7 Steps To Rekindling Your Sex Life After Baby
You’re a mom - congratulations! You are probably now at a stage that many moms go through - you feel like your life has changed (because yeah, it has) but you also feel it’s time to rekindle intimacy. It can be tricky to get your sexy back on track, and even when you do, it can feel awkward - like it's your first time. But this doesn't mean that sex after baby can't be awesome - or even better than before.
This guide will help you not only get your sex life back after the delivery, but it will also teach you how to redefine your sexual power and transform a period of "erotic" reload into a honeymoon period with your SO.
1Wanna Have Great Sex After Baby? Don't Have Sex!
Even after your doctor gives you the clearance and you feel good physically, you don’t automatically feel the rush of desire. Tiredness, hormonal changes, and breastfeeding lead many women to feel less interested in sex during the first year after delivery, and that's normal. Does it mean you should force yourself to start an active sexual life today? No, it doesn't. It’s perfectly okay to take your time.
Build the anticipation for sex gradually. Try a relaxing atmosphere with candles, a sensual massage with arousing scents, long kisses, and caresses - those are the things that get the butterflies in your stomach fluttering again.
2Get Back In The Game
Every woman is different. Your desire may return to you in several weeks after delivery or several months - but you can help your body remember how good sex is.
To build the sweetest associations with lovemaking try to make your first sex after baby blissfully delightful. As penetration in this period can be painful, opt for non-penetrative sex. Some sensual fluttering of your clit will remind you of how deep and sweet orgasms are. You’ll arouse your sexual appetite, naturally.
3Increase The Strength Of Your Os
A healthy body with toned muscles boosts sexual confidence, but during the postpartum stage, the body naturally loses strength, and the pelvic muscles become somewhat loose. The good news? You can regain the tone in your pelvic floor by doing regular Kegel exercises. By making a Kegel workout your daily ritual, you avoid many health issues that usually occur after birth. Well-trained muscles recover faster and are more ready for that first penetration post-birth. Check out this guide on the Kegel exercises that make your body stronger.
Sex after baby
is the time your body may need to recover and be prepared for the first lovemaking after childbirth.
4Break The Barriers
If the delivery was even a tiny bit traumatic (yup, we're talking tears and stitches, that happens), penetration may seem quite like Mission Impossible. But trust us, sooner or later you will recover and feel that you're ready for intimacy. When it happens, do your best to provide maximum comfort for your "first time."
Devote as much time to foreplay as you can (we know you don't have much free time, but please, make time for it). The more aroused and wet you become, the better it will go. If the estrogen level in your body is low, you may feel dry even after extended foreplay. Keep a bottle of water-based lube nearby, and don't forget to apply it generously during lovemaking. If you feel pain or discomfort, ask your SO to change the angle of penetration. Or, stop entirely - your body may need a little more time, and that’s okay.
5Make It Perfect With "Practice"
The more you enjoy - the more you want to enjoy. This simple rule makes a lot of sense when we are talking about rekindling your sex life after birth. When you get back to having regular orgasms, your body continually produces a blast of hormones that make you more passionate and more alert to sensations.
Finding free time can be difficult when you are a mom. This is the time to rely on the "superman" of sex toys - the rabbit vibrator. Its thunder-like vibrations will lead you to explosive, blended climaxes super fast. Have you got five free minutes? Go ahead and get your oxytocin on.
6Make Sure You Will Get Your Orgasms
Hormones tend to play games with libido after childbirth. They may force you to be full of energy and desire or vice-versa. If you don't want your lovemaking to fall prey to hormonal fluctuations, use a couple's sex toy. C-shaped sex toys for couples will guarantee you both see fireworks - even if one of you doesn't have enough energy.
7Boost Your Sexy Confidence
Mommy, you look yummy! Your body went through enormous changes, and you can be proud of yourself. Your curves are super sexy - because they serve a higher purpose now. Only moms have that bewitching halo of bloomed femininity. Enjoy it, and let your partner enjoy it with you. A set of alluring lingerie will highlight your sexuality and make you feel on top of your game again.