, the adult novelty and entertainment business will be fully mainstream and a lot more accessible to the masses.Kayla (host): "I'm looking forward to when that time happens. Sex toys being more accepted sounds amazing."
How does the process work when coming up with a new toy idea? It seems there are so many out there and a lot of them are horrible and don't work the way they are supposed to!!!
We have a full time R&D Department at Pipedream, which I head. I also personally spend time in Hong Kong each year creating and developing product with the factories that are contracted to work exclusively for Pipedream. -
What is the one product you always wanted to sell/create, but could never seem to get off the ground? What were the complicating factors?
I am very happy to say that everything I've dreamt up, I've been able to make. -
We have a little tradition around here... please finish the sentence: "Sex is..."
... my favorite thing!Kayla (host): "Awesome way to end the interview! :)"
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