Oral sex kit

I really love my wife

If your oral sex life has taken a turn for the worse because of the taste of your semen or your partner's, than Semenex could be a sex-saver. While it does work it comes with a very nasty price, literally. This is an expensive product that tastes absolutely disgusting but also happens to actually work. Weigh the pros and cons for yourself and proceed at your own risk.
Makes your semen actually taste sweeter.
A taste so disgusting it requires nothing but a multitude of adjectives to fully describe it.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I put myself through hell so that my cum would taste better for my wife but you know what? It meant guaranteed head and it meant she wouldn't complain about the taste. . . so maybe, I did it for myself too. Alright, fine, I know I did it for myself but I'm telling you, I risked life and limb for her.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Sammi
    Wow, you really DO love your wife Smile. Sounds like quite the experience!
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Snappy
    ROTFL! Great review. Thanks. It sounds like it would be easier to just eat pineapple, broccoli, ginger, etc. instead. And cheaper, too.
  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    LOL..great review.
    such sacrifices you guys make!!! LOL
  • Contributor: Average Joe
    Thank you Sam, Snap, and Mama. I do love her maybe she'll finally realize it. Winking
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    Sounds like more trouble than help, maybe having her suck on a sweet candy during fellatio would be more simple, lol. Drinking that stuff represents a LOT of love ideed. Excellent (and entertaining) review!
  • Contributor: Sexalicious K
    What a trooper! Good review.
  • Contributor: DreamyLove
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Rocky LaFemme
    LOL I really needed to laugh today. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust
    Your review made me chuckle but I have to admit that I didn't realize WHAT the product was or why you were drinking it until the middle of it. That just wasn't very clear to me.
  • Contributor: ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~
    Hahaha, excellent review!! I had never known what this stuff was until reading your article, I was thinking it was flavored lube or something when I saw it on the site & on the shelves. Do you think it would still taste like ass if you blended it into a fruit smoothie or something? It guess it's still a steep price for this product though - seems like some B Complex Vitamins at the health food store & a fresh pineapple would be the better route...
  • Contributor: Roxy
    WHAT A GREAT REVIEW YOU HAD ME IN STITCHES! My only qewsion is did you try it with anything besides water? Juice or Tea as suggested?
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    Great review! Thank you. I'd so totally make my boyfriend drink this if Eden sells it
  • Contributor: snowminx
    Wow so funny, sorry you had to go though that but I don't know what would taste worse, this or what your wife discribed your cum as tasting lol
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