Train Your Sex Stamina And Last Longer In Bed
Timing in the bedroom makes a world of a difference. Research shows that most men finish in one to six minutes, while women need, on average, 15-30 minutes to orgasm with basic P in V penetration. Hmm...feels like a gap to us. Let's fill it with something throbbing! We'll take your performance from 10 to 100, skyrocket your sex stamina and teach you how to last for hours.
1Solutions? Easier Than You’d Think!
Today we’ll talk about both short and long-term tricks to help you last longer in the bedroom! Premature ejaculation (PE) is not a problem - it's a chance to grow. And, let’s be real, you'll have a hard time finding a learning process that'll be more satisfying than this one.
2Quick Fix Or Permanent Solution? Both!
In healthy men, PE usually stems from two factors - lack of training and overexcitement. While overexcitement can be dealt with quickly (we got you - we’ll tell you how in a minute) there’s no instantaneous replacement for training. The exercises you’ll learn today aren’t just fun to practice - they’ll gradually increase your sex stamina.
say they would love to last longer.
Source: "Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups"3The Quick Fix To Last Longer
Overexcitement during sex is a normal reaction in men since mother nature is more interested in reproduction then satisfaction. Our advice? Ditch that primal ish and replace it with more rewarding wild stuff - making your partner see the stars once, twice, or even three times a night.
Sex positions that require you to tense only a few muscles help you last longer.
The Cowgirl has the double benefit of enabling her to control the speed and depth while giving you something to grab onto. Win-win.

Spooning is intimate and sensual. It lets you have your hands all over each other, staying super close.

The third position that helps you last longer is Doggy Style, which needs no introduction.

If those positions aren’t getting the job done, there’s one more drastic option - mentally picture something boring or not at all sexy. If you don’t wanna think of fractions or taxes during sexy time, try focusing on other parts of your body, like your feet or hands. A fun alternative would be to try nipple clamps - the pinching sensation will feel new and fresh while the tingling vibration will make your erotic energy flow around instead of focusing in one place.
Another great way to temporarily alleviate PE is by using delay sprays. These wonderful gifts of science feature Lidocaine as their main ingredient, which works by numbing off your edge. On average, this godsend ingredient helps healthy men last twice as long.
4The Long-Term Technique To Last Foreva
Now here comes the training part, the solution that'll make you stay hard soooo long, for the long term. Remember - these techniques only work if you stick to them. Just like you wouldn’t skip leg day, you don’t want to skip this.
First of all, let's learn more about how your arousal works, so you can work with it more effectively. Here are the 5 stages of a man's sexual arousal.
- Your willie is soft and can’t be bothered.
- Your penis becomes harder and grows.
- The cock is fully erect and ready to mingle.
- You feel the stimulation, it feels amazing, but the end ain't nigh yet.
- You reach the PNR (point of no return) and the few critical seconds before it. PNR means you’re going to ejaculate even if you stop all stimulation.
You can come up with your own levels of arousal. Just learn when your PNR is and either relax or stop before coming!
Studies and literature show that a great way to improve your sex stamina is to self-explore by masturbating. That’s where these exercises come in. Both Edging and Plateau are designed to make you learn about your arousal and how close you are to PNR. It’s essential to breathe slowly and deeply during practice, as relaxation plays a crucial role in prolonging your sexual intercourse.
Edging. The whole idea behind Edging is coming close (but not too close) to PNR and then stopping all stimulation for 30 seconds. It also helps if you go slow, or at your own pace, from the very beginning. You see, when masturbating fast, you’re more likely to accidentally finish. That’s why being highly aware of your sexual arousal will help decrease the likelihood of failure. You’re advised to repeat this exercise for at least 20min, three times a week for 2-4 weeks. To spice up your practice, gear up with a stroker! You can squeeze and relax it around your shaft, following the "edging" technique - the vibration and lush texture will make your play super satisfying.
Plateau. It's a more advanced variation of Edging, performed by maintaining your sexual arousal at stage 3-4 for as long as you can. If you feel like falling off the edge is near, simply slow down your stimulation. Unlike with Edging, stopping altogether isn’t an option, so be careful not to reach a level that you can’t return from. Just carefully build your way towards level three and try remaining there for at least 20min.
Do this three times every week until you become better and better at staying on the same stage of arousal without slowing down. This can be difficult, but refocusing your attention from your cock to other parts of the body with a wand massager will do wonders for your sex stamina!
5Master Your Solo Game
With a partner, you’re much more likely to ejaculate prematurely since keeping in mind all the points we talked about is harder when you’ve got a beautiful naked woman in front of you! But practice makes perfect. As Freud once said: “The only shame in masturbation is the shame of not doing it well.” Try playing alone, but pumping up your hand game with realistic sleeves - gorgeous details, thrilling textures and jazzed vibration will definitely make you want to last longer and enjoy it forever.
6Get Out The Ring In Couple Play
Cock rings are powerful weapons in a man’s arsenal. Their job is to create stronger, longer-lasting erections by engorging the penis. Alongside delaying premature ejaculations, they also create stronger orgasms! You can put them on before an erection or even when your “salmon” is in full rage. Also, remember to check out the penis rings with a clit vibrator to stimulate her in a brand new way!
7Bet On Your Kegels - Train 'Em Well
Practicing Kegels is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to have greater sex stamina, have stronger orgasms and also benefit from better prostate health. If you haven’t yet picked up this fantastic habit, just do the following: contract the muscles you use to hold your pee for a slow count of five, then release for the same count. Do a set of 10 Kegels daily, three times a day. To step up your Kegel game, opt for a glass or metal prostate massager - you'll get a next-level workout with 200% effectiveness and a rich P-spot orgasm to match.