Position booster sex chair Sex stool

Catalog ID: ET17869
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Sturdy handle

+ 450 points

Product: Position booster sex chair
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What makes it awesome

  • Supporting up to 300 pounds, this sex position stool opens you up to a whole world of fun sex positions that felt strenuous before.
  • Control the rhythm effortlessly thanks to the stretchy give of the fabric that provides you with a little bounce.
  • Hold on to the sturdy, comfortable handle to balance yourself while riding.
  • Simple to set up and store, the sex stool tucks discreetly under the bed or in a closet.

A closer look

Feel weightless, gorgeous, and desired, as you grip the handle of this sex position stool, bouncing and grinding without even a little strain on your muscles. Making your most beloved (and most orgasm-positive) positions easy to nail, like Cowgirl or face-sitting, this stool gives you leverage to bounce higher, hence taking your lover's delight even deeper every time you go down. Explore every corner of pleasure with this newfound flexibility and lightness, twisting and arching into positions that work for you and your partner.

Design / Material

Material: Metal / Neoprene

Color: Black

Length: 19"

Width: 20"

Height: 15"

Weight: 2 lb

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: EdenFantasys

Catalog ID: ET17869

  • It makes it a lot easier to get on top for able-bodied people and also some disabled people...The handle makes it so easy to get myself up when I had many problems with it before, such as muscle weakness and pain...It's very sturdy and can easily handle my weight, as Iā€™m plus-size.

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