Disabled accounts - cooling off period

Contributor: Gary Gary
We have temporarily disabled a few accounts today as a measure to help things cool off a bit. Most of these accounts will be reactivated next week, if the contributor would like to continue being a part of the Eden community.

We understand that emotions can run high, but we do not want our forums to be focused around one issue or one person just being endlessly debated. And we cannot expect staff to monitor the forum 24 hours a day, or always answer every question, no matter how loaded or insulting the question may be. It was getting to be too much, and that detracts from the majority of the people who are here to talk about sexuality, lifestyle, their day, toys, and whatever else they’d like.

This is an announcement, not a discussion. So please do not get upset about this thread not enabling response posts. We are not looking to create long-winded arguments on the forum. We just wanted to make an announcement so that everyone would know what is going on.

If you have questions, please email me at: gary@edenfantasys.com

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