Does Your Dildo Measure Up? Dildo Size-Guide You've Waited For
Eden Forum Discussions' Summary
Get the long, short, fat & skinny on the perfect dong for you! Everyone knows, “size matters,” but when it “cums” to finding the perfect dildo to measure up to your “sexpectations,” which contributes most to maximum pleasure, length or girth? The answer, of course, depends on individual preference and to what end - or pussy, or mouth - the dildo is being used. Size is one important factor, but there are other considerations as well. The EdenFantasys community forum is filled with sex-positive dildo aficionados whose personal experience will bring you a new dimension of understanding on just how to select the perfect dildo to best suit your own personal pleasure scenarios.
What Should I Look For In A Dildo?
There are many little deets that go into what makes for a perfect dildo. An extensive community poll of our contributors revealed that, with 25% of the votes, “material safety” was numero uno. That certainly makes sense since choosing healthy options for anything we’re going to be putting inside our bodies is super-important.
After safety concerns came the pleasure parameters. Both length and girth played a huge role - or a smaller one if you’re not a size queen - in determining which dildo to choose. While 12% of the contributors told us the first thing they consider is length, especially for specific techniques, such as pegging, nearly 20% said girth was the most important factor. “A well-hung wang is one that’s thick but not too thick” was the general consensus. To find out about other important factors that will help you get the most out of your dildo adventures, check out some key features in this discussion.
Of course, since dildos are three-dimensional, both length and girth will impact the “out-cum” of your experience. The unexpected twist comes when you combine the two measurements. Short and girthy, long and wide, long and slim, or even slender and short. So many delightful choices. How to decide? To achieve orgasmic harmony, you have to factor in user preference by asking the right questions before you buy: Is the dildo for you, your partner, or both of you? The specific answers will help you choose wisely. For instance, learn how this contributor scored a home run with a short, girthy dildo that satisfied his wife’s appetites like nothing else in this forum thread.
She loves squeezing on a wide dildo without worrying about it being too long.
So, how long is the perfect dildo? There’s no right or wrong answer to that question. How thick is thick enough? Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While many report that some of sweetest intensity penetration provides is the result of feeling full and stretched rather than poked and probed, newbies often wonder if there’s such a thing as “too much of a good thing” girth-wise? For some perhaps, but for those who want to push the envelope, inflatable dildos are the perfect choice for lovers of wide dongs. Not familiar? You can learn more about them in this discussion.
To Vibrate Or Not To Vibrate? That Is The Question.
Does having built-in buzz give your dong more of a bang, or does a quiet toy have what it takes to take you to O-Town? Opinions on this topic vary. While some find vibration to be a distraction, for others, it’s the only surefire path to climax. Again, with so many options - from non-vibrating chubby wands to long buzzed-up ding-dongs - you might not know which one is right for you, but sometimes, knowing the percentages can clue you in, and our community is here to help.
For instance, 66% of our contributors are adamant that the vroom is absolutely crucial to the cum, and also believe that vibration seems best-suited girthy dongs. While many acknowledge having both vibrating and non-vibrating toys in their box, the buzzed-up variety is the most popular. Vibration delivers a plethora of additional sensations, working up those nerve endings in a way that a simple touch cannot. Not convinced? See the pros of thick, vibrating dildos in the tantalizing discussion here.
I have both and I use the non-vibrating ones way less than the vibrating ones. I just prefer anything that vibrates - and it should be thick.
Boy, do those opinions vary. If you want to see how differently our community feels about vibration, dive into this discussion - it’s a shocker.
On the other hand, a full 34% of our forum users believe that while thunder willies may pack a punch, they can be a little overwhelming. Wide wangs don’t offer the pinpoint finesse of smaller toys, and some admitted to finding it difficult to distinguish between erogenous zones once a toy was inside a chosen orifice. Thinner, longer, non-vibrating wands make finding “buried treasures” such as a G, A or O-spot, much easier. Plus, many appreciate the probing sensation a non-vibrating dong provides since it’s closer to the feel of the real thing.
If it's a dildo, I prefer the sensation of being filled without the added vibration. But I prefer it in a smaller toy or in one designed to hit the p-spot.
Although we believe that there is no need to choose, and every toy box should pack both vibrating and non-vibrating wangs, the position of our forum is clear - the prevailing majority votes pro the buzz. And they do explain why - to learn more and decipher the mentioned stats, browse this ardent discussion.
What If It’s Realistic Or Non-Realistic?
If you’re a lover of extreme length and/or ultra girth, even if a dildo is modeled to look like a human dick, it may be far from realistic in the strictest sense, but so what? There’s a dildo to suit pretty much any imagination. We go to great lengths to turn even your wildest fantasies into dongs that look like the real deal, no matter what size they are. But we did want to find out if our contributors thought a realistic look was a must-have or an extra extravagance.
Turns out, realistic was a highly desirable thing. According to 45% of the voters, dildos featuring realistic texture and lifelike balls got top marks. While the realistic appearance was important, girth and length took on more epic proportions. Sure, some guys have the gargantuan equipment that god gave them, but few sport shlongs as long and as thick as some members of our community adore. So, do girthy and/or long realistic cocks definitely win this round hands down? Yes, but that said, they’re not for everyone. For stats and a range of opinions, check out this fun forum thread.
Although realistic-looking dongs took top honors, 35% of our community confessed that when a toy looked too much like a real body part, it got a little creepy - like “looking at a bunch of disembodied penises.” Out of that 35%, 8% preferred completely smooth dildos for their slick slide, while the other 27% told us that texture is important - as long as it wasn’t too realistic. But again, whether smooth, textured, or a veiny reproduction of the human organ, length and girth had no limits.
I like the crazy artistic unrealistic and humongous ones best.
As we already know, a dong’s girth, length, and texture are much more important to our community members that its appearance. In fact, 20% of them were pretty flexible, saying they enjoy both realistic and non-realistic dildos, depending on their mood.
I'm not going to pick one because I'm not that picky, for me it's more to do with girth than the look of it. After all, when I'm 'using' it, I don't really see it.
Did you ever wonder which dildo lovers are most likely to prefer non-realistic toys? It’s men and specifically those engaged in pegging. While guys might be visual creatures, the majority of them we polled said they weren’t interested in getting “dicked around.” You can find out why in this discussion.
What If It’s For Oral Practice?
Practicing your blowjob skills on a dildo is a brilliant way to learn the ins and outs of oral sex, but choosing an appropriately sized training tool can be the key to either wild success or a dismal failure. While you might think it’s only logical to choose a toy that resembles the real deal to practice on, especially for honing your deepthroating techniques, our contributors have a different take on the ideal toys for improving your cock-swallowing skills.
That’s because there’s a world of difference between a real live penis and even the most painstakingly exact replica of said penis. A flesh and blood willy is in constant flux, becoming harder or more flaccid as you pay attention to it, and as blood flows through its veins. The human penis also has a range of movements that play a major role in blowjobs. Dildos are rigid and static. The length never varies. You move them. They don’t move you. If you’re a blowjob newbie, with only limited dildo-sucking experience, the differences between flesh and fabricated can be a big deal. That’s why many of our forum users recommend starting out with a toy that’s shorter than the real one you’re training for. To better understand the nuances between blowing a penis and giving head to a dildo, and how they can impact your choice of a sex toy, dive head-first into this enlightening discussion.
I can usually go all the way "balls deep" on My Man, who is pretty well endowed. But, I can't get a like-sized dildo more than a few inches into my mouth. If I were you, I’d go for something shorter than the real thing.
But what about girth? Surely, the slimmer the dong, the easier it would be to swallow whole, right? Again, not necessarily, according to our forum fans who felt that girth is the one measurement you should “go big or go home” on for oral. A fat dong won’t jump up and down between your lips like a live one, but the girth provides a similar experience of fullness. Thick dongs take up space in your mouth and your throat, allowing you to get accustomed to the sensation and fight through the dreaded gag reflex. If you want some foolproof advice on choosing the right dildo to “over-cum” what many consider a blowjob giver’s biggest hurdle, join another newbie who asks for help and see how the community answers in this forum thread.
In addition to size, other things to consider when selecting the perfect dildo for oral practice are the material it’s made from, and the amazing benefits a suction cup can provide. No matter how thick a willy you choose, if the material is soft and forgiving, you’ll be able to take it all in. Suction cups, in turn, make training a breeze by leaving your hands free to wander and tease! Do bear in mind that longer dongs do work with suction cups and are great for other pastimes, but for oral, especially when you’re in training, it’s best to stick to a dildo of average length.
From my experience, the best dildos for practicing oral sex are the softer, shorter and relatively thick ones with a suction cup - they’re super comfortable, allow for many different angles and (most importantly) keep your hands free.
What If It’s For Pegging?
A gentleman’s choice for a pegging dildo is highly personal, and tastes vary, but we have found some common themes. As already mentioned, most guys don’t give a hoot whether the wand looks realistic. The majority do prefer vibration, but is there a consensus on sizing?
Judging by several discussions on the matter, the men of Eden Forum are unanimous: the best peg pal should be long, but not too thick. Actually, this reflects a common anal sex mantra: pushing deeper into the bum is pleasant and fulfilling, but stretching takes time and practice. Starting off with a wide dong - especially when there’s not enough lube - may be asking for trouble. Slender and lengthy is the way to go according to the personal experiences related in this unbelievable forum thread.
We have an old jelly "snake", it is about 15 inches long but pretty thin (about half an inch). It’s the #1 anal sex toy we have.
As with pegging, like all sex games, you’ve got your royalty - a.k.a. size kings and size queens. Those outlaw lovers prefer their pegging dildos to be as thick as possible. Want to know how far they’re willing to go? Prepare to be amazed once you jump on this discussion.
The main reason that longer dildos work better for pegging is logistics. Going up a size or two from what you’d normally use helps compensate for the space between the pegger’s thighs and the pegee’s buttcheeks, enabling you to reach the orgasmic hot spot within. It may seem like a small gap, but it turns out that many of our contributors faced the problem of “making ends meet.” See for yourself how they tackled the issue in this forum thread.
I had to really be slow and deliberate because of the short length. Never using a short dildo for pegging again - only the longest dongs!
Conclusion? One Dildo Size Definitely Does NOT Fit All!
The takeaway from listening to our multifaceted community is this: To each their own dildo. Before making a selection for yourself, consider what you plan to use it for: Is it for pegging, to practice oral, or to enjoy some quality me-time? Now, factor in your personal preferences. If you love the feeling of being stretched rather than deep penetration, girthy willies are your cup of tea. If digging deeper, not wider provides the most pleasure, or if you find thick dildos uncomfortable, stick with longer dongs, but don’t let one preference stop you from trying new things! Just because you’re fond of one dong style doesn’t mean you can’t love another as much - or more! Experiment. Explore. Indulge. The perfect dildo may still be out there, waiting to meet you, and won’t it be fun finding out?
Special Thanks To:
- Gunsmoke - pegging connoisseur, excellent reviewer, author of 9265 posts.
- Lisset Finnien - proud beginner, butt plug aficionado, author of 154 posts.
- 1001 Pleasures - master of prostate orgasms, sex toys aficionado, author of 975 posts.
- Zeebot - passionate reviewer, ambassador of pleasure, author of 1483 posts.
- KaraSutra - talented writer and sex educator, host of the internet-based show "Sex Ed 102", author of 254 posts.
- P'Gell - expert reviewer, open-minded sex toy connoisseur, author of 9977 posts.
- GingerAnn - humble Community Manager, EdenFantasys employee for over 6 years, author of 402 posts.
- Bignuf - a loving couple, loyal EF customers for 5 years, authors of 12124 posts.
- Spicywife - sex inspirator, active sex toy lover, author of 512 posts.