Love sheet Sex sheet

Catalog ID: ET19131
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For messy play

+ 180 points

Product: Love sheet Product: Love sheet
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What makes it awesome

  • Keep your messy play cleanup and stress-free with this fluid-resistant sex sheet.
  • Do squirting, sploshing, or even food fights in your bed or on the floor safely - this sheet won't leak a droplet
  • The black PVC seals all the mess that gets on it, plus the design contributes to a sleek and naughty look.
  • Simply wipe down the sheet after use for quick and easy maintenance and fold it away discreetly.

A closer look

Transform your bedroom (or your living room, kitchen, even backyard) with this shameless sex sheet, which not only protects your space from any kind of mess but also adds a sensual, even a little bit theatrical essence to your experience.

No matter how dirty your play gets, it'll catch all the lube, fluids, or bits and will make it super easy to clean up afterward.

Design / Material

Material: Phthalate Free PVC

Color: Black

Length: 85"

Width: 79"

Weight: 2 lb

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: EdenFantasys

Catalog ID: ET19131

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