Delilah Devlin, an editor and author, has tried multiples careers in her life before finding her calling in writing erotica. What brought her into writing and editing erotica? Where does she get her inspiration for her writing? What's the hardest part about being a full-time writer?

Delilah started writing eleven years ago. She and her sister were at the office late at night (as those who had volunteered to stay late that night for their IT company for Y2K) when the two of them discussed where they wanted to be in ten years. Both of them agreed it wasn't in that office! Delilah then started following her dream of writing, and she was first published in 2003. She found that she had a knack for erotica, and she hasn’t looked back since. In her erotica, she draws on her previous experiences and her creative mind to spin together sensual erotic tales. She recently has put her creative writing talents to work by trying her hand at editing as well; her first Cleis Press erotic anthology came out in September, and it is titled Girls Who Bite. Delilah is currently writing on two new eBooks and working on editing her next Cleis Press erotic anthology.
Her interests aren't only limited to writing though! When she was younger, Delilah was a child of an Air Force soldier, so she has never really had one place to call home. Home has always been wherever she tends to be at the moment, and right now, that’s in Central Arkansas. Traveling as a child led for a fondness of traveling, and she has been to a lot of places as an adult. She lived in Germany for 7 years and has been to Saudi Arabia and Ireland among other places. With a love of travel, when the travelling bug bites, she buys a ticket and heads out for a new adventure.
Someday in the future, Delilah hopes to have a beach house far, far away from all of the noise of everyday life with a pet for company. Of course, she wants to stock her home full of lots and lots of books as well.
How does Delilah continue to find inspiration for her writing? Where is her favorite place that she’s traveled to? How has the view of erotica changed since she started writing back in 2000? Find out the answers to your questions in this Interview! Please join us in welcoming Delilah Devlin to Community Interview!
Hey, Delilah! Welcome to Eden!
My question is:
Whenever I read an erotic anthology, I feel like the stories have been dropped off a the author wants to say so much more, but doesn't. Is this due to editing on the publisher's part or something else entirely?Hey Stormy!
There may be a couple of reasons for this. Short stories might not be satisfying for you. If you love a longer read, one you can sink into for a while, you may be left yearning for more even if the story you're reading is one you love. I often get--"I loved it, but I wished it was longer." I take it as a compliment. A writer can hope that a short story will hook a reader who hasn't read them before into checking out their longer works.
Then again, it might be the story. Some authors who tend to write longer, can't seem to "fit" their stories into a shorter premise. Personally, I've read quite a few that felt like the opening chapter of a much longer story rather than a complete story. -
Hi and welcome. I am thrilled, especially having read Carnal Machines and Girls Who Bite. I have two questions for you.
The first is have you found that it is easier to write and publish books that go along the paranormal road since the group of people interested paranormal things is growing so quickly?
Also, how different is it for you to write erotica for Cleis than to write a romance with Harlequin?I suffer from W.A.D.D.--my own made up malady--Writer's ADD. I get really bored writing the same genre, book after book. Paranormals tend to take more time to write than straight contemporary because of the need to build a deep, believable world. They take a lot out of me, and I like to cleanse my palate after a paranormal or sci-fi book with something easy like a cowboy menage or a BDSM-ish story.
As to whether paranormals are easier to get published? I don't know. My latest New York projects were a paranormal series and a "Vikings in Space" series. I did a couple of Texas-set contemporaries before that. The first thing I sold to Cleis Press was a paranormal anthology idea, GIRLS WHO BITE, which will be followed by SHE-SHIFTERS, then COWBOY LUST--so again, I can't tell you whether it's the market or my own interest in these stories that sold them.
Since Cleis wanted me to find "romantic" erotica stories for my collections, I haven't had to step out of my box with them, so it hasn't been different for me than writing for any of my other publishers. Although, I have written some shorts for straight erotica Cleis collections that did make me stretch a bit--a feeling I loved!
sexyintexas (host): "I can't wait for Cowboy Lust...the name alone has me excited!"
Hello Delilah, that is a beautiful name, I love it.
My question is:
What is your favorite kind of Erotica to write about?Hey Beck!
Thanks! I love "Delilah" too.
My favorite erotica? Hmmm...has to be other-world fantasy, whether it's paranormal or sci-fi, simply because writing it isn't easy. I'm a bit spoiled. Contemporary and even some historical feels natural and easy. With my longer paranormals and sci-fi fiction, I really have to "live" in that other world to be able to describe it. Every aspect has to be imagined. I always strive to make it fresh--something readers haven't seen before. -
Hi Delilah! Welcome.
I'm extremely curious to know why you choose to work with paranormal subjects. I am a huge fan of vampire-themed erotica and wonder if you are in the same boat!Hi Rarity!
Vampires are my favorite Otherkin! There's something about a lover taking sustenance from a partner... It's sexy as hell. -
Where in cenral arkansas are you right now because ive lived in arkansas my entire life in a small town about 45minutes from little rock with a population of 800. Welcome to the community as well.
Unfulfilled, I've lived in the boonies near Arkadelphia for about five years now. You can't be far! Thanks for the welcome! -
Thank you for answering my first question! Maybe I'm just reading the wrong anthologies.
Do you ever find that you want to go completely off the map with a character in a novel and then scale it back because your publisher or your audience would think it was "too far"? Can you give an example?Stormy! Oh yeah.
In my latest Vikings in Space book, I have a hero who was captured and sent to a brothel where he is forced to pleasure women. When he finally gets the woman responsible for his imprisonment in his hot hands, he darn near rapes her. I knew it would make people uncomfortable. However, he's so conflicted about how he treats her that I was able to make him and his actions more palatable. The fact the heroine was crazy-attracted to him helped.
I also wrote a novella called "Begging for It" where the heroine had to experience pain and punishment before she could allow herself to feel anything. Getting deep into her head made her real and very sympathetic, without making her seem weak. There's a lot of satisfaction in accomplishing something like that.
There are sometimes certain acts that publishers prohibit. I have to follow the rules, but try to find ways to still accomplish what I want in a scene. In the second story of my paranormal "Dark Realm" series, I wanted some same-sex action between the hero and another male. I scaled it back to a flirtation during a fight when he subdued the other male. It actually turned out to be more fun than I'd intended.sexyintexas (host): "Personally I love it when authors push the envelope a little, otherwise I could just watch Lifetime lol. I think it touches on personal fantasies for people that a lot of us wouldn't otherwise touch on."
Where is your favourite place in the world? Where are you planning on traveling to next?
Rarity, I have to choose? I have several! If I were wealthy, I'd have a home on an island in the Puget Sound and I'd have a summer cottage in Galway, Ireland. I LOVE Germany (I lived there seven years and cried when I had to come home). I adore southern France. My next big trip will be to Iceland, I hope. -
I really enjoyed Girls Who Bite and I want to get my hands on She-Shifters, but I tend to like when I can't really guess what would be the theme of the next short story. Would you consider editing a book that has a broader paranormal theme so that the book would contain more than stories about vampires. A book about faeries would be cool - there are so many ways to exploit that and would be sexy.
Haha, I feel like giving more suggestions than asking a question. I guess I was too excited to see you interviewed. Welcome!Kynky! Yay! I'm thrilled you liked Girls Who Bite! I would love to do more than vamps and shifters. I have some ideas in the works. We'll see if Cleis will be crazy enough to let me have another go! Faeries? Sounds fun! There's so much to work with there. -
I was visiting your website and there are so many books! Which one is your favorite? Which one brought you the most self fullfillment writing?
If I have to choose just one, I think it's DARKNESS CAPTURED. It's the last in the "Dark Realm" series and I knew that I wouldn't be writing any more in that series for Avon so I went wild with the story! I sent a werewolf to the Sumerian version of The Land of the Dead. All the research I poured into Sumerian and Judeo-Christian lore helped me build a really unique version of Hell, but one I hoped didn't feel too alien to readers. I had this cast of characters I followed through all the stories. The villainess got what she deserved in the end. There were happy forevers for most of my vamps and weres. When I wrote THE END, it was a bittersweet feeling.sexyintexas (host): "Wow! I can see myself spending a little shopping time on the site! There are so many reading enthusiasts here and most of us are completely sucked in by anything paranormal or out of the standard realm of erotica."
Hi! Welcome to the community! I haven't read through everyone's questions, so hopefully it hasn't been asked!
What is one thing that you fantasize about, that you haven't written about?Babie! One thing I've fantasized about but haven't yet written? A black ops book. I have something in mind, but I really like to do my research. I'm ex-military and I'd hate to do a half-assed job. -
What is one thing you would love to write about, but haven't? Whether it be in your current genre or outside.
Barbie, other than the black ops thing, I'd really love to write a horror novel. Something creepy and suspenseful rather than horribly bloody. I've written some creepy zombie scenes before (in SEDUCED BY DARKNESS), but haven't done a whole book centered around the horror.sexyintexas (host): "Oooh, love it. The new TV series American Horror Story has had so many great reviews. The twisted sexual aspect of it makes it fantastic!"
Again, haven't gotten through all the questions already asked here... But what would you say to an aspiring writer?
If you're wanting to write and to be successful doing it, the most important thing I can recommend is that you write. A lot. And you have to put yourself out there. Submit a story, even if you don't think it's the most perfect thing ever. I've had friends who revised the same dang manuscript for years. Write. Submit. Hopefully, you'll get some feedback along the way that will help you figure out what you haven't mastered. Find a critique partner or a group. You need feedback to get better! -
Welcome! I can't wait to get started on your books. My husband says I get two for my birthday in two weeks! I am super excited about Girls Who Bite as I love Sci-fi/Fantasy and especially Vampire related novels. Who are your favorite authors? Also, what made you decide to write?
Hi there, Winterseve! Steven King is a gazillionaire for a very good reason. He tells a great story, is prolific as hell, and changes things up so he's never stale. Michael Crichton, bless him, was unbelievably imaginative. But if I have a rainy afternoon free and want to curl up with a comfort read, it's gonna be Linda Howard or a Julie Garwood medieval. Angela Knight is also terrific. -
Hi, Delilah! You've written some great f/f stories for several of my anthologies, and I keep meaning to ask if you've done lesbian erotica in places I may have missed. So now I've asked.
It's a strange thing, Sacchi, but f/f doesn't sell all that well outside of straight erotica. I'd like to see that change, because I'd love to write longer lesbian stories. After I put Girls Who Bite to bed, I got to talking to Paisley Smith (one of the GWB contributors) about the problem. We wrote a two novella anthology for Ellora's Cave (BITTEN IN THE BIG EASY), the start of a trilogy of vamp-witch-voodoo stories that are strictly f/f. We're hoping we can prove a romance is a romance regardless of the gender preference.sexyintexas (host): "You proved in Night At The Wax Museum that f/f is just as sexy as any other combination!"
Hello! Quick question!
What is the sexiest story you feel you've ever written?
PS- I love Carnal Machines! Welcome to Eden!Ryuson! Hope you loved my story, "Dr. Mullaley's Cure." The sexiest story? I think it just might be BREAKING LEATHER. It's a menage Western--three cowboys, one woman. Or maybe the one that led into that story, FOUR SWORN. Something about those Kinzie brothers really inspired me. -
How did you decide to leave the Air Force, and how did you decide to leave corporate IT? It sounds like you've really made some interesting and inspired changes in your life---was the path straight, or circuitous?
Antipova! I was an Air Force brat (my dad was the airman), but spent over 14 years in the Army myself. I didn't really intend to stay that long. I told myself that when I stopped having fun, I'd resign. That didn't happen until after The Gulf War. I think I had a touch of PTSD--everything about the service irritated the crap out of me after I came back from the Middle East. My degree was a Masters of Science in Systems Management, so it was natural to fall into an IT program manager's job. And I didn't decide to leave IT. My corporation did a series of layoffs while they played with Indian service centers. I was too expensive to keep and got fired. At that point, I was already writing and trying to figure out how to make it as a full-time writer. I worked for a non-profit corp for a time, then got a teaching certificate, thinking the torture of working with high school students would be worth the summers off (it wasn't!). I finally made the plunge five years ago and haven't looked back. -
When did you know that writing Erotica was a path you wanted to go down?
I started writing sweet romances, hoping to sell to Harlequin, but a funny thing kept happening. I was told to tone down the sexual content of my stories. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep my characters out of bed. Then I met someone who'd sold to a new company called Ellora's Cave. She said I could write it as hot as I like and that I should submit. I did. They bought. I haven't looked back. I can't imagine writing any fade to black sex scenes.sexyintexas (host): "Please don't stop now! We love the way that you write!"
Where do yo draw your inspiration from? I've very curious as to what your process is like!
Everywhere! I can stand in the line at Walmart and hear a snippet of conversation from the cashiers and a story pops into my mind. I get inspiration from movies, television shows--from my dreams. When I run dry for something fresh, I pull out my research books and flip through the pages until something clicks. -
Where is your favorite "quiet" place to go to in order to write your best work?
My basement office. There are no windows. It's quiet. I can free my mind and just write. -
What are your favorite books by other authors?
I love Salem's Lot by Steven King--it was the first vamp book I ever read. I love Eaters of the Dead (which became the movie The 13th Warrior) and Timeline by Michael Crichton. I love Mackenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard--my all-time favorite comfort read. And I adore several of Julie Garwood's medievals: Saving Grace, The Wedding. I'm not high-brow--I just know what entertains me!sexyintexas (host): "I love Stephen King, he is the author that I can remember best as a teen and young adult that kept me mesmerized as well as too scared to sleep most of the time."
Which authors have you met in your journey of travel?
Good lord! Tons of romance authors since I've attended a lot of conventions, including Nora Roberts, Sharon Sala, Pamela Morsi, Heather Graham, Angela Knight... So many, too many to mention! I also recently met David Morrell, the creator of Rambo. -
Hello! I have never read "pure" erotic fiction, but I love novels with a splash of erotica, I think I would really enjoy something with more sex in it, do you have any good suggestions for me? I like heterosexual encounters, and maybe something a little more romantic. Thank You so much for doing an interview on Eden Fantasys!
A splash of erotica? I'd recommend Angela Knight, Jaci Burton, Shayla Black, Lauren Dane. I've read some of their books and they were sexy, but not too over the top. Not like mine. -
Hey DD!
My question is about experience. Did you write before you published or was it an entirely new adventure for you? Second part of the question is about growth. How long did it take you to really get comfortable with your voice and did you level out in your 11 yr span? ThanksHey there, Hales! At midnight, December 31st, 1999--I decided I would become a writer. It took until 2003 before I sold my first story. So not a life-long dream. I got comfortable with my voice about the time I wrote the second book in my "Dark Realm" series--SEDUCED BY DARKNESS. I knew it was good. Knew it was "me." And there's no leveling out here. I still try to push it in terms of content and genre. -
Favorite flavor of icecream?
Chocolate! The darker, the better!sexyintexas (host): "I second that! My husband travels a lot for work and his stops on the way home include Ghirradellis and Russel Stover for tons of dark chocolate!"
I'm curious, as an erotica author, what is your favorite book genre?
My favorite genre of literature really is erotica. My favorite sub-genre is paranormal. -
Hi There, I was wondering what your family things about your line of work?
I'm sure that my family, at first, was appalled. However, they've seen my paychecks. My mother brags on me all the time--but she's an artist and likes to think she's a little more open-minded than most of the folks here in the Bible Belt. -
Also, if you could give an inspiring writer a tip on how to get started writing professionally, what would it be?
I answered this before. The best thing to do is to write and submit. Then write something else and submit. Repeat as often as needed! -
What was it like being a child of a traveling Air Force family?
It was a great education. I may have missed out on being part of a stable community, but I learned to be adaptable. I'm not afraid of change or striking out on my own. -
Do you feel that the sales of books are going down? And if so, what are your plans to break even when sales are not-so-hot?
Printed books? Certainly. Publishers' print runs have gone down consistently over the past several years. However, eBooks are taking off. People still want stories. I don't think I have anything to worry about any time soon.sexyintexas (host): "I think a lot of readers prefer to still have a solid book to hold onto, so hopefully it will never become obsolete. Nothing better than sitting in a bubble bath and reading a good novel."
You have lovely favourite places!
If unicorns existed, where do you think they'd live? My suspicion is that they would live in Ireland, it is so picturesque.Rarity!
I think you're right! Ireland is the perfect place for unicorns, or maybe the Black Forest of Germany.sexyintexas (host): "Unicorns that are riden by leprechauns...just saying :)"
Welcome to Eden, Delilah! As a poor college student with a love of traveling... I'm curious; did you travel before you started writing? Have you ever found the money to travel when expenses were tight? If so, how did you manage? If not, what did you do to quell the travel-bug?
When things have been tight, I look for day-trip ideas. It's funny how folks neglect exploring what's in their own backyards. For instance, 45 minutes from my house is the only diamond mine in North America. Three hours from here is Memphis--home of the Blues. Four hours from here is Blanchard Springs Caverns... -
Being a book lover, and with the rising popularity of online books... How do you personally feel about the growing general disinterest in print books? I hate reading off of a screen--I much prefer my books to be filled with physical pages, please!
I think it's inevitable, Midnight! Find an ereader that feels right held in your hand. You'll save money in the long run, won't have to worry about storage space--and you'll save a tree! -
Sorry my computer spazzed out on me. I lost my train of thought now. Darn. I had a really good question...
If you remember, I'll be here... -
Everytime I read through the new questions and answers, I am hit with more questions...bear with me
First thank you for your service to our country. I was a Navy brat so I can totally relate to the not having the stability, but it does give you a different outlook on things.
There have been quite a few Stephen King movies on cable lately and I have recorded them. I am having trouble bringing myself to watch them because I already have mental images from the novels that I don't want ruined. How do you feel about it when one of your favorite storied are adapted for screenplay and it just isn't up to par with the book?
Also, when you get an idea for a story or a snippet, how do you store it? Do you make a mental note and file it away in your head or do you have a system for taking notes to go back to later?SexyinTexas! You're very welcome!
I try not to read a book first if I know a movie is going to follow. It annoys the crap out of me too when the movie doesn't match up with my expectations. What's worse is when they change the ending! (I'm thinking of The Horse Whisperer.)
I wish I was wonderfully organized about how I stored those snippets. I have little notebooks I keep everywhere---in the car, beside the bed, on the coffee table. I also have One Note on my computer that lets me keep snippets in "files". And I have a huge actual file of newspaper and magazine articles.sexyintexas (host): "My desk in the office is insanely crazy! I have post it notes everywhere. No one can find anything in this room except me. I guess it is an organized mess I know where to find things."
if i want sexaul fun what tool would you advise me to use if i want to get an orgasim because i'm not currently having sex right now and i need a sexaul friend what would you recomend
My best little "friend" is a multi-speed silver bullet vibrator. Anything I can use to direct vibrations exactly where I need them is a very sweet toy. -
Hi Delilah! I'm new to writing erotica but find it intriguing, fun, and exciting. Any tips or advice for someone new?
Figure out what you like reading in the genre and study how those authors did it. Then write. When you have something you think is getting close, find someone experienced to give it a read and provide you some critique. Better yet, join a critique group. I could recommend one...sexyintexas (host): "Eden Cafe is a great place where you can send in small stories and get feedback from your fellow you get giftcards! Also there are other options if you check under "Clubs" in the forum...there are writers here that will help you out anytime!"
Have you ever written a sex scene you never experienced yourself--if so, what was the most difficult aspect of writing it. One of my writer friends equates writing sex scenes with writing action scenes. If you make something so improbable and physically impossible, readers will call you out on it. Are there areas of erotica or kink you won't touch (write.)? If so, what are they?
I would like to mention I have just read the first of the Viking novels. I hope to be able to set down with the sequel soon. I am sure it will prove as engrossing and entertaining read as the first one! Thanks for the wonderful books!
K. A. GoriupOf course I have!! I've never been in bed with six people at one time. However, that's where my imagination gets to go wild. It's really not a stretch. I've had sex. I've had awesome kinky sex. So taking it a step farther in my mind isn't hard. Do be sure the physicality of the act is possible. Sometimes, that requires trying out the choreography. Not gonna explain that one.
Oops! I missed the rest of the question. Some things I won't do... I don't know. Anything involving excrement is just...ewwww.
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed Ravished by a Viking! I love my Vikings! -
Hii Delilah! I love your books I follow your blog as well as ur news group my question is how do you celebrate ur book releases and awards when you recieve them?
Hi, SiNn! By running through the house to let everyone know. Then it's back to work.sexyintexas (host): "Running through the house doing a happy dance? Haha."
I forgot to mention Im reading a couple of your books now and lookforward to reading your newest as well
I hope you enjoy them!! -
Hello! I'm just curious about how you feel about emotion in erotica. How much emotional pull do you like to have in your writing? Do you find that people find emotionally touching, but really hot stories better or the 'anonymous' ones better?
It really depends on the characters who pop into my mind. I can't do all angst. I'm not a naturally angsty person. I'm really pretty happy. So sometimes, there's humor, sometimes, depending on the characters' past there's angst. It depends on what they need to learn and grow. -
Hello, this is a more personal question. It says at the top you lived in Germany, what was that like? How is the area over there? Is it really beautiful? I have never been outside of the U.S. and Canada, but often dream of visiting Germany, because my family is German. My great grand mother came to America during WWII, because she meant my great grandfather who was an America solider. I am just curious what it is like there. Thanks for answering
Germany is gorgeous! The architecture, the history is all very rich. I lived south of Frankfurt and then in the southwestern area of the country. I used every bit of free time I had to explore. I learned to speak enough German to hold my own in conversations, and made a lot of friends over there. Germans, at least back then, were more formal in their dress and manners than most Americans. They took pride in keeping their homes and communities clean. They loved to share their culture, their food and wine, and their opinions! LOL You should consider a trip. I think you'd enjoy it.sexyintexas (host): "Beck, I didn't know you were German...remind me to message you my last name!"
Hello again, thanks for answering my question the first time. I love other world Erotica also. I have written a few myself, but my hubby thinks I am nuts for finding Vampires dreamy. Anyhow, my new question is how do you draw the line between erotica and too graphic in your descriptions of the erotic experience? That may not make sense, what I mean is how much detail in writing an erotic story is too much? Is it a bit much to include a play by play or should you leave some to the imagination?
When you read erotica, does some of it make you squeamish? If so, study what words they use or what actions the characters are making to figure out what makes you personally uncomfortable. Go with your own gut. Erotica readers like the details, but most still like a little glossing over the grosser parts of sex. Pussy farts, for example, might be a little TMI.sexyintexas (host): "Ok, now I am giggling so much I am choking on my water. Nothing like a queef, timed to perfection, can slow the mood......although I guess that would be another private message moment."
welcome to eden! what are your favorite types of characters to write about? I love vampire stories but I love reading any type of paranormal story.
I love warriors of any kind--Vikings, knights, vampires on a mission, soldiers. The tougher the guy, the harder he falls. As for women, I love a heroine who's tough as nails when sh#t hits the fan, but who is strong enough to let a lover inside when she needs a snuggle. I love ditzes, and I love sassy-smart women. As for what kind of creature-feature character I prefer, I love a character who has to fight his or her inner demon to stay on the straight and narrow--vampires fighting their bloodlust; Vikings in space having to learn to adapt to a technologically advanced world to kick ass; demons trying to please an evil master while flirting with their food--you get it, I like a good internal conflict. -
Since you started editing do you see a difference in your writing habits?
Not really. I've been part of a critique group for a long, long time. My skills are pretty well-honed. What's different for me is that I have to be the one who rejects a work--that's soooo hard! I'm used to giving encouragement and feedback, but when I have a ton of submissions to slog through, there just isn't time. It's just yes or no. -
Hello, Delilah! Welcome to the Eden community!
This mentions that in you draw from personal experiences in your erotica. My question: Do any of your past partners know that you write erotic now? What are your feelings on that? Also, of those that do know, have they read your work? Have any of them recognized certain experiences you had together in your writing?I write under a pen name. None of my exes have found me out yet.
Hey, I was wondering have you ever written erotic story based off an actual experience or maybe a character in your book is based off someone you know sexually?
Yes and yes. -
Hello, Delilah! Welcome to the Eden Community! I do have a question! I have problems with talking to people about sex and about my body. Im a big girl! Do you have any tips or anything that might help me out!
Thanks for the welcome, Brusselsbrat! I'm not a toothpick either. I'm blessed with a well-padded, healthy body. Don't stress over the weight issue. Don't whine. Also, don't make jokes at your expense. If you show confidence, you will begin to feel it. A confident woman is very attractive, no matter the dress size. There will be men (or women) who will be more attracted to you because of your curves, just as there are those who like to bang a board.sexyintexas (host): "Agreed! When you project yourself as confident, you attract confident people around you. There are many things to admire and be attracted to about a person besides size and anyone worth finding knows that and feels the same way!"
Thanks so much! Sometimes I worry about it! But this usually I Give myself a reality check and say what does it matter if you don't like me, I am who I am and I don't care if you don't like it! Is this the attitude I should have?
Just be yourself. Or move to Arkansas. I swear men here love larger women. -
Hi, and welcome to Eden!
I had a bit of a question. I'd love to be an author, but I have trouble writing a story that's more than a few pages. I just get too distracted. Do you have any tips for keeping in focus?When I have a hard time keeping my butt in the chair and my fingers on the keyboard, I look for a friend online who can "sprint" with me. We meet in an AIM chat session, set a goal of writing for 30 or 45 minutes, then take off. When we return from the session, we compare how many words we added. Sometimes, you need a little kick start.
If you're having trouble figuring out where your story is going, you might try a plotting workshop. -
Welcome to Eden. I am new here also. I love writing, and one day I hope to have a few books of my own published. I love poetry the most. I have had a hard time writing lately, and I don't know why. Have you had moments through your writing career where you could not write anything? The words where just not there! What helped you get through it? I know of writers block, but how long is it suppose to last? ! I feel like maybe writing is not what I am meant to do!
That happens to me all the time. There are days when I just don't want to sit at my desk. However, I set myself little goals. I tell myself I'll write just 100 words then give myself permission to stop. Most times, I pass that mark not noticing it. I get lost in the words again.
Then again, it's the story stopping me. In which case, I open up something else I'm working on and give it a go. I get bored easily, so I keep several projects going at one time.sexyintexas (host): "Hi Mayl! Welcome to Eden! Check out our club section in the forum. We have writers here that meet as well as if you get stumped, you can post a thread and others will jump in and help. You never know how many people are going through the same thing at the same time! Glad you are here!"
From one writer to another, where do you find inspiration? Relationships? Imagination? Talking with friends? And when you feel that inspiration, do you act right away or let it sit for awhile? I'm having trouble finding my own rhythm...
Inspiration comes from everything and everyone in my life. Once you open yourself to stories, they find you. I've been told by several psychics now (who didn't know I write) that I have three spirits around me. One called them guardian angels, another guardian spirits, another called them muses. I invited them in when I began this journey. They have a lot to say.
When the ideas come, I go with them. Even if I am in the middle of something else. I get the idea down--the scene, a bit of dialogue--then I close it up and go back to where I was. When I'm ready to act upon the story that hit me at that moment, I just know it, because more scenes start appearing in my mind, connecting with the other fragments I already knew. Before too long, I have an entire story in my head and developing on the screen.
My advice to you is to accept the fragments and save them. Try working on the one that is the most formed in your mind. Write for a while, then when you lay down in bed at night, imagine yourself inside the story. Walk around inside that character, meet the people he or she knows, imagine his/her home and work. See if anything happens. You may wake the next morning knowing exactly what to write next. -
Hi Delilah! Welcome!
I've been trying to break into author-dom, but have yet to get anything published. Can you share your story about how you got published? Thanks for your answer!My story? It starts back in 2000. Other than many contest wins, I wasn't having much luck selling a manuscript to New York. Even then, I tended to write pretty hot and I kept getting told to tone it down. Then I met an author at a party who'd just sold to Ellora's Cave. She encouraged me to write the story I wanted and submit to them. I wrote a little "pirates in space" story, shipped it and three weeks later was contracted. That was 2003. I was quite happy writing novellas for EC, but then New York got interested in acquiring erotic romance writers. So I put together another proposal--this one a vampire story set in New Orleans after a great flood (BEFORE KATRINA!) and shipped it to Avon. Katrina hit. They bought. Since then, I've published with Avon, Kensington, Strebor and Berkley. I don't believe in keeping all my eggs in one basket. Who knows whether one publisher will want to buy another book from me? I went after Samhain, a reputable eBook house and have sold a series of Western menage stories to them. I've also self-published books through Amazon-Kindle and Smashwords.
It's not an interesting story. I write, I submit, I write some more. -
Hello Delilah,
I wanted to know if you did well in school when it comes to English, Writing etc... I find that I can write, but my confidence with writing was destroyed in school. I am always curious if this is something you've always been good at or you really had to work hard to develop the writing part of it. Having a story in your mind and developing and writing it seems far more complex. I love the title btw.
Truwinnertruwinner! I was a very good student, in all subjects. However, I will tell you that I know several successful writers who weren't scholars and who can't spell a lick or get their minds around grammar. The thing a writer has to have is a gift for telling a story. The mechanics of writing are the least of the skills you need. Critique partners can help clean up a crappy presentation--you have to have a good story! -
It says earlier that you'd like to find a house on a beach with a pet for company. What kind of pet do you want? Something easy like a cat, dog, bird or fish? Or something more exotic, like one of those fancy lizards? Or maybe something imaginary, like a unicorn? I guess that's two questions: what real life pet would you like, and what make believe pet would you like?
Ha! I was talking about a human "pet"--someone I could spend time with but not have interfere with my quiet time. I'm not looking for a relationship because those tend to take me away from my fantasy worlds. I'm a natural loner. I could be one of those people they put into dark caves for six months at a time without external interaction and not come out any nuttier than I already am. -
Also, it says earlier that you like warriors of all types, including knights. I spoke with you at the Naked Reader Book Club about the Lysts on the Lake competitive jousting tournament that takes place in Texas, but have you watched the "Knights of Mayhem" tv show that is currently playing on the National Geographic channel? I can't stand the lead character's personality or attitude, and the way he jousts is NOT historically accurate and IS needlessly dangerous, but I have to admit that I'm glad to see jousting get more coverage as a contemporary competitive sport. What do you think of modern day jousting and modern day knights?
No! I haven't seen that, but it's going on my DVR list today!sexyintexas (host): "I think it's kind of sexy...but crazy!"
My wife has a bit of a vampire fetish. For instance she loves being bitten on the neck during sex. Given your preference of subject and that you even say "Vampires are my favorite Otherkin!" is there any chance your writing may stem from a bit of one of these fetishes too?
So long as the bites begin as gentle nips and progress to harder bites at the moment of orgasm--yes! I love it! I like werewolf fantasies too--the whole doggie-style, biting to hold a person still thing. Yum! -
Hey there, Delilah
I've attempted writing erotica before but have always fallen into the trap of losing steam mid-story. How can I set up a solid and interesting plot that I can follow through to the end? I tend to make things up as I go and eventually find that it becomes too difficult to continue. Would you recommend following an already established plot or coming up with my own?
Thanks in advance!I'd recommend getting into a plotting workshop with someone who writes erotica. He or she will understand how closely the sexual journey has to follow the story and character arcs. They are out there if you look for them. I also teach them twice a year at -
Welcome to EF! I have not had your travel experience but I am curious as to the extent of the sexual mores in different countries and cultures (including the Bible belt) influenced your writing and your own personal life? .
My travels, as well as my historical research, have indeed shaped the way I view sexuality and how I craft my "worlds". For example, when I wrote my "Vikings in Space" books (RAVISHED BY A VIKING and ENSLAVED BY A VIKING), I wanted to keep the cultural mores intact for my heroes. These Vikings were plucked from earth before Christianity arrived. They had concubines and weren't expected to be in monogomous relationships even after marriage, so to keep true to their history, my heroes pretty much took what they wanted until they met "the one."
Even Christian countries, civilized ones, today ,have some relaxing of the strict rules our own society expects men and women to adhere to. In France, for instance, it's very common for married people to keep lovers, even long-term ones, on the side. Not just mistresses for the men, either! They laugh at our news coverage of politicians who are ruined by affairs of the heart. They also think that a lot of our sex crimes rates would diminish if we weren't trying to be so puritanical.sexyintexas (host): "I know that small towns in Texas are set back years as far as sexuality go. Luckily I found a spouse that is open to new adventures as I am....I shudder to think of trying to find someone else like him in a town of less than a thousand...."
My question is:
When you traveled into different cultures, did they ever influence your writing?In many, many ways. Travel and living in other countries exposes you to different ways of life. It makes you examine things you always took for granted. You may not change your mind about things, but it certainly makes you think. Also, seeing the many wonders of the world, both geography and architecture, helps to give me a larger framework to build new worlds inside my head. Someone who's only lived in Arkansas and never travelled can't really understand what it feels like to eat a meal in a tavern that's been open and unchanged for 1600 years. What we see as history is a blip in comparison to places that have been populated and thriving for millenia.
Also, when I write a German or Norse character, for instance, I can pull characteristics from people I've met to make them realistic. -
Any tips you would recommend for anyone interested in getting started in writing, or reading erotica? Thanks and welcome to Eden.
First, determine what you like to read most. Devour those books--first, to get a high level idea of why you liked those stories so much, then to study them to figure out why they worked. Look to see who published those books. Search for their submission guidelines. Target those publishers and begin to write. When you have something you're excited about, look for someone more experienced than you to give it a read and provide you feedback. Do not expect to sell the first thing you write. Getting good at this gig takes practice! -
This is all so interesting! My question is definitely not as fun as most that have been asked, but I'm really curious so I'll ask anyway... In your experience as a writer, what do you think is the best way to handle rejections from a publisher? Very curious as I'm a writer myself! Writers turn to all sorts of things for ideas and inspiration and some even find ideas from the strangest places. Is there something really unique about a way you found an idea for a story? Just curious! Thanks, I'm very glad to have you here answering quesions! I must say, the questions already asked were awesome!
Rejections crush. My first ones cut the deepest because I didn't know enough to know just how bad I was. However, I didn't let them stop me. I got stubborn. These days, I can sell most of what I write in one venue or another, but I still get rejected all the time. I sigh, put the letter or the email in the trash bin, then move on to the next project.
I can't think of any "unique" way a particular story came to me. Sometimes they come in dreams, sometimes I read something in the paper or see something in the news that sparks an idea. I can hear snippets of conversations around me and suddenly be struck by just a line of that conversation--and away I go.
Good luck to you in your writing career! -
Hi! What would you say your FIRST sources of inspiration were (the ones who actually got you into books/reading/writing)? How were those first experiences?
I've lived an interesting life and strange and funny things have happened to me along the way. I've always loved telling about my adventures and people would always say--that's got to be in a book! Chance encounters with a mysterious stranger. Dangers lurking in a strange country or war-torn land. Things happen to me. I take mental notes. Somewhere, sometime, I'll use those experiences or how I felt about the things that happened to me in a story. -
Not rlating to writing but just on a personal note, what is your take on the paranormal? I read above about your 3 spirits and I'm curious how you feel on peoples spirits sticking around when there is a reason or unfinished buisness. I have had instances and happenings in my life where there is no "scientific" explanation for things that have happened and if so, do these belliefs play into your stories?
I was a huge skeptic. I believed only in what I could see, hear, smell and touch. Then odd things happened along the way. Unexplainable things. My ex-husband woke up one time when we lived in Florida and said that his father, who was in Ireland, had been there and said goodbye. An hour later we got the call that he had passed. I've had tricks played on me in cemetaries by spirits who lived there. I've taken photos in haunted inns that showed outlines of people who weren't there. The seven-year-old in my life took on a different expression and asked me whether I was going to eat her heart when we stayed in a place where a man dissected cancer patients to satisfy some strange urge--and she didn't know we were in a haunted place and didn't remember asking me that. So, I'm open now to the possibility of there being more than I can see. It definitely helps me when I craft a paranormal because I can let go of the "real" world around me and imagine other possibilities.sexyintexas (host): "I was pretty skeptical until my early twenties and have had a few things like that that have happened through the years. I guess it opens up a lot more questions on just what else there is...."
How do you write female characters look-wise? Do you write them as standard beauties, because you want to turn people on? Or give them features that look human and unusual and not necessarily attractive?
I have written beauties, but I try not to make them too perfect. And I have written big girls and older girls. The point with the female characters is to make them persons the reader can identify with. So body image issues work well.
In the paranormal creatures, they always have a human face, at least when they are in "human mode"--again, so that the reader can relate. From there, they can "bulk out" into monster masks, or in the case of the heroine in MOONSTRUCK--a blue-skinned, long-fingered succubus with a 4-inch... Well, you have to read that to know!sexyintexas (host): "This is another reason I am skeptical of watching movies that are adapted from books. I already have a preconcieved notion of what the characters look like and then you have characters that look like they walked out of Vogue and it makes it not real to me anymore....sigh."
With all the traveling you do and have done, do you draw that into the story lines? For instance, would you write an erotic story based in Saudia Arabia, which for them to talk about sex and be sexual is almost taboo?
I pulled on my memoriesof Saudi for my second "Vikings in Space" book. And one of my earliest releases, SLAVE OF DESIRE, was set in on an Arabian-like planet, where women are chattel and sold in auctions. I would love to write an erotic novel set in the Middle East though because there are so many dangers inherent in promiscuous behavior. -
Hey Delilah,
Now correct me if I'm wrong but I noticed you have quiet a few of F/F but you don't have any M/M. Is there a reason why you don't write male on male?I've written m/m scenes, but only in menage books. It's all about personal preference. I like to put myself into a heroine's head to enjoy the journey. -
How & what helped u decide to write adult books?
I like dirty stories. Plain and simple.sexyintexas (host): "Lol, don't we all."
I'm a writer too. I love your books and can't seem to put Girls Who Bite down. Now my question is this...have you ever gotten half way through a book and feel like you've hit a road block? Just can't seem to write anymore, you want to but just can't? How do you get through it?
I love that you are enjoying GIRLS WHO BITE! I stall in stories all the time. The longer ones especially. I get bored, or I realize I don't have all the pieces in my head. If I have the luxury of time, I set it aside and wait for the rest to come to me. If I'm on deadline, I pull out my plotting sheets and get to work. I love doing Lists of 20--a brainstorming technique. I write 20 things that could happen next. The first ones are usually the most predictable things, but when I get to the bottom of the list, that's where I find the gold. -
I am reading you bio on this website and you say you are a true geek; me too by the way. I am wondering what is the geekiest thing about you?
sexyintexas (host): "I absolutely live for the History Channel and any other shows like the ones they air. It bores my kids to death because I can watch it for hours and hours."
Um, my box of action-figure toys? My collection of meteorite rocks? The library of books I've collected about mythology, religion, and witchcraft? The kitsch-y magnets on my file cabinet, my obsession with Post-its, my love of electronic gadgets... And when someone asks me a question about something really obscure, I usually know the answer.sexyintexas (host): "I love this! It makes me not feel so wierd. I have made my husband stop his 18 wheeler on the side of the road to hunt quartz and rocks too many times to count and I have them all spread out all over!"
Oooh and on that note, any chances of ever doing a story that would include maybe the spirit of someone who hasn't moved on? Maybe hanging around to find love, etc....
Ghosts as main characters are a hard sell. I have written a ghost who helps his old cop partner in an investigation in SIN'S GIFT. I'd love to go back and write a romance for him. -
I see it also says you learned sign language, how did you get interested in that? How long did it take you to learn it? How often do you use it?
Although I do know the alphabet in sign language, I was talking more about using charades to get my point across when I can't speak the language. -
Thanks for answering my previous question about Inspiration, I cherish your advice... I'm going to keep going with the writing theme and ask you about the subject matter you deal with - erotica. How does your family, or friends, or partners, or anyone really, respond to you writing erotica? I ask this because I want to write about something that I know will personally upset my family, in a very deep way. But I want to write about it because it's something that has changed me and made me the woman I am today. How do you deal with feedback from those close to you - whether it's positive or negative feedback?
I haven't revealed anything about myself to my family that they didn't already suspect--that is, that I'm kinky, wierd and fickle as hell. If you are going to write a memoir and expose something they don't know, you may hurt your relationships with them. If you are prepared for that, go for it. If you want to write fiction and draw on the emotions that have been building in your personal life, that might be a safer way to "out" yourself. -
I haven't read Girls Who Bite, but from reading the synopsis, I understand the paranormal is involved - vampires. Since vampires are so "in" these days - how do you feel about Twilight?! If you know the series, how do you feel about their presentation and representation of sex?
I haven't read the books or watched the movies. However, talking to friends, I don't think they are be stories I would enjoy. I'm not big into hugely repetitive, angsty scenes. Some folks are--and it's a perfect read for them. I'd get annoyed and want to bitch-slap Bella for being such a drama queen.sexyintexas (host): "Lol....."
I love reading your answers Im so glad you came in your books truelly rock!
Thanks, SiNn! This has been fun! -
With the holidays upon us do you have a special tradition or food you make that remind you of your books?
HaHa! Nope. I don't cook.sexyintexas (host): "Everyone in my house would starve, I am the only one who even knows how to get to the kitchen lol."
Ims lowly skimming threw if this is a repete I apologize i seen you mention zombies and black ops as books ud like to right is there anything you will not at all write that you stand your ground and say no way no how will i ever?
I won't ever say never to anything. However, I seriously doubt I COULD write an inspirational. -
I seen you want to write a romance book on the cop who helped his partner in SiN's gift my question is since its hard to write ghost stories as heros or heroiens how do you feel about sequals and rewrites as a writer? btw id love to read that story if you ever wrote it
I love writing sequels and series! I tend to people my stories with secondary characters who creep into my heart and mind. I can't stand leaving them alone.
As to rewrites--they are pure torture. But sometimes a necessary part of this business. -
What other non romance authors do you like and since you said youd like to write horror do you have any favorite authors?
I answered this one before, but I love Stephen King and Michael Crichton. The library was selling hardbacks today for 50 cents, I picked up three Crichton books--Prey, Timeline and I forget the third one. I felt like I'd won the lotto, even though I have two of those in paperback right now.sexyintexas (host): "I live in a tiny town. Our library has sells all of the time as it is too small to hold them long. I am always one of the first to get there. We also have a book trade section at the local American Legion where people will come in a drop off a bunch and pick up a few. It is great, always rotating your book selection!"
I have athing for postit notes and magnets as far as geeky things go I do how ever wonder do you ever write mythology then scrap it?
I've never scrapped a story I based on any mythology. By the time I start writing, I have the mythology deeply embedded in the story--it's part of it. I'd have to scrap the entire thing because at that point it wouldn't make any sense. -
What is your favorite vampire movie?
30 Days of Night. The vamps are wicked! When I saw the movie I was cussing because I wish I'd had the idea first!sexyintexas (host): "Love, love, love it! I have the DVD and can't even begin to guess how many times I have seen it! Josh Hartnett rocks in it!"
In an age of technology - computer or handwritten?
Lord, without computers I would have stuck to short stories. I can't type worth a flip. -
Hi Delilah!
Forgive me if this has been asked already...there are quite a few wonderful ones already asked, and I haven't waded through them all yet. But is there a certain type or piece of music that really gets you thinking? Maybe not directly inspire you, but just...grease the wheels, as it were?Most of the time, I write in silence. However, when I want to get into a certain mood, I'll play something before I start-- Heavy Metal (Disturbed, Slipknot) before I write an action scene; something poignant before a love scene from someone like Adele or Etta James. Sometimes I like soundtrack music going on the background, or even a little classical (cello music!) when I feel like the scene I'm writing needs more movement. -
Thank you for answering all my questions i may have to asks ome more before this closes will ask my book group maybe they have a few theyd like answered
I'll be around. -
Hi Delilah! Welcome to Eden.
I'm also pretty new to Eden and I'm loving it! My question for you is what would you suggest for someone who wanted to begin writing erotica to be published. I've always loved writing, but I unsure how to make it a money making endevor.You might want to join a community of aspiring and published erotica writers. I'd recommend checking out this website:
sexyintexas (host): "Taking notes on the site :)"
would you ever collaborate with another writer? or consider it? whether it be for erotica or otherwise (maybe pursuing a different type of genre you've always been interested in)
I've done it! My sister and I co-wrote a book together, JACQ's WARLORD. Paisly Smith and I wrote novellas that are closely linked, BITTEN IN THE BIG EASY. But for the most part, I like doing my own thing alone. -
One more thing - most of my job experience is in an office, but I get so much more pleasure out of writing erotica - so I fully understand you on that!
I've done the cubicle thing. I'd much rather be doing this! -
When you are thinking of a sequel, do you ever get ideas from readers like us, who pose questions or have suggestions for you?
I do! Readers give me ideas all the time, or they say something that makes me think and then I have this whole new direction. I also have a free read story on my website that I have written chapter by chapter according to readers' wishes. Check it out here: (host): "Thank you so much. I like to think that we (the readers) make a difference in writers choices. Awesome!"
So, where exactly did you find the inspiration for your writing?
LOL! I think I've answered this a couple of times already, but basically, I get them from EVERYWHERE. Magazines, newspapers, songs, TV shows, dreams, snippets of conversations I hear... -
Thank you so much for being here this week Delilah, I've really enjoyed reading your responses to our questions.
I hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have.
My final question to you is:
You've stated that you draw from personal experiences and everything you read, see or hear. Do you think you could have started your career in your twenties and have the same level of success then as you do now?
I'm curious because it seems most erotic novelists are at least in their thirties, save for professional adult actresses like Violet Blue that is. It would stand to reason that the passion and wisdom needed to fuel the story only comes with age and maturity. Or, an enormous amount of experience in a very short amount of time.Had the thought entered my head in my twenties, I doubt I would have found success as a writer. 1) I needed to experience a bit of life first, have some real-life adventures and romances, to make my stories interesting. 2) I didn't have the discipline to sit for hours. I guess there is a third. I didn't know I could tell a story or even find my sense of humor until my late thirties. I had to wait. Now, someone else with a very mature sense of purpose might be able to do it in their twenties, but that wasn't me. -
When did you become comfortable enough to not let nay sayers interfere with your writing?
From the start. I knew when I began writing that I didn't know anything. I didn't mind being told my stories were crap, but I insisted on knowing what was wrong with them so I could get better. I have a naturally thick skin.sexyintexas (host): "Thick skin is probably a must have in this buisness. I don't know how well I would handle rejection."
Was there ever a time you were discouraged from writing?
Once I set my course, I never looked back, and I never doubted that I would do it. But that's just me. -
What sorts of useful experiences have you had with publishers, editors and the entire business side of writing?
Way too vague a question! Since I've had many publishers and many "useful" experiences--rejection being the most useful, actually--I can't begin to answer it! -
Was there ever a time you can recall, vividly that you may have been ashamed of your sexuality?
Maybe the first time I masturbated? LOLsexyintexas (host): "This made me LOL. You are definately in the right place to never be ashamed now...heehee."
Have you ever published a manuscript and thought, Gosh I wish I added this, and changed that?
Many, many times! But I don't dwell on regrets. I'm too busy! -
What was it like to have your thoughts come to fruition for the first time?
The first time I completed a full-length book, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. Finishing it actually gave me a bigger high than seeing it published, because I wasn't 100% sure I could keep focused through more than 300 pages of manuscript. -
Is the process of writing effortless for you?
Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. -
What can readers look forward to when purchasing your work?
They can expect some of the hottest stories they've ever read. They can expect flashes of humor and often a very nice twist. But definitely the heat intensity is my signature. I go THERE.sexyintexas (host): "I must read the western themed ones. I love sexy cowboys.....maybe its just because I see so many hot ones around where I live and I haven't seen many erotic books based on them."
since you're here visiting eden - have you thought about making an account and joining us all in the fun?
You'll have to tell me about the fun. I've only seen this interview page so far. What else can I expect to find here (other than some amazing products)?sexyintexas (host): "We have clubs, Naked Reader Book Club and Porn club, Photography, Kink, Crafts and more where we have monthly meetings. The parties on the forum are one of my favorites. You can spend hours navigating through the forums here and never get bored. There are mentors to help you or just post a question and you will be amazed how many people here will help you find things. We are like a big, horny family ;)"
Wondering since you write your brainstorming of 20, how do you end up picking where to go next if you find more than one "gold" idea to go forward with? Do you intertwine them?
In a longer story you need several turning points, hopefully escalating in what the hero/heroine risk and learn along the way. I'd have to figure out which was the biggest bang and put it last. -
Being an author of erotic fiction do you still enjoy reading it too, or is it that being surrounded by it so much you prefer reading other genre books instead?
I still love a great erotic romance. I just don't have time to read the longer ones much these days, which is why I love short story collections of erotica and erotic romance so much--that way I can read one before bedtime.sexyintexas (host): "My husband loves it when I read him a short story at always leads to a great night!"
This isn't really a question. I just want to say that I am sad your interview will be over today. I have enjoyed all of the questions and answers that have been posted. I am looking forward to reading more of your fantastic works in the future.
Thanks for saying that! It's been a ton of fun, even though I was fighting some technical issues all week. I loved getting a chance to answer questions about my life and my work.sexyintexas (host): "And we loved reading your answers!"
Now that the interview is over, basically, do you think that you will be staying around to join our community? Eden has become a wonderful place for me and I highly recommend to everyone to join and be a part of out wonderful community. We would love to have you here. Thanks for a great interview and answering all the questions. It was really nice to have you here.
Thanks, Beck, for all the great questions. I'll have to think about hanging out. My time is eaten up with family and work, it's hard to add one more thing, but the welcome has been so warm... Makes me wish I could hang out a little longer. -
Now that this interview is over, do you feel sad it's over? Do you enjoy doing interviews? If there was one thing in your life you haven't done, and really wanted to do it, what would it be?
I haven't done something like this before. I've done live chats, but they were short and really hectic. This format let me take my time with the answers. I enjoyed that a lot. Other than travel to places I've never been, I can't think of anything I haven't done yet but really want to.sexyintexas (host): "Some of our live discusssions get pretty hectic to keep up with here, especially the parties but they are well worth it...heehee"
What advice would you give someone who wants to become an author (especially of erotica)?
Figure out what you love to read. Study what you consider to be the best of what you've read. Then write, submit, and write some more. Sounds simple, but I know it's not. You might try to find an online community to join for support. I posted the link yesterday, I think, to the Erotica Readers and Writers Association. -
Again thanks for coming to Eden and I've enjoyed reading all of the questions and responses.
You're very welcome, and thanks for saying so! -
Good Morning Delilah,
i was wondering if there is a story you have wanted to write and publish that you have not been able to find a market for yet and if so are you going to self-publish it? what kind of story would it be(outside your comfort zone?)
thanks for taking the time to answer my question and i hope you and yours have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving.
tammy ramey
trvlagnt1t@yahoo.comHi there, Tammy!
I have 100 pages written on a novel that I haven't been able to place. I haven't sent it to a lot of places, but my agent thinks it might be a hard sell because the heroine is an alcoholic. It's a paranormal and has some of the best imagery I think I've written. I plan to write the whole thing and then send it out one last time. Then self-pub it if I don't get any takers.sexyintexas (host): "You should let us know where it gets published so that we can read it!"
sexyintexas (host) gave you a ton of reasons to join this awesome community i've only been on here for about a week and i am absolutely loving it. it's given me a new perspective on sex and myself. like she said, we are like a big, horny family thanks for visiting EF and having this interview! i've always read online erotica, but reading all these questions with a real published erotica author has been very eye opening! thanks!
Whew! I'm glad I didn't bore you to death. -
Here's a tradition we have at EdenFantasys! We ask our Community Interview guests this simple question:
"Sex Is...?"Sex, liberating, embarrassing,, fragrant, healthy, and sometimes transcendent. Of course, for the characters I write it's always life-changing and romantic.
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Whats your favorite sex book? | 2 | 01/11/2013 | Vibrators |
wow! | 9 | 01/15/2013 | Vibrators |
Whats the difference between sex furniture and regular furniture? | 6 | 06/19/2013 | Sex Furniture |
which do you prefer? | 6 | 11/27/2013 | Lubricants |